Mini Shell
Mini Shell
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* JImageManager behavior for media component
* @package Joomla.Extensions
* @subpackage Media
* @since 1.5
(function ($, doc)
'use strict';
window.ImageManager = {
* Initialization
* @return void
initialize: function ()
var o = this.getUriObject(window.self.location.href),
q = this.getQueryObject(o.query);
this.editor = decodeURIComponent(q.e_name);
// Setup image manager fields object
this.fields = {
'url': doc.getElementById("f_url"),
'alt': doc.getElementById("f_alt"),
'align': doc.getElementById("f_align"),
'title': doc.getElementById("f_title"),
'caption': doc.getElementById("f_caption"),
'c_class': doc.getElementById("f_caption_class")
// Setup image listing objects
this.folderlist = doc.getElementById('folderlist');
this.frame = window.frames.imageframe;
this.frameurl = this.frame.location.href;
// Setup image listing frame
$('#imageframe').on('load', function ()
// Setup folder up button
$('#upbutton').off('click').on('click', function ()
* Called when the iframe is reloaded.
* Updates the form action with the correct folder.
* This should really be a hidden input rather than part of the action, no?
* @return void
onloadimageview: function ()
var folder = this.getImageFolder(),
$form = $('#uploadForm'),
portString = '', a, q;
// Update the frame url
this.frameurl = this.frame.location.href;
a = this.getUriObject($form.attr('action'));
q = this.getQueryObject(a.query);
q.folder = folder;
a.query = $.param(q);
if (typeof (a.port) !== 'undefined' && a.port != 80)
portString = ':' + a.port;
$form.attr('action', a.scheme + '://' + a.domain + portString + a.path + '?' + a.query);
* Get the current directory based on the query string of the iframe
* @return string
getImageFolder: function ()
return this.getQueryObject(this.frame.location.search.substring(1)).folder;
* Called from outside when the 'OK' button (maybe 'insert' or 'submit', whatever) is clicked.
* @return boolean Always true
onok: function ()
var tag = '',
attr = [],
figclass = '',
captionclass = '',
// Get the image tag field information
url = this.fields.url.value,
alt = this.fields.alt.value,
align = this.fields.align.value,
title = this.fields.title.value,
caption = this.fields.caption.value,
c_class = this.fields.c_class.value;
if (url)
// Set alt attribute
attr.push('alt="' + alt + '"');
// Set align attribute
if (align && !caption)
attr.push('class="pull-' + align + '"');
// Set title attribute
if (title)
attr.push('title="' + title + '"');
tag = '<img src="' + url + '" ' + attr.join(' ') + '/>';
// Process caption
if (caption)
if (align)
figclass = ' class="pull-' + align + '"';
if (c_class)
captionclass = ' class="' + c_class + '"';
tag = '<figure' + figclass + '>' + tag + '<figcaption' + captionclass + '>' + caption + '</figcaption></figure>';
window.parent.jInsertEditorText(tag, this.editor);
return true;
* Called from outside when the directory selector is used.
* @param string folder The folder to switch to
* @param mixed asset Probably an integer or undefined, optional
* @param mixed author Probably an integer or undefined, optional
* @return void
setFolder: function (folder, asset, author)
for (var i = 0, l = this.folderlist.length; i < l; i++)
if (folder == this.folderlist.options[i].value)
this.folderlist.selectedIndex = i;
.trigger('liszt:updated') // Mootools
.trigger('chosen:updated'); // jQuery
if (!!asset || !!author)
this.setFrameUrl(folder, asset, author);
* Move up one directory
* @return void
upFolder: function ()
var path = this.folderlist.value.split('/'),
search = path.join('/');
* Called from outside when a file is selected
* @param string file Relative path to the file.
* @return void
populateFields: function (file)
$("#f_url").val(image_base_path + file);
* Not used.
* Should display messages. There are none.
* @param string text The message text
* @return void
showMessage: function (text)
var $message = $('#message');
$('#messages').css('display', 'block');
* Not used.
* Refreshes the iframe
* @return void
refreshFrame: function ()
this.frame.location.href = this.frameurl;
* Sets the iframe url, loading a new page. Usually for changing directory.
* @param string folder Relative path to directory
* @param mixed asset Probably an integer or undefined, optional
* @param mixed author Probably an integer or undefined, optional
setFrameUrl: function (folder, asset, author)
var qs = {
option: 'com_media',
view: 'imagesList',
tmpl: 'component',
asset: asset,
author: author
// Don't run folder through params because / will end up double encoded.
this.frameurl = 'index.php?' + $.param(qs) + '&folder=' + folder;
this.frame.location.href = this.frameurl;
* Convert a query string to an object
* @param string q A query string (no leading ?)
* @return object
getQueryObject: function (q)
var rs = {};
$.each((q || '').split(/[&;]/), function (key, val)
var keys = val.split('=');
rs[keys[0]] = keys.length == 2 ? keys[1] : null;
return rs;
* Break a url into its component parts
* @param string u URL
* @return object
getUriObject: function (u)
var bitsAssociate = {},
bits = u.match(/^(?:([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?(([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[\?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/);
$.each(['uri', 'scheme', 'authority', 'domain', 'port', 'path', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'fragment'], function (key, index)
bitsAssociate[index] = (!!bits && !!bits[key]) ? bits[key] : '';
return bitsAssociate;
$(function ()
}(jQuery, document));
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0