Direktori : /home/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/plugins/system/debug/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/www/lightingrepublic.com.au/bkup/plugins/system/debug/debug.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Plugin * @subpackage System.Debug * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * Joomla! Debug plugin. * * @since 1.5 */ class PlgSystemDebug extends JPlugin { /** * xdebug.file_link_format from the php.ini. * * @var string * @since 1.7 */ protected $linkFormat = ''; /** * True if debug lang is on. * * @var boolean * @since 3.0 */ private $debugLang = false; /** * Holds log entries handled by the plugin. * * @var array * @since 3.1 */ private $logEntries = array(); /** * Holds SHOW PROFILES of queries. * * @var array * @since 3.1.2 */ private $sqlShowProfiles = array(); /** * Holds all SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY n, indexed by n-1. * * @var array * @since 3.1.2 */ private $sqlShowProfileEach = array(); /** * Holds all EXPLAIN EXTENDED for all queries. * * @var array * @since 3.1.2 */ private $explains = array(); /** * Holds total amount of executed queries. * * @var int * @since 3.2 */ private $totalQueries = 0; /** * Application object. * * @var JApplicationCms * @since 3.3 */ protected $app; /** * Constructor. * * @param object &$subject The object to observe. * @param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings. * * @since 1.5 */ public function __construct(&$subject, $config) { parent::__construct($subject, $config); // Log the deprecated API. if ($this->params->get('log-deprecated')) { JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'deprecated.php'), JLog::ALL, array('deprecated')); } // Log everything (except deprecated APIs, these are logged separately with the option above). if ($this->params->get('log-everything')) { JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'everything.php'), JLog::ALL, array('deprecated', 'databasequery'), true); } // Get the application if not done by JPlugin. This may happen during upgrades from Joomla 2.5. if (!$this->app) { $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); } $this->debugLang = $this->app->get('debug_lang'); // Skip the plugin if debug is off if ($this->debugLang == '0' && $this->app->get('debug') == '0') { return; } // Only if debugging or language debug is enabled. if (JDEBUG || $this->debugLang) { JFactory::getConfig()->set('gzip', 0); ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); } $this->linkFormat = ini_get('xdebug.file_link_format'); if ($this->params->get('logs', 1)) { $priority = 0; foreach ($this->params->get('log_priorities', array()) as $p) { $const = 'JLog::' . strtoupper($p); if (!defined($const)) { continue; } $priority |= constant($const); } // Split into an array at any character other than alphabet, numbers, _, ., or - $categories = array_filter(preg_split('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i', $this->params->get('log_categories', ''))); $mode = $this->params->get('log_category_mode', 0); JLog::addLogger(array('logger' => 'callback', 'callback' => array($this, 'logger')), $priority, $categories, $mode); } // Prepare disconnect handler for SQL profiling. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->addDisconnectHandler(array($this, 'mysqlDisconnectHandler')); } /** * Add the CSS for debug. * We can't do this in the constructor because stuff breaks. * * @return void * * @since 2.5 */ public function onAfterDispatch() { // Only if debugging or language debug is enabled. if ((JDEBUG || $this->debugLang) && $this->isAuthorisedDisplayDebug()) { JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'cms/debug.css', array(), true); } // Only if debugging is enabled for SQL query popovers. if (JDEBUG && $this->isAuthorisedDisplayDebug()) { JHtml::_('bootstrap.tooltip'); JHtml::_('bootstrap.popover', '.hasPopover', array('placement' => 'top')); } } /** * Show the debug info. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ public function onAfterRespond() { // Do not render if debugging or language debug is not enabled. if (!JDEBUG && !$this->debugLang) { return; } // User has to be authorised to see the debug information. if (!$this->isAuthorisedDisplayDebug()) { return; } // Only render for HTML output. if (JFactory::getDocument()->getType() !== 'html') { return; } // Capture output. $contents = ob_get_contents(); if ($contents) { ob_end_clean(); } // No debug for Safari and Chrome redirection. if (strstr(strtolower(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ""), 'webkit') !== false && substr($contents, 0, 50) == '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;') { echo $contents; return; } // Load language. $this->loadLanguage(); $html = array(); // Some "mousewheel protecting" JS. $html[] = "<script>function toggleContainer(name) { var e = document.getElementById(name);// MooTools might not be available ;) e.style.display = (e.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none'; }</script>"; $html[] = '<div id="system-debug" class="profiler">'; $html[] = '<h1>' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_TITLE') . '</h1>'; if (JDEBUG) { if (JError::getErrors()) { $html[] = $this->display('errors'); } $html[] = $this->display('session'); if ($this->params->get('profile', 1)) { $html[] = $this->display('profile_information'); } if ($this->params->get('memory', 1)) { $html[] = $this->display('memory_usage'); } if ($this->params->get('queries', 1)) { $html[] = $this->display('queries'); } if ($this->params->get('logs', 1) && !empty($this->logEntries)) { $html[] = $this->display('logs'); } } if ($this->debugLang) { if ($this->params->get('language_errorfiles', 1)) { $languageErrors = JFactory::getLanguage()->getErrorFiles(); $html[] = $this->display('language_files_in_error', $languageErrors); } if ($this->params->get('language_files', 1)) { $html[] = $this->display('language_files_loaded'); } if ($this->params->get('language_strings')) { $html[] = $this->display('untranslated_strings'); } } $html[] = '</div>'; echo str_replace('</body>', implode('', $html) . '</body>', $contents); } /** * Method to check if the current user is allowed to see the debug information or not. * * @return boolean True is access is allowed. * * @since 3.0 */ private function isAuthorisedDisplayDebug() { static $result = null; if (!is_null($result)) { return $result; } // If the user is not allowed to view the output then end here. $filterGroups = (array) $this->params->get('filter_groups', null); if (!empty($filterGroups)) { $userGroups = JFactory::getUser()->get('groups'); if (!array_intersect($filterGroups, $userGroups)) { $result = false; return false; } } $result = true; return true; } /** * General display method. * * @param string $item The item to display. * @param array $errors Errors occured during execution. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function display($item, array $errors = array()) { $title = JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_' . strtoupper($item)); $status = ''; if (count($errors)) { $status = ' dbg-error'; } $fncName = 'display' . ucfirst(str_replace('_', '', $item)); if (!method_exists($this, $fncName)) { return __METHOD__ . ' -- Unknown method: ' . $fncName . '<br />'; } $html = ''; $js = "toggleContainer('dbg_container_" . $item . "');"; $class = 'dbg-header' . $status; $html[] = '<div class="' . $class . '" onclick="' . $js . '"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><h3>' . $title . '</h3></a></div>'; // @todo set with js.. ? $style = ' style="display: none;"'; $html[] = '<div ' . $style . ' class="dbg-container" id="dbg_container_' . $item . '">'; $html[] = $this->$fncName(); $html[] = '</div>'; return implode('', $html); } /** * Display session information. * * Called recursively. * * @param string $key A session key. * @param mixed $session The session array, initially null. * @param integer $id Used to identify the DIV for the JavaScript toggling code. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displaySession($key = '', $session = null, $id = 0) { if (!$session) { $session = $_SESSION; } $html = array(); static $id; if (!is_array($session)) { $html[] = $key . ' ⇒' . $session . PHP_EOL; } else { foreach ($session as $sKey => $entries) { $display = true; if (is_array($entries) && $entries) { $display = false; } if (is_object($entries)) { $o = JArrayHelper::fromObject($entries); if ($o) { $entries = $o; $display = false; } } if (!$display) { $js = "toggleContainer('dbg_container_session" . $id . '_' . $sKey . "');"; $html[] = '<div class="dbg-header" onclick="' . $js . '"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><h3>' . $sKey . '</h3></a></div>'; // @todo set with js.. ? $style = ' style="display: none;"'; $html[] = '<div ' . $style . ' class="dbg-container" id="dbg_container_session' . $id . '_' . $sKey . '">'; $id++; // Recurse... $this->displaySession($sKey, $entries, $id); $html[] = '</div>'; continue; } if (is_array($entries)) { $entries = implode($entries); } if (is_string($entries)) { $html[] = '<code>'; $html[] = $sKey . ' ⇒ ' . $entries . '<br />'; $html[] = '</code>'; } } } return implode('', $html); } /** * Display errors. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayErrors() { $html = array(); $html[] = '<ol>'; while ($error = JError::getError(true)) { $col = (E_WARNING == $error->get('level')) ? 'red' : 'orange'; $html[] = '<li>'; $html[] = '<b style="color: ' . $col . '">' . $error->getMessage() . '</b><br />'; $info = $error->get('info'); if ($info) { $html[] = '<pre>' . print_r($info, true) . '</pre><br />'; } $html[] = $this->renderBacktrace($error); $html[] = '</li>'; } $html[] = '</ol>'; return implode('', $html); } /** * Display profile information. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayProfileInformation() { $html = array(); $htmlMarks = array(); $totalTime = 0; $totalMem = 0; $marks = array(); foreach (JProfiler::getInstance('Application')->getMarks() as $mark) { $totalTime += $mark->time; $totalMem += $mark->memory; $htmlMark = sprintf( JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_TIME') . ': <span class="label label-time">%.1f ms</span> / <span class="label label-default">%.1f ms</span>' . ' ' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY') . ': <span class="label label-memory">%0.3f MB</span> / <span class="label label-default">%0.2f MB</span>' . ' %s: %s', $mark->time, $mark->totalTime, $mark->memory, $mark->totalMemory, $mark->prefix, $mark->label ); $marks[] = (object) array( 'time' => $mark->time, 'memory' => $mark->memory, 'html' => $htmlMark, 'tip' => $mark->label ); } $avgTime = $totalTime / count($marks); $avgMem = $totalMem / count($marks); foreach ($marks as $mark) { if ($mark->time > $avgTime * 1.5) { $barClass = 'bar-danger'; $labelClass = 'label-important label-danger'; } elseif ($mark->time < $avgTime / 1.5) { $barClass = 'bar-success'; $labelClass = 'label-success'; } else { $barClass = 'bar-warning'; $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } if ($mark->memory > $avgMem * 1.5) { $barClassMem = 'bar-danger'; $labelClassMem = 'label-important label-danger'; } elseif ($mark->memory < $avgMem / 1.5) { $barClassMem = 'bar-success'; $labelClassMem = 'label-success'; } else { $barClassMem = 'bar-warning'; $labelClassMem = 'label-warning'; } $barClass .= " progress-$barClass"; $barClassMem .= " progress-$barClassMem"; $bars[] = (object) array( 'width' => round($mark->time / ($totalTime / 100), 4), 'class' => $barClass, 'tip' => $mark->tip ); $barsMem[] = (object) array( 'width' => round($mark->memory / ($totalMem / 100), 4), 'class' => $barClassMem, 'tip' => $mark->tip ); $htmlMarks[] = '<div>' . str_replace('label-time', $labelClass, str_replace('label-memory', $labelClassMem, $mark->html)) . '</div>'; } $html[] = '<h4>' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_TIME') . '</h4>'; $html[] = $this->renderBars($bars, 'profile'); $html[] = '<h4>' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY') . '</h4>'; $html[] = $this->renderBars($barsMem, 'profile'); $html[] = '<div class="dbg-profile-list">' . implode('', $htmlMarks) . '</div>'; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $log = $db->getLog(); if ($log) { $timings = $db->getTimings(); if ($timings) { $totalQueryTime = 0.0; $lastStart = null; foreach ($timings as $k => $v) { if (!($k % 2)) { $lastStart = $v; } else { $totalQueryTime += $v - $lastStart; } } $totalQueryTime = $totalQueryTime * 1000; if ($totalQueryTime > ($totalTime * 0.25)) { $labelClass = 'label-important'; } elseif ($totalQueryTime < ($totalTime * 0.15)) { $labelClass = 'label-success'; } else { $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } $html[] = '<br /><div>' . JText::sprintf( 'PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES_TIME', sprintf('<span class="label ' . $labelClass . '">%.1f ms</span>', $totalQueryTime) ) . '</div>'; if ($this->params->get('log-executed-sql', '0')) { $this->writeToFile(); } } } return implode('', $html); } /** * Display memory usage. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayMemoryUsage() { $bytes = memory_get_usage(); return '<span class="label label-default">' . JHtml::_('number.bytes', $bytes) . '</span>' . ' (<span class="label label-default">' . number_format($bytes, 0, JText::_('DECIMALS_SEPARATOR'), JText::_('THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR')) . ' ' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_BYTES') . '</span>)'; } /** * Display logged queries. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayQueries() { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $log = $db->getLog(); if (!$log) { return null; } $timings = $db->getTimings(); $callStacks = $db->getCallStacks(); $db->setDebug(false); $selectQueryTypeTicker = array(); $otherQueryTypeTicker = array(); $timing = array(); $maxtime = 0; if (isset($timings[0])) { $startTime = $timings[0]; $endTime = $timings[count($timings) - 1]; $totalBargraphTime = $endTime - $startTime; if ($totalBargraphTime > 0) { foreach ($log as $id => $query) { if (isset($timings[$id * 2 + 1])) { // Compute the query time: $timing[$k] = array( queryTime, timeBetweenQueries ). $timing[$id] = array(($timings[$id * 2 + 1] - $timings[$id * 2]) * 1000, $id > 0 ? ($timings[$id * 2] - $timings[$id * 2 - 1]) * 1000 : 0); $maxtime = max($maxtime, $timing[$id]['0']); } } } } else { $startTime = null; $totalBargraphTime = 1; } $bars = array(); $info = array(); $totalQueryTime = 0; $duplicates = array(); foreach ($log as $id => $query) { $did = md5($query); if (!isset($duplicates[$did])) { $duplicates[$did] = array(); } $duplicates[$did][] = $id; if ($timings && isset($timings[$id * 2 + 1])) { // Compute the query time. $queryTime = ($timings[$id * 2 + 1] - $timings[$id * 2]) * 1000; $totalQueryTime += $queryTime; // Run an EXPLAIN EXTENDED query on the SQL query if possible. $hasWarnings = false; $hasWarningsInProfile = false; if (isset($this->explains[$id])) { $explain = $this->tableToHtml($this->explains[$id], $hasWarnings); } else { $explain = JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_EXPLAIN_NOT_POSSIBLE', htmlspecialchars($query)); } // Run a SHOW PROFILE query. $profile = ''; if (in_array($db->name, array('mysqli', 'mysql', 'pdomysql'))) { if (isset($this->sqlShowProfileEach[$id])) { $profileTable = $this->sqlShowProfileEach[$id]; $profile = $this->tableToHtml($profileTable, $hasWarningsInProfile); } } // How heavy should the string length count: 0 - 1. $ratio = 0.5; $timeScore = $queryTime / ((strlen($query) + 1) * $ratio) * 200; // Determine color of bargraph depending on query speed and presence of warnings in EXPLAIN. if ($timeScore > 10) { $barClass = 'bar-danger'; $labelClass = 'label-important'; } elseif ($hasWarnings || $timeScore > 5) { $barClass = 'bar-warning'; $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } else { $barClass = 'bar-success'; $labelClass = 'label-success'; } // Computes bargraph as follows: Position begin and end of the bar relatively to whole execution time. $prevBar = ($id && isset($bars[$id - 1])) ? $bars[$id - 1] : 0; $barPre = round($timing[$id][1] / ($totalBargraphTime * 10), 4); $barWidth = round($timing[$id][0] / ($totalBargraphTime * 10), 4); $minWidth = 0.3; if ($barWidth < $minWidth) { $barPre -= ($minWidth - $barWidth); if ($barPre < 0) { $minWidth += $barPre; $barPre = 0; } $barWidth = $minWidth; } $bars[$id] = (object) array( 'class' => $barClass, 'width' => $barWidth, 'pre' => $barPre, 'tip' => sprintf('%.2f ms', $queryTime) ); $info[$id] = (object) array( 'class' => $labelClass, 'explain' => $explain, 'profile' => $profile, 'hasWarnings' => $hasWarnings ); } } // Remove single queries from $duplicates. $total_duplicates = 0; foreach ($duplicates as $did => $dups) { if (count($dups) < 2) { unset($duplicates[$did]); } else { $total_duplicates += count($dups); } } // Fix first bar width. $minWidth = 0.3; if ($bars[0]->width < $minWidth && isset($bars[1])) { $bars[1]->pre -= ($minWidth - $bars[0]->width); if ($bars[1]->pre < 0) { $minWidth += $bars[1]->pre; $bars[1]->pre = 0; } $bars[0]->width = $minWidth; } $memoryUsageNow = memory_get_usage(); $list = array(); foreach ($log as $id => $query) { // Start query type ticker additions. $fromStart = stripos($query, 'from'); $whereStart = stripos($query, 'where', $fromStart); if ($whereStart === false) { $whereStart = stripos($query, 'order by', $fromStart); } if ($whereStart === false) { $whereStart = strlen($query) - 1; } $fromString = substr($query, 0, $whereStart); $fromString = str_replace("\t", " ", $fromString); $fromString = str_replace("\n", " ", $fromString); $fromString = trim($fromString); // Initialise the select/other query type counts the first time. if (!isset($selectQueryTypeTicker[$fromString])) { $selectQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] = 0; } if (!isset($otherQueryTypeTicker[$fromString])) { $otherQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] = 0; } // Increment the count. if (stripos($query, 'select') === 0) { $selectQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] = $selectQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] + 1; unset($otherQueryTypeTicker[$fromString]); } else { $otherQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] = $otherQueryTypeTicker[$fromString] + 1; unset($selectQueryTypeTicker[$fromString]); } $text = $this->highlightQuery($query); if ($timings && isset($timings[$id * 2 + 1])) { // Compute the query time. $queryTime = ($timings[$id * 2 + 1] - $timings[$id * 2]) * 1000; // Timing // Formats the output for the query time with EXPLAIN query results as tooltip: $htmlTiming = '<div style="margin: 0px 0 5px;"><span class="dbg-query-time">'; $htmlTiming .= JText::sprintf( 'PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TIME', sprintf( '<span class="label %s">%.2f ms</span>', $info[$id]->class, $timing[$id]['0'] ) ); if ($timing[$id]['1']) { $htmlTiming .= ' ' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_AFTER_LAST', sprintf('<span class="label label-default">%.2f ms</span>', $timing[$id]['1']) ); } $htmlTiming .= '</span>'; if (isset($callStacks[$id][0]['memory'])) { $memoryUsed = $callStacks[$id][0]['memory'][1] - $callStacks[$id][0]['memory'][0]; $memoryBeforeQuery = $callStacks[$id][0]['memory'][0]; // Determine colour of query memory usage. if ($memoryUsed > 0.1 * $memoryUsageNow) { $labelClass = 'label-important'; } elseif ($memoryUsed > 0.05 * $memoryUsageNow) { $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } else { $labelClass = 'label-success'; } $htmlTiming .= ' ' . '<span class="dbg-query-memory">' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_MEMORY_USED_FOR_QUERY', sprintf('<span class="label ' . $labelClass . '">%.3f MB</span>', $memoryUsed / 1048576), sprintf('<span class="label label-default">%.3f MB</span>', $memoryBeforeQuery / 1048576) ) . '</span>'; if ($callStacks[$id][0]['memory'][2] !== null) { // Determine colour of number or results. $resultsReturned = $callStacks[$id][0]['memory'][2]; if ($resultsReturned > 3000) { $labelClass = 'label-important'; } elseif ($resultsReturned > 1000) { $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } elseif ($resultsReturned == 0) { $labelClass = ''; } else { $labelClass = 'label-success'; } $htmlResultsReturned = '<span class="label ' . $labelClass . '">' . (int) $resultsReturned . '</span>'; $htmlTiming .= ' <span class="dbg-query-rowsnumber">' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_ROWS_RETURNED_BY_QUERY', $htmlResultsReturned) . '</span>'; } } $htmlTiming .= '</div>'; // Bar. $htmlBar = $this->renderBars($bars, 'query', $id); // Profile query. $title = JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_PROFILE'); if (!$info[$id]->profile) { $title = '<span class="dbg-noprofile">' . $title . '</span>'; } $htmlProfile = ($info[$id]->profile ? $info[$id]->profile : JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_NO_PROFILE')); // Backtrace and call stack. $htmlCallStack = ''; if (isset($callStacks[$id])) { $htmlCallStackElements = array(); foreach ($callStacks[$id] as $functionCall) { if (isset($functionCall['file']) && isset($functionCall['line']) && (strpos($functionCall['file'], '/libraries/joomla/database/') === false)) { $htmlFile = htmlspecialchars($functionCall['file']); $htmlLine = htmlspecialchars($functionCall['line']); $htmlCallStackElements[] = '<span class="dbg-log-called-from">' . $this->formatLink($htmlFile, $htmlLine) . '</span>'; } } $htmlCallStack = '<div class="dbg-query-table"><div>' . implode('</div><div>', $htmlCallStackElements) . '</div></div>'; if (!$this->linkFormat) { $htmlCallStack .= '<div>[<a href="http://xdebug.org/docs/all_settings#file_link_format" target="_blank">'; $htmlCallStack .= JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_LINK_FORMAT') . '</a>]</div>'; } } $htmlAccordions = JHtml::_( 'bootstrap.startAccordion', 'dbg_query_' . $id, array( 'active' => ($info[$id]->hasWarnings ? ('dbg_query_explain_' . $id) : '') ) ); $htmlAccordions .= JHtml::_('bootstrap.addSlide', 'dbg_query_' . $id, JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_EXPLAIN'), 'dbg_query_explain_' . $id) . $info[$id]->explain . JHtml::_('bootstrap.endSlide'); $htmlAccordions .= JHtml::_('bootstrap.addSlide', 'dbg_query_' . $id, $title, 'dbg_query_profile_' . $id) . $htmlProfile . JHtml::_('bootstrap.endSlide'); if ($htmlCallStack) { $htmlAccordions .= JHtml::_('bootstrap.addSlide', 'dbg_query_' . $id, JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_CALL_STACK'), 'dbg_query_callstack_' . $id) . $htmlCallStack . JHtml::_('bootstrap.endSlide'); } $htmlAccordions .= JHtml::_('bootstrap.endAccordion'); $did = md5($query); if (isset($duplicates[$did])) { $dups = array(); foreach ($duplicates[$did] as $dup) { if ($dup != $id) { $dups[] = '<a href="#dbg-query-' . ($dup + 1) . '">#' . ($dup + 1) . '</a>'; } } $htmlQuery = '<div class="alert alert-error">' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES') . ': ' . implode(' ', $dups) . '</div>' . '<pre class="alert hasTooltip" title="' . JHtml::tooltipText('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_FOUND') . '">' . $text . '</pre>'; } else { $htmlQuery = '<pre>' . $text . '</pre>'; } $list[] = '<a name="dbg-query-' . ($id + 1) . '"></a>' . $htmlTiming . $htmlBar . $htmlQuery . $htmlAccordions; } else { $list[] = '<pre>' . $text . '</pre>'; } } $totalTime = 0; foreach (JProfiler::getInstance('Application')->getMarks() as $mark) { $totalTime += $mark->time; } if ($totalQueryTime > ($totalTime * 0.25)) { $labelClass = 'label-important'; } elseif ($totalQueryTime < ($totalTime * 0.15)) { $labelClass = 'label-success'; } else { $labelClass = 'label-warning'; } if ($this->totalQueries == 0) { $this->totalQueries = $db->getCount(); } $html = array(); $html[] = '<h4>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERIES_LOGGED', $this->totalQueries) . sprintf(' <span class="label ' . $labelClass . '">%.1f ms</span>', ($totalQueryTime)) . '</h4><br />'; if ($total_duplicates) { $html[] = '<div class="alert alert-error">' . '<h4>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_TOTAL_NUMBER', $total_duplicates) . '</h4>'; foreach ($duplicates as $dups) { $links = array(); foreach ($dups as $dup) { $links[] = '<a href="#dbg-query-' . ($dup + 1) . '">#' . ($dup + 1) . '</a>'; } $html[] = '<div>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_DUPLICATES_NUMBER', count($links)) . ': ' . implode(' ', $links) . '</div>'; } $html[] = '</div>'; } $html[] = '<ol><li>' . implode('<hr /></li><li>', $list) . '<hr /></li></ol>'; if (!$this->params->get('query_types', 1)) { return implode('', $html); } // Get the totals for the query types. $totalSelectQueryTypes = count($selectQueryTypeTicker); $totalOtherQueryTypes = count($otherQueryTypeTicker); $totalQueryTypes = $totalSelectQueryTypes + $totalOtherQueryTypes; $html[] = '<h4>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPES_LOGGED', $totalQueryTypes) . '</h4>'; if ($totalSelectQueryTypes) { $html[] = '<h5>' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_SELECT_QUERIES') . '</h5>'; arsort($selectQueryTypeTicker); $list = array(); foreach ($selectQueryTypeTicker as $query => $occurrences) { $list[] = '<pre>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPE_AND_OCCURRENCES', $this->highlightQuery($query), $occurrences) . '</pre>'; } $html[] = '<ol><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $list) . '</li></ol>'; } if ($totalOtherQueryTypes) { $html[] = '<h5>' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_OTHER_QUERIES') . '</h5>'; arsort($otherQueryTypeTicker); $list = array(); foreach ($otherQueryTypeTicker as $query => $occurrences) { $list[] = '<pre>' . JText::sprintf('PLG_DEBUG_QUERY_TYPE_AND_OCCURRENCES', $this->highlightQuery($query), $occurrences) . '</pre>'; } $html[] = '<ol><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $list) . '</li></ol>'; } return implode('', $html); } /** * Render the bars. * * @param array &$bars Array of bar data * @param string $class Optional class for items * @param integer $id Id if the bar to highlight * * @return string * * @since 3.1.2 */ protected function renderBars(&$bars, $class = '', $id = null) { $html = array(); foreach ($bars as $i => $bar) { if (isset($bar->pre) && $bar->pre) { $html[] = '<div class="dbg-bar-spacer" style="width:' . $bar->pre . '%;"></div>'; } $barClass = trim('bar dbg-bar progress-bar ' . (isset($bar->class) ? $bar->class : '')); if ($id !== null && $i == $id) { $barClass .= ' dbg-bar-active'; } $tip = ''; if (isset($bar->tip) && $bar->tip) { $barClass .= ' hasTooltip'; $tip = JHtml::tooltipText($bar->tip, '', 0); } $html[] = '<a class="bar dbg-bar ' . $barClass . '" title="' . $tip . '" style="width: ' . $bar->width . '%;" href="#dbg-' . $class . '-' . ($i + 1) . '"></a>'; } return '<div class="progress dbg-bars dbg-bars-' . $class . '">' . implode('', $html) . '</div>'; } /** * Render an HTML table based on a multi-dimensional array. * * @param array $table An array of tabular data. * @param boolean &$hasWarnings Changes value to true if warnings are displayed, otherwise untouched * * @return string * * @since 3.1.2 */ protected function tableToHtml($table, &$hasWarnings) { if (!$table) { return null; } $html = array(); $html[] = '<table class="table table-striped dbg-query-table"><tr>'; foreach (array_keys($table[0]) as $k) { $html[] = '<th>' . htmlspecialchars($k) . '</th>'; } $html[] = '</tr>'; $durations = array(); foreach ($table as $tr) { if (isset($tr['Duration'])) { $durations[] = $tr['Duration']; } } rsort($durations, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($table as $tr) { $html[] = '<tr>'; foreach ($tr as $k => $td) { if ($td === null) { // Display null's as 'NULL'. $td = 'NULL'; } // Treat special columns. if ($k == 'Duration') { if ($td >= 0.001 && ($td == $durations[0] || (isset($durations[1]) && $td == $durations[1]))) { // Duration column with duration value of more than 1 ms and within 2 top duration in SQL engine: Highlight warning. $html[] = '<td class="dbg-warning">'; $hasWarnings = true; } else { $html[] = '<td>'; } // Display duration in milliseconds with the unit instead of seconds. $html[] = sprintf('%.1f ms', $td * 1000); } elseif ($k == 'Error') { // An error in the EXPLAIN query occured, display it instead of the result (means original query had syntax error most probably). $html[] = '<td class="dbg-warning">' . htmlspecialchars($td); $hasWarnings = true; } elseif ($k == 'key') { if ($td === 'NULL') { // Displays query parts which don't use a key with warning: $html[] = '<td><strong>' . '<span class="dbg-warning hasTooltip" title="' . JHtml::tooltipText('PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_NO_INDEX_DESC') . '">' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_NO_INDEX') . '</span>' . '</strong>'; $hasWarnings = true; } else { $html[] = '<td><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($td) . '</strong>'; } } elseif ($k == 'Extra') { $htmlTd = htmlspecialchars($td); // Replace spaces with (non-breaking spaces) for less tall tables displayed. $htmlTd = preg_replace('/([^;]) /', '\1 ', $htmlTd); // Displays warnings for "Using filesort": $htmlTdWithWarnings = str_replace( 'Using filesort', '<span class="dbg-warning hasTooltip" title="' . JHtml::tooltipText('PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_USING_FILESORT_DESC') . '">' . JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_WARNING_USING_FILESORT') . '</span>', $htmlTd ); if ($htmlTdWithWarnings !== $htmlTd) { $hasWarnings = true; } $html[] = '<td>' . $htmlTdWithWarnings; } else { $html[] = '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($td); } $html[] = '</td>'; } $html[] = '</tr>'; } $html[] = '</table>'; return implode('', $html); } /** * Disconnect handler for database to collect profiling and explain information. * * @param JDatabaseDriver &$db Database object. * * @return void * * @since 3.1.2 */ public function mysqlDisconnectHandler(&$db) { $db->setDebug(false); $this->totalQueries = $db->getCount(); $dbVersion5037 = (strpos($db->name, 'mysql') !== false) && version_compare($db->getVersion(), '5.0.37', '>='); if ($dbVersion5037) { try { // Check if profiling is enabled. $db->setQuery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_profiling'"); $hasProfiling = $db->loadResult(); if ($hasProfiling) { // Run a SHOW PROFILE query. $db->setQuery('SHOW PROFILES'); $this->sqlShowProfiles = $db->loadAssocList(); if ($this->sqlShowProfiles) { foreach ($this->sqlShowProfiles as $qn) { // Run SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY for each query where a profile is available (max 100). $db->setQuery('SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY ' . (int) ($qn['Query_ID'])); $this->sqlShowProfileEach[(int) ($qn['Query_ID'] - 1)] = $db->loadAssocList(); } } } else { $this->sqlShowProfileEach[0] = array(array('Error' => 'MySql have_profiling = off')); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->sqlShowProfileEach[0] = array(array('Error' => $e->getMessage())); } } if (in_array($db->name, array('mysqli', 'mysql', 'pdomysql', 'postgresql'))) { $log = $db->getLog(); foreach ($log as $k => $query) { $dbVersion56 = (strpos($db->name, 'mysql') !== false) && version_compare($db->getVersion(), '5.6', '>='); if ((stripos($query, 'select') === 0) || ($dbVersion56 && ((stripos($query, 'delete') === 0) || (stripos($query, 'update') === 0)))) { try { $db->setQuery('EXPLAIN ' . ($dbVersion56 ? 'EXTENDED ' : '') . $query); $this->explains[$k] = $db->loadAssocList(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->explains[$k] = array(array('Error' => $e->getMessage())); } } } } } /** * Displays errors in language files. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayLanguageFilesInError() { $errorfiles = JFactory::getLanguage()->getErrorFiles(); if (!count($errorfiles)) { return '<p>' . JText::_('JNONE') . '</p>'; } $html = array(); $html[] = '<ul>'; foreach ($errorfiles as $file => $error) { $html[] = '<li>' . $this->formatLink($file) . str_replace($file, '', $error) . '</li>'; } $html[] = '</ul>'; return implode('', $html); } /** * Display loaded language files. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayLanguageFilesLoaded() { $html = array(); $html[] = '<ul>'; foreach (JFactory::getLanguage()->getPaths() as /* $extension => */ $files) { foreach ($files as $file => $status) { $html[] = '<li>'; $html[] = ($status) ? JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_LANG_LOADED') : JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_LANG_NOT_LOADED'); $html[] = ' : '; $html[] = $this->formatLink($file); $html[] = '</li>'; } } $html[] = '</ul>'; return implode('', $html); } /** * Display untranslated language strings. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function displayUntranslatedStrings() { $stripFirst = $this->params->get('strip-first'); $stripPref = $this->params->get('strip-prefix'); $stripSuff = $this->params->get('strip-suffix'); $orphans = JFactory::getLanguage()->getOrphans(); if (!count($orphans)) { return '<p>' . JText::_('JNONE') . '</p>'; } ksort($orphans, SORT_STRING); $guesses = array(); foreach ($orphans as $key => $occurance) { if (is_array($occurance) && isset($occurance[0])) { $info = $occurance[0]; $file = ($info['file']) ? $info['file'] : ''; if (!isset($guesses[$file])) { $guesses[$file] = array(); } // Prepare the key. if (($pos = strpos($info['string'], '=')) > 0) { $parts = explode('=', $info['string']); $key = $parts[0]; $guess = $parts[1]; } else { $guess = str_replace('_', ' ', $info['string']); if ($stripFirst) { $parts = explode(' ', $guess); if (count($parts) > 1) { array_shift($parts); $guess = implode(' ', $parts); } } $guess = trim($guess); if ($stripPref) { $guess = trim(preg_replace(chr(1) . '^' . $stripPref . chr(1) . 'i', '', $guess)); } if ($stripSuff) { $guess = trim(preg_replace(chr(1) . $stripSuff . '$' . chr(1) . 'i', '', $guess)); } } $key = trim(strtoupper($key)); $key = preg_replace('#\s+#', '_', $key); $key = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $key); // Prepare the text. $guesses[$file][] = $key . '="' . $guess . '"'; } } $html = array(); foreach ($guesses as $file => $keys) { $html[] = "\n\n# " . ($file ? $this->formatLink($file) : JText::_('PLG_DEBUG_UNKNOWN_FILE')) . "\n\n"; $html[] = implode("\n", $keys); } return '<pre>' . implode('', $html) . '</pre>'; } /** * Simple highlight for SQL queries. * * @param string $query The query to highlight. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function highlightQuery($query) { $newlineKeywords = '#\b(FROM|LEFT|INNER|OUTER|WHERE|SET|VALUES|ORDER|GROUP|HAVING|LIMIT|ON|AND|CASE)\b#i'; $query = htmlspecialchars($query, ENT_QUOTES); $query = preg_replace($newlineKeywords, '<br />  \\0', $query); $regex = array( // Tables are identified by the prefix. '/(=)/' => '<b class="dbg-operator">$1</b>', // All uppercase words have a special meaning. '/(?<!\w|>)([A-Z_]{2,})(?!\w)/x' => '<span class="dbg-command">$1</span>', // Tables are identified by the prefix. '/(' . JFactory::getDbo()->getPrefix() . '[a-z_0-9]+)/' => '<span class="dbg-table">$1</span>' ); $query = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), array_values($regex), $query); $query = str_replace('*', '<b style="color: red;">*</b>', $query); return $query; } /** * Render the backtrace. * * Stolen from JError to prevent it's removal. * * @param Exception $error The Exception object to be rendered. * * @return string Rendered backtrace. * * @since 2.5 */ protected function renderBacktrace($error) { $backtrace = $error->getTrace(); $html = array(); if (is_array($backtrace)) { $j = 1; $html[] = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $html[] = '<tr>'; $html[] = '<td colspan="3"><strong>Call stack</strong></td>'; $html[] = '</tr>'; $html[] = '<tr>'; $html[] = '<th>#</th>'; $html[] = '<th>Function</th>'; $html[] = '<th>Location</th>'; $html[] = '</tr>'; for ($i = count($backtrace) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $link = ' '; if (isset($backtrace[$i]['file'])) { $link = $this->formatLink($backtrace[$i]['file'], $backtrace[$i]['line']); } $html[] = '<tr>'; $html[] = '<td>' . $j . '</td>'; if (isset($backtrace[$i]['class'])) { $html[] = '<td>' . $backtrace[$i]['class'] . $backtrace[$i]['type'] . $backtrace[$i]['function'] . '()</td>'; } else { $html[] = '<td>' . $backtrace[$i]['function'] . '()</td>'; } $html[] = '<td>' . $link . '</td>'; $html[] = '</tr>'; $j++; } $html[] = '</table>'; } return implode('', $html); } /** * Replaces the Joomla! root with "JROOT" to improve readability. * Formats a link with a special value xdebug.file_link_format * from the php.ini file. * * @param string $file The full path to the file. * @param string $line The line number. * * @return string * * @since 2.5 */ protected function formatLink($file, $line = '') { $link = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, 'JROOT', $file); $link .= ($line) ? ':' . $line : ''; if ($this->linkFormat) { $href = $this->linkFormat; $href = str_replace('%f', $file, $href); $href = str_replace('%l', $line, $href); $html = '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $link . '</a>'; } else { $html = $link; } return $html; } /** * Store log messages so they can be displayed later. * This function is passed log entries by JLogLoggerCallback. * * @param JLogEntry $entry A log entry. * * @return void * * @since 3.1 */ public function logger(JLogEntry $entry) { $this->logEntries[] = $entry; } /** * Display log messages. * * @return string * * @since 3.1 */ protected function displayLogs() { $priorities = array( JLog::EMERGENCY => 'EMERGENCY', JLog::ALERT => 'ALERT', JLog::CRITICAL => 'CRITICAL', JLog::ERROR => 'ERROR', JLog::WARNING => 'WARNING', JLog::NOTICE => 'NOTICE', JLog::INFO => 'INFO', JLog::DEBUG => 'DEBUG' ); $out = array(); foreach ($this->logEntries as $entry) { $out[] = '<h5>' . $priorities[$entry->priority] . ' - ' . $entry->category . ' </h5><code>' . $entry->message . '</code>'; } return implode('<br /><br />', $out); } /** * Write query to the log file * * @return void * * @since 3.5 */ protected function writeToFile() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $domain = str_replace(' ', '_', $conf->get('sitename', 'site')); if ($app->isSite()) { $alias = $app->getMenu()->getActive()->alias; $id = $app->getMenu()->getActive()->id; $file = $alias . $id . '.sql'; $file = $app->get('log_path') . '/' . $domain . '_' . $file; } else { $input = $app->input; $file = $input->get('option') . $input->get('view') . $input->get('layout') . '.sql'; $file = $app->get('log_path') . '/' . $domain . '_' . $file; } $current = ''; $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $log = $db->getLog(); $timings = $db->getTimings(); foreach ($log as $id => $query) { if (isset($timings[$id * 2 + 1])) { $temp = str_replace('`', '', $log[$id]); $temp = str_replace("\t", " ", $temp); $temp = str_replace("\n", " ", $temp); $current .= str_replace("\r\n", " ", $temp) . ";\n"; } } if (JFile::exists($file)) { JFile::delete($file); } // Write new file. JFile::write($file, $current); } }