Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/vm2admin.js |
// based on http://www.seomoves.org/blog/web-design-development/dynotable-a-jquery-plugin-by-bob-tantlinger-2683/ (function ($) { $.fn.extend({ dynoTable:function (options) { var defaults = { removeClass:'.row-remover', cloneClass:'.row-cloner', addRowTemplateId:'#add-template', addRowButtonId:'#add-row', lastRowRemovable:true, orderable:true, dragHandleClass:".drag-handle", insertFadeSpeed:"slow", removeFadeSpeed:"fast", hideTableOnEmpty:true, onRowRemove:function () { }, onRowClone:function () { }, onRowAdd:function () { }, onTableEmpty:function () { }, onRowReorder:function () { } }; options = $.extend(defaults, options); var cloneRow = function (btn) { var clonedRow = $(btn).closest('tr').clone(); var tbod = $(btn).closest('tbody'); insertRow(clonedRow, tbod); options.onRowClone(); } var insertRow = function (clonedRow, tbod) { var numRows = $(tbod).children("tr").length; if (options.hideTableOnEmpty && numRows == 0) { $(tbod).parents("table").first().show(); } $(clonedRow).find('*').andSelf().filter('[id]').each(function () { //change to something else so we don't have ids with the same name // this.id += "_" + numRows; }); //finally append new row to end of table $(tbod).append(clonedRow); bindActions(clonedRow); $(tbod).children("tr:last").hide().fadeIn(options.insertFadeSpeed); } var removeRow = function (btn) { var tbod = $(btn).parents("tbody:first"); var numRows = $(tbod).children("tr").length; if (numRows > 1 || options.lastRowRemovable === true) { var trToRemove = $(btn).parents("tr:first"); $(trToRemove).fadeOut(options.removeFadeSpeed, function () { $(trToRemove).remove(); options.onRowRemove(); if (numRows == 1) { if (options.hideTableOnEmpty) { $(tbod).parents('table').first().hide(); } // we want to remove the class remove $().removeClass("vmicon-16-remove"); options.onTableEmpty(); } }); } } var bindClick = function (elem, fn) { $(elem).click(fn); } var bindCloneLink = function (lnk) { bindClick(lnk, function () { var btn = $(this); cloneRow(btn); return false; }); } var bindRemoveLink = function (lnk) { bindClick(lnk, function () { var btn = $(this); removeRow(btn); return false; }); } var bindActions = function (obj) { obj.find(options.removeClass).each(function () { bindRemoveLink($(this)); }); obj.find(options.cloneClass).each(function () { bindCloneLink($(this)); }); } return this.each(function () { //Sanity check to make sure we are dealing with a single case if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var table = $(this); var tbody = $(table).children("tbody").first(); if (options.orderable && jQuery().sortable) { $(tbody).sortable({ handle:options.dragHandleClass, helper:function (e, ui) { ui.children().each(function () { $(this).width($(this).width()); }); return ui; }, items:"tr", update:function (event, ui) { options.onRowReorder(); } }); } jQuery(table).find(options.addRowTemplateId).each(function () { $(this).removeAttr("id"); var tmpl = $(this); tmpl.remove(); bindClick($(options.addRowButtonId), function () { //options.onBeforeRowAdd(); var newTr = tmpl.clone(); insertRow(newTr, tbody); options.onRowAdd(); return false; }); }); bindActions(table); var numRows = $(tbody).children("tr").length; if (options.hideTableOnEmpty && numRows == 0) { $(table).hide(); } } }); } }); })(jQuery); (function ($) { var methods = { tabs:function (cookie) { var tabscount = this.find('div.tabs').length; if ($.cookie(cookie) == null || cookie == "product0" || tabscount == 1) var idx = 0; else var idx = $.cookie(cookie); if (idx == null) idx = 0; var options = { path:'/', expires:2}, list = '<ul id="tabs">'; var tabswidth = 100 / tabscount; this.find('div.tabs').each( function (i) { list += '<li style="width:' + tabswidth + '%"><span>' + $(this).attr('title') + '</span></li>'; $(this).removeAttr('title'); } ); this.prepend(list + '</ul>'); this.children('div').hide(); // select & open menu var li = $('#tabs li'), div = this.children('div'); li.eq(idx).addClass('current'); div.eq(idx).slideDown(1000); li.click( function () { if ($(this).not(".current")) { var idx = li.index(this); oldIndex = $(this).addClass("current").siblings('li.current').removeClass("current").index(); if (oldIndex !== -1) { if (cookie !== "") $.cookie(cookie, idx, options); div.eq(idx).slideDown(0); div.eq(oldIndex).slideUp(0); } } } ); return this; }, accordeon:function () { var idx = $.cookie('accordeon'), options = { path:'/', expires:2}, div = this.children('div') , h3 = this.children('h3'), A = this.find('.menu-list a'); if (idx == null) idx = 0; div.hide(); h3.eq(idx).addClass('current'); div.eq(idx).show(); h3.click( function () { var menu = $(this); if (menu.not(".current")) { menu.siblings('h3.current').removeClass("current").next().slideUp(200); menu.addClass("current").next().slideDown(200); $.cookie('accordeon', h3.index(this), options); } } ); A.click( function () { $.cookie('vmapply', '0', options); } ); }, media:function (mediatype, total) { var page = 0, max = 24, container = jQuery(this); var pagetotal = Math.ceil(total / max); var cache = new Array(); var formatTitle = function (title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { var pagination = '' , pagetotal = total / max; if (pagetotal > 0) { pagination = '<span><<</span><span><</span>'; for (i = 0; i < pagetotal; i++) { pagination += '<span>' + (i + 1) + '</span>'; } pagination += '<span>></span><span>>></span>'; } return '<div class="media-pagination">' + (title && title.length ? '<b>' + title + '</b>' : '' ) + ' ' + pagination + '</div>'; } jQuery("#fancybox-title").delegate(".media-pagination span", "click", function (event) { var newPage = $(this).text(); display(newPage); event.preventDefault(); }); container.delegate("a.vm_thumb", "click", function (event) { jQuery.fancybox({ "type":"image", "titlePosition":"inside", "title":this.title, "href":this.href }); event.preventDefault(); }); jQuery("#media-dialog").delegate(".vm_thumb_image", "click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).find('input').val(), ok = 0; var inputArray = new Array(); $('#ImagesContainer input:hidden').each( function () { inputArray.push($(this).val()) } ); if ($.inArray(id, inputArray) == -1) { that = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).clone().appendTo(container).unbind("click").append('<div class="vmicon vmicon-16-remove" title="remove"></div><div class="edit-24-grey" title="' + vm2string.editImage + '"><div>'); that.hide().fadeIn(); } }); jQuery("#admin-ui-tabs").delegate("div.vmicon-16-remove", "click", function () { jQuery(this).closest(".vm_thumb_image").fadeOut("500", function () { jQuery(this).remove(); }); }); jQuery("#admin-ui-tabs").delegate("span.vmicon-16-remove", "click", function () { jQuery(this).closest(".removable").fadeOut("500", function () { jQuery(this).remove() }); }); jQuery("#addnewselectimage2").fancybox({ "hideOnContentClick":false, "autoDimensions":true, "titlePosition":"inside", "title":"Media list", "titleFormat":formatTitle, "onComplete":function () { $('.media-pagination').children().eq(page + 3).addClass('media-page-selected'); } }); container.delegate(".edit-24-grey", "click", function () { var data = jQuery(this).parent().find("input").val(); jQuery.getJSON("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=media&task=viewJson&format=json&virtuemart_media_id=" + data, function (datas, textStatus) { if (datas.msg == "OK") { jQuery("#vm_display_image").attr("src", datas.file_root + datas.file_url); jQuery("#vm_display_image").attr("alt", datas.file_title); jQuery("#file_title").html(datas.file_title); var lang = datas.file_lang.split(','); jQuery("#active_languages").val(lang).trigger("liszt:updated"); if (datas.published == 1) jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[media_published]']").attr('checked', true); else jQuery("#adminForm [name=media_published]").attr('checked', false); if (datas.file_is_downloadable == 0) { jQuery("#media_rolesfile_is_displayable").attr('checked', true); //jQuery("#adminForm [name=media_roles]").filter("value='file_is_downloadable'").attr('checked', false); } else { //jQuery("#adminForm [name=media_roles]").filter("value='file_is_displayable'").attr('checked', false); jQuery("#media_rolesfile_is_downloadable").attr('checked', true); } jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_title]']").val(datas.file_title); jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_description]']").val(datas.file_description); jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_meta]']").val(datas.file_meta); jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_class]']").val(datas.file_class); jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_url]']").val(datas.file_url); jQuery("#adminForm [name='media[file_url_thumb]']").val(datas.file_url_thumb); jQuery("[name='media[active_media_id]']").val(datas.virtuemart_media_id); if (typeof datas.file_url_thumb !== "undefined") { jQuery("#vm_thumb_image").attr("src", datas.file_root + datas.file_url_thumb); } else { jQuery("#vm_thumb_image").attr("src", ""); } } else jQuery("#file_title").html(datas.msg); }); }); var display = function (num) { if (typeof this.page == "undefined") { this.oldPage = this.page = 0; } if (typeof display.cache == "undefined") { display.cache = new Array(); } switch (num) { case '<': if (this.page > 0) --this.page; else return; break; case '>': if (this.page < pagetotal - 1) ++this.page; else return; break; case '<<': this.page = 0; break; case '>>': this.page = pagetotal - 1; break; default : this.page = num - 1; break; } if (this.oldPage != this.page) { //var cache = this.cache ; var start = this.page; if (typeof display.cache[start] == "undefined") { jQuery.getJSON("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=media&task=viewJson&format=json&mediatype=" + mediatype + "&start=" + start, function (data) { if (data.imageList != "ERROR") { display.cache[start] = data.imageList; jQuery("#media-dialog").html(display.cache[start]); jQuery(".page").text("Page(s) " + (start + 1)); } else { jQuery(".page").text("No more results : Page(s) " + (start + 1)); } } ); } else jQuery("#media-dialog").html(display.cache[start]); page = this.oldPage = this.page; $('.media-pagination').children().removeClass('media-page-selected'); $('.media-pagination').children().eq(start + 3).addClass('media-page-selected'); } } }, tips:function (image) { var xOffset = -20; // x distance from mouse var yOffset = 10; // y distance from mouse tip = this; tip.bind().hover( function (e) { //a kind of sanitizing the input tip.t = jQuery('<div/>').text(this.title).html(); //tip.t = this.title; this.title = ''; tip.top = (e.pageY + yOffset); tip.left = (e.pageX + xOffset); $('body').append('<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" /><B>' + $(this).html() + '</B><br/ >' + tip.t + '</p>'); $('#vtip #vtipArrow').attr("src", image); $('#vtip').css("top", tip.top + "px").css("left", tip.left + "px").fadeIn("slow"); }, function () { this.title = tip.t; $("#vtip").fadeOut("slow").remove(); } ).mousemove( function (e) { tip.top = (e.pageY + yOffset); tip.left = (e.pageX + xOffset); $("#vtip").css("top", tip.top + "px").css("left", tip.left + "px"); } ).mousedown( function (e) { this.title = tip.t; $("#vtip").fadeOut("slow").remove(); } ).mouseup( function (e) { this.title = tip.t; $("#vtip").fadeOut("slow").remove(); } ); }, toggle:function () { var options = { path:'/', expires:2}; this.click(function () { $this = $(this); if ($this.parent().hasClass('menu-collapsed')) { $.cookie('vmmenu', 'show', options); } else { $.cookie('vmmenu', 'hide', options); } $('.menu-wrapper').toggleClass('menu-collapsed').parent().toggleClass('menu-collapsed').children('.toggler').addClass('menu-collapsed'); }); }, yydynoTable:function (options) { var defaults = { removeClass:'.row-remover', cloneClass:'.row-cloner', addRowTemplateId:'#add-template', addRowButtonId:'#add-row', lastRowRemovable:true, orderable:true, dragHandleClass:".drag-handle", insertFadeSpeed:"slow", removeFadeSpeed:"fast", hideTableOnEmpty:true, onRowRemove:function () { }, onRowClone:function () { }, onRowAdd:function () { }, onTableEmpty:function () { }, onRowReorder:function () { } }; options = $.extend(defaults, options); var cloneRow = function (btn) { var clonedRow = $(btn).closest('tr').clone(); var tbod = $(btn).closest('tbody'); insertRow(clonedRow, tbod); options.onRowClone(); } var insertRow = function (clonedRow, tbod) { var numRows = $(tbod).children("tr").length; if (options.hideTableOnEmpty && numRows == 0) { $(tbod).parents("table").first().show(); } $(clonedRow).find('*').andSelf().filter('[id]').each(function () { //change to something else so we don't have ids with the same name // this.id += "_" + numRows; }); //finally append new row to end of table $(tbod).append(clonedRow); bindActions(clonedRow); $(tbod).children("tr:last").hide().fadeIn(options.insertFadeSpeed); } var removeRow = function (btn) { var tbod = $(btn).parents("tbody:first"); var numRows = $(tbod).children("tr").length; if (numRows > 1 || options.lastRowRemovable === true) { var trToRemove = $(btn).parents("tr:first"); $(trToRemove).fadeOut(options.removeFadeSpeed, function () { $(trToRemove).remove(); options.onRowRemove(); if (numRows == 1) { if (options.hideTableOnEmpty) { $(tbod).parents('table').first().hide(); } // we want to remove the class remove $(".price-remove > span").removeClass("vmicon-16-price-remove"); options.onTableEmpty(); } }); } } var bindClick = function (elem, fn) { $(elem).click(fn); } var bindCloneLink = function (lnk) { bindClick(lnk, function () { var btn = $(this); cloneRow(btn); return false; }); } var bindRemoveLink = function (lnk) { bindClick(lnk, function () { var btn = $(this); removeRow(btn); return false; }); } var bindActions = function (obj) { obj.find(options.removeClass).each(function () { bindRemoveLink($(this)); }); obj.find(options.cloneClass).each(function () { bindCloneLink($(this)); }); } return this.each(function () { //Sanity check to make sure we are dealing with a single case if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var table = $(this); var tbody = $(table).children("tbody").first(); if (options.orderable && jQuery().sortable) { $(tbody).sortable({ handle:options.dragHandleClass, helper:function (e, ui) { ui.children().each(function () { $(this).width($(this).width()); }); return ui; }, items:"tr", update:function (event, ui) { options.onRowReorder(); } }); } $(table).find(options.addRowTemplateId).each(function () { $(this).removeAttr("id"); var tmpl = $(this); tmpl.remove(); bindClick($(options.addRowButtonId), function () { //options.onRowAdd(); var newTr = tmpl.clone(); insertRow(newTr, tbody); options.onRowAdd(); return false; }); }); bindActions(table); var numRows = $(tbody).children("tr").length; if (options.hideTableOnEmpty && numRows == 0) { $(table).hide(); } } }); } }; $.fn.vm2admin = function (method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on Vm2 admin jQuery library'); } }; })(jQuery); // load defaut scripts jQuery.noConflict();