Current File : /home/lightco1/
* @package FOF
* @copyright 2010-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd
* @license GNU GPL version 2 or later
namespace FOF30\Update;
use FOF30\Container\Container;
use FOF30\Download\Download;
use Exception;
use SimpleXMLElement;
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
class Collection
* Reads a "collection" XML update source and returns the complete tree of categories
* and extensions applicable for platform version $jVersion
* @param string $url The collection XML update source URL to read from
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return array A list of update sources applicable to $jVersion
public function getAllUpdates($url, $jVersion = null)
// Get the target platform
if (is_null($jVersion))
$jVersion = JVERSION;
// Initialise return value
$updates = array(
'metadata' => array(
'name' => '',
'description' => '',
'categories' => array(),
'extensions' => array(),
// Download and parse the XML file
$container = Container::getInstance('com_foobar');
$downloader = new Download($container);
$xmlSource = $downloader->getFromURL($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlSource, LIBXML_NONET);
catch(Exception $e)
return $updates;
// Sanity check
if (($xml->getName() != 'extensionset'))
return $updates;
// Initialise return value with the stream metadata (name, description)
$rootAttributes = $xml->attributes();
foreach ($rootAttributes as $k => $v)
$updates['metadata'][$k] = (string)$v;
// Initialise the raw list of updates
$rawUpdates = array(
'categories' => array(),
'extensions' => array(),
// Segregate the raw list to a hierarchy of extension and category entries
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $extension */
foreach ($xml->children() as $extension)
switch ($extension->getName())
case 'category':
// These are the parameters we expect in a category
$params = array(
'name' => '',
'description' => '',
'category' => '',
'ref' => '',
'targetplatformversion' => $jVersion,
// These are the attributes of the element
$attributes = $extension->attributes();
// Merge them all
foreach ($attributes as $k => $v)
$params[$k] = (string)$v;
// We can't have a category with an empty category name
if (empty($params['category']))
// We can't have a category with an empty ref
if (empty($params['ref']))
if (empty($params['description']))
$params['description'] = $params['category'];
if (!array_key_exists($params['category'], $rawUpdates['categories']))
$rawUpdates['categories'][$params['category']] = array();
$rawUpdates['categories'][$params['category']][] = $params;
case 'extension':
// These are the parameters we expect in a category
$params = array(
'element' => '',
'type' => '',
'version' => '',
'name' => '',
'detailsurl' => '',
'targetplatformversion' => $jVersion,
// These are the attributes of the element
$attributes = $extension->attributes();
// Merge them all
foreach ($attributes as $k => $v)
$params[$k] = (string)$v;
// We can't have an extension with an empty element
if (empty($params['element']))
// We can't have an extension with an empty type
if (empty($params['type']))
// We can't have an extension with an empty version
if (empty($params['version']))
if (empty($params['name']))
$params['name'] = $params['element'] . ' ' . $params['version'];
if (!array_key_exists($params['type'], $rawUpdates['extensions']))
$rawUpdates['extensions'][$params['type']] = array();
if (!array_key_exists($params['element'], $rawUpdates['extensions'][$params['type']]))
$rawUpdates['extensions'][$params['type']][$params['element']] = array();
$rawUpdates['extensions'][$params['type']][$params['element']][] = $params;
if (!empty($rawUpdates['categories']))
foreach ($rawUpdates['categories'] as $category => $entries)
$update = $this->filterListByPlatform($entries, $jVersion);
$updates['categories'][$category] = $update;
if (!empty($rawUpdates['extensions']))
foreach ($rawUpdates['extensions'] as $type => $extensions)
$updates['extensions'][$type] = array();
if (!empty($extensions))
foreach ($extensions as $element => $entries)
$update = $this->filterListByPlatform($entries, $jVersion);
$updates['extensions'][$type][$element] = $update;
return $updates;
* Filters a list of updates, returning only those available for the
* specified platform version $jVersion
* @param array $updates An array containing update definitions (categories or extensions)
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return array|null The update definition that is compatible, or null if none is compatible
private function filterListByPlatform($updates, $jVersion = null)
// Get the target platform
if (is_null($jVersion))
$jVersion = JVERSION;
$versionParts = explode('.', $jVersion, 4);
$platformVersionMajor = $versionParts[0];
$platformVersionMinor = (count($versionParts) > 1) ? $platformVersionMajor . '.' . $versionParts[1] : $platformVersionMajor;
$platformVersionNormal = (count($versionParts) > 2) ? $platformVersionMinor . '.' . $versionParts[2] : $platformVersionMinor;
$platformVersionFull = (count($versionParts) > 3) ? $platformVersionNormal . '.' . $versionParts[3] : $platformVersionNormal;
$pickedExtension = null;
$pickedSpecificity = -1;
foreach ($updates as $update)
// Test the target platform
$targetPlatform = (string)$update['targetplatformversion'];
if ($targetPlatform === $platformVersionFull)
$pickedExtension = $update;
$pickedSpecificity = 4;
elseif (($targetPlatform === $platformVersionNormal) && ($pickedSpecificity <= 3))
$pickedExtension = $update;
$pickedSpecificity = 3;
elseif (($targetPlatform === $platformVersionMinor) && ($pickedSpecificity <= 2))
$pickedExtension = $update;
$pickedSpecificity = 2;
elseif (($targetPlatform === $platformVersionMajor) && ($pickedSpecificity <= 1))
$pickedExtension = $update;
$pickedSpecificity = 1;
return $pickedExtension;
* Returns only the category definitions of a collection
* @param string $url The URL of the collection update source
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return array An array of category update definitions
public function getCategories($url, $jVersion = null)
$allUpdates = $this->getAllUpdates($url, $jVersion);
return $allUpdates['categories'];
* Returns the update source for a specific category
* @param string $url The URL of the collection update source
* @param string $category The category name you want to get the update source URL of
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return string|null The update stream URL, or null if it's not found
public function getCategoryUpdateSource($url, $category, $jVersion = null)
$allUpdates = $this->getAllUpdates($url, $jVersion);
if (array_key_exists($category, $allUpdates['categories']))
return $allUpdates['categories'][$category]['ref'];
return null;
* Get a list of updates for extensions only, optionally of a specific type
* @param string $url The URL of the collection update source
* @param string $type The extension type you want to get the update source URL of, empty to get all
* extension types
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return array|null An array of extension update definitions or null if none is found
public function getExtensions($url, $type = null, $jVersion = null)
$allUpdates = $this->getAllUpdates($url, $jVersion);
if (empty($type))
return $allUpdates['extensions'];
elseif (array_key_exists($type, $allUpdates['extensions']))
return $allUpdates['extensions'][$type];
return null;
* Get the update source URL for a specific extension, based on the type and element, e.g.
* type=file and element=joomla is Joomla! itself.
* @param string $url The URL of the collection update source
* @param string $type The extension type you want to get the update source URL of
* @param string $element The extension element you want to get the update source URL of
* @param string $jVersion Joomla! version to fetch updates for, or null to use JVERSION
* @return string|null The update source URL or null if the extension is not found
public function getExtensionUpdateSource($url, $type, $element, $jVersion = null)
$allUpdates = $this->getExtensions($url, $type, $jVersion);
if (empty($allUpdates))
return null;
elseif (array_key_exists($element, $allUpdates))
return $allUpdates[$element]['detailsurl'];
return null;