Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_akeeba/Model/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_akeeba/Model/Restore.php |
<?php /** * @package AkeebaBackup * @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd * @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later */ namespace Akeeba\Backup\Admin\Model; // Protect from unauthorized access defined('_JEXEC') or die(); use Akeeba\Engine\Factory; use Akeeba\Engine\Platform; use FOF30\Model\Model; use JFile; use JLoader; use JText; class Restore extends Model { private $data; private $extension; private $path; public $password; public $id; /** * Gets the list of IDs from the request data * * @return array */ protected function getIDsFromRequest() { // Get the ID or list of IDs from the request or the configuration $cid = $this->input->get('cid', array(), 'array'); $id = $this->input->getInt('id', 0); $ids = array(); if (is_array($cid) && !empty($cid)) { $ids = $cid; } elseif (!empty($id)) { $ids = array($id); } return $ids; } /** * Generates a pseudo-random password * * @param int $length The length of the password in characters * * @return string The requested password string */ function makeRandomPassword($length = 32) { \JLoader::import('joomla.user.helper'); return \JUserHelper::genRandomPassword($length); } /** * Validates the data passed to the request. * * @return mixed True if all is OK, an error string if something is wrong */ public function validateRequest() { // Is this a valid backup entry? $ids = $this->getIDsFromRequest(); $id = array_pop($ids); $profileID = $this->input->getInt('profileid', 0); // No backup IDs in the request and no backup profile (which means I should use its latest backup record) is found. if (empty($id) && ($profileID <= 0)) { return JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_INVALID_RECORD'); } if (empty($id)) { try { $id = $this->getLatestBackupForProfile($profileID); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } $data = Platform::getInstance()->get_statistics($id); if (empty($data)) { return JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_INVALID_RECORD'); } if ($data['status'] != 'complete') { return JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_INVALID_RECORD'); } // Load the profile ID (so that we can find out the output directory) $profile_id = $data['profile_id']; Platform::getInstance()->load_configuration($profile_id); $path = $data['absolute_path']; $exists = @file_exists($path); if (!$exists) { // Let's try figuring out an alternative path $config = Factory::getConfiguration(); $path = $config->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory', '') . '/' . $data['archivename']; $exists = @file_exists($path); } if (!$exists) { return JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISSING'); } $filename = basename($path); $lastdot = strrpos($filename, '.'); $extension = strtoupper(substr($filename, $lastdot + 1)); if (!in_array($extension, array('JPS', 'JPA', 'ZIP'))) { return JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE'); } $this->data = $data; $this->path = $path; $this->extension = $extension; return true; } /** * Finds the latest backup for a given backup profile with an "OK" status (the archive file exists on your server). * If none is found a RuntimeException is thrown. * * This method uses the code from the Transfer model for DRY reasons. * * @param int $profileID The profile in which to locate the latest valid backup * * @return int * * @throws \RuntimeException * * @since 5.3.0 */ public function getLatestBackupForProfile($profileID) { /** @var Transfer $transferModel */ $transferModel = $this->container->factory->model('Transfer')->tmpInstance(); $latestBackup = $transferModel->getLatestBackupInformation($profileID); if (empty($latestBackup)) { throw new \RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_RESTORE_ERROR_NO_LATEST', $profileID)); } return $latestBackup['id']; } /** * Creates the restoration.php file which is used to configure Akeeba Restore (restore.php). Without it, resotre.php * is completely inert, preventing abuse. * * @return bool */ function createRestorationINI() { // Get a password $this->password = $this->makeRandomPassword(32); $this->setState('password', $this->password); // Do we have to use FTP? $procengine = $this->getState('procengine', 'direct'); // Get the absolute path to site's root $siteroot = JPATH_SITE; // Get the JPS password $password = addslashes($this->getState('jps_key')); $data = "<?php\ndefined('_AKEEBA_RESTORATION') or die();\n"; $data .= '$restoration_setup = array(' . "\n"; $data .= <<<ENDDATA 'kickstart.security.password' => '{$this->password}', 'kickstart.tuning.max_exec_time' => '5', 'kickstart.tuning.run_time_bias' => '75', 'kickstart.tuning.min_exec_time' => '0', 'kickstart.procengine' => '$procengine', 'kickstart.setup.sourcefile' => '{$this->path}', 'kickstart.setup.destdir' => '$siteroot', 'kickstart.setup.restoreperms' => '0', 'kickstart.setup.filetype' => '{$this->extension}', 'kickstart.setup.dryrun' => '0', 'kickstart.jps.password' => '$password' ENDDATA; if ($procengine == 'ftp') { $ftp_host = $this->getState('ftp_host', ''); $ftp_port = $this->getState('ftp_port', '21'); $ftp_user = $this->getState('ftp_user', ''); $ftp_pass = addcslashes($this->getState('ftp_pass', ''), "'\\"); $ftp_root = $this->getState('ftp_root', ''); $ftp_ssl = $this->getState('ftp_ssl', 0); $ftp_pasv = $this->getState('ftp_root', 1); $tempdir = $this->getState('tmp_path', ''); $data .= <<<ENDDATA , 'kickstart.ftp.ssl' => '$ftp_ssl', 'kickstart.ftp.passive' => '$ftp_pasv', 'kickstart.ftp.host' => '$ftp_host', 'kickstart.ftp.port' => '$ftp_port', 'kickstart.ftp.user' => '$ftp_user', 'kickstart.ftp.pass' => '$ftp_pass', 'kickstart.ftp.dir' => '$ftp_root', 'kickstart.ftp.tempdir' => '$tempdir' ENDDATA; } $data .= ');'; // Remove the old file, if it's there... JLoader::import('joomla.filesystem.file'); $configpath = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/restoration.php'; clearstatcache(true, $configpath); if (@file_exists($configpath)) { if (!@unlink($configpath)) { JFile::delete($configpath); } } // Write new file $result = JFile::write($configpath, $data); // Clear opcode caches for the generated .php file if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($configpath); } if (function_exists('apc_compile_file')) { apc_compile_file($configpath); } if (function_exists('wincache_refresh_if_changed')) { wincache_refresh_if_changed(array($configpath)); } if (function_exists('xcache_asm')) { xcache_asm($configpath); } return $result; } /** * Handles an AJAX request * * @return mixed */ public function doAjax() { $ajax = $this->getState('ajax'); switch ($ajax) { // FTP Connection test for DirectFTP case 'testftp': // Grab request parameters $config = array( 'host' => $this->input->get('host', '', 'none', 2), 'port' => $this->input->get('port', 21, 'int'), 'user' => $this->input->get('user', '', 'none', 2), 'pass' => $this->input->get('pass', '', 'none', 2), 'initdir' => $this->input->get('initdir', '', 'none', 2), 'usessl' => $this->input->get('usessl', 'cmd') == 'true', 'passive' => $this->input->get('passive', 'cmd') == 'true' ); // Perform the FTP connection test $test = new \Akeeba\Engine\Archiver\Directftp(); $test->initialize('', $config); $errors = $test->getError(); if (empty($errors)) { $result = true; } else { $result = $errors; } break; // Unrecognized AJAX task default: $result = false; break; } return $result; } }