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Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_akeeba/Model/Backup.php |
<?php /** * @package AkeebaBackup * @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd * @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later */ namespace Akeeba\Backup\Admin\Model; // Protect from unauthorized access defined('_JEXEC') or die(); use Akeeba\Engine\Factory; use Akeeba\Engine\Platform; use Akeeba\Engine\Util\PushMessages; use Exception; use FOF30\Date\Date; use FOF30\Model\Model; use JLoader; use JText; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Backup model. Handles the server-side logic of interfacing with the backup engine (Akeeba Engine) */ class Backup extends Model { /** * Starts or step a backup process. Set the state variable "ajax" to the task you want to execute OR call the * relevant public method directly. * * @return array An Akeeba Engine return array */ public function runBackup() { $ret_array = array(); $ajaxTask = $this->getState('ajax'); switch ($ajaxTask) { // Start a new backup case 'start': $ret_array = $this->startBackup(); break; // Step through a backup case 'step': $ret_array = $this->stepBackup(); break; // Send a push notification for backup failure case 'pushFail': $this->pushFail(); break; default: break; } return $ret_array; } /** * Starts a new backup. * * State variables expected * backupid The ID of the backup. If none is set up we will create a new one in the form id123 * tag The backup tag, e.g. "frontend". If none is set up we'll get it through the Platform. * description The description of the backup (optional) * comment The comment of the backup (optional) * jpskey JPS password * angiekey ANGIE password * * @param array $overrides Configuration overrides * * @return array An Akeeba Engine return array */ public function startBackup(array $overrides = []) { // Get information from the session $tag = $this->getState('tag', null, 'string'); $backupId = $this->getState('backupid', null, 'string'); $description = $this->getState('description', '', 'string'); $comment = $this->getState('comment', '', 'html'); $jpskey = $this->getState('jpskey', null, 'raw'); $angiekey = $this->getState('angiekey', null, 'raw'); // Try to get a backup ID if none is provided if (is_null($backupId)) { $db = $this->container->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('MAX(' . $db->qn('id') . ')') ->from($db->qn('#__ak_stats')); try { $maxId = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult(); } catch (Exception $e) { $maxId = 0; } $backupId = 'id' . ($maxId + 1); } // Use the default description if none specified if (empty($description)) { JLoader::import('joomla.utilities.date'); $dateNow = new Date(); $timezone = $this->container->platform->getConfig()->get('offset', 'UTC'); if (!$this->getContainer()->platform->isCli()) { $user = $this->container->platform->getUser(); if (!$user->guest) { $timezone = $user->getParam('timezone', $timezone); } } $tz = new \DateTimeZone($timezone); $dateNow->setTimezone($tz); $description = JText::_('COM_AKEEBA_BACKUP_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION') . ' ' . $dateNow->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'), true); } // Try resetting the engine Factory::resetState(array( 'maxrun' => 0 )); // Remove any stale memory files left over from the previous step if (empty($tag)) { $tag = Platform::getInstance()->get_backup_origin(); } $tempVarsTag = $tag; $tempVarsTag .= empty($backupId) ? '' : ('.' . $backupId); Factory::getFactoryStorage()->reset($tempVarsTag); Factory::nuke(); Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, " -- Resetting Akeeba Engine factory ($tag.$backupId)"); Platform::getInstance()->load_configuration(); // Should I apply any configuration overrides? if (is_array($overrides) && !empty($overrides)) { $config = Factory::getConfiguration(); $protectedKeys = $config->getProtectedKeys(); $config->resetProtectedKeys(); foreach ($overrides as $k => $v) { $config->set($k, $v); } $config->setProtectedKeys($protectedKeys); } // Check if there are critical issues preventing the backup if (!Factory::getConfigurationChecks()->getShortStatus()) { $configChecks = Factory::getConfigurationChecks()->getDetailedStatus(); foreach ($configChecks as $checkItem) { if ($checkItem['severity'] != 'critical') { continue; } return [ 'HasRun' => 0, 'Domain' => 'init', 'Step' => '', 'Substep' => '', 'Error' => 'Failed configuration check Q' . $checkItem['code'] . ': ' . $checkItem['description'] . '. Please refer to https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/warnings/q' . $checkItem['code'] . '.html for more information and troubleshooting instructions.', 'Warnings' => array(), 'Progress' => 0, ]; } } // Set up Kettenrad $options = [ 'description' => $description, 'comment' => $comment, 'jpskey' => $jpskey, 'angiekey' => $angiekey, ]; if (is_null($jpskey)) { unset ($options['jpskey']); } if (is_null($angiekey)) { unset ($options['angiekey']); } $kettenrad = Factory::getKettenrad(); $kettenrad->setBackupId($backupId); $kettenrad->setup($options); $this->setState('backupid', $backupId); // Run the first backup step. We need to run tick() twice /** * We need to run tick() twice in the first backup step. * * The first tick() will reset the backup engine and start a new backup. However, no backup record is created * at this point. This means that Factory::loadState() cannot find a backup record, therefore it cannot read * the backup profile being used, therefore it will assume it's profile #1. * * The second tick() creates the backup record without doing much else, fixing this issue. * * However, if you have conservative settings where the min exec time is MORE than the max exec time the second * tick would never run. Therefore we need to tell the first tick to ignore the time settings (since it only * takes a few milliseconds to execute anyway) and then apply the time settings on the second tick (which also * only takes a few milliseconds). This is why we have setIgnoreMinimumExecutionTime before and after the first * tick. DO NOT REMOVE THESE. * * THEREFORE, DO NOT REMOVE THE SECOND tick(), IT IS THERE ON PURPOSE! */ $kettenrad->setIgnoreMinimumExecutionTime(true); $kettenrad->tick(); // Do not remove the first call to tick()!!! $kettenrad->setIgnoreMinimumExecutionTime(false); $kettenrad->tick(); // Do not remove the second call to tick()!!! $ret_array = $kettenrad->getStatusArray(); // So as not to have duplicate warnings reports $kettenrad->resetWarnings(); try { Factory::saveState($tag, $backupId); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $ret_array['Error'] = $e->getMessage(); } return $ret_array; } /** * Steps through a backup. * * State variables expected (MUST be set): * backupid The ID of the backup. * tag The backup tag, e.g. "frontend". * profile (optional) The profile ID of the backup. * * @param bool $requireBackupId Should the backup ID be required? * * @return array An Akeeba Engine return array */ public function stepBackup($requireBackupId = true) { // Get the tag. If not specified use the AKEEBA_BACKUP_ORIGIN constant. $tag = $this->getState('tag', null, 'string'); if (is_null($tag) && defined('AKEEBA_BACKUP_ORIGIN')) { $tag = AKEEBA_BACKUP_ORIGIN; } // Get the Backup ID. If not specified use the AKEEBA_BACKUP_ID constant. $backupId = $this->getState('backupid', null, 'string'); if (is_null($backupId) && defined('AKEEBA_BACKUP_ID')) { $backupId = AKEEBA_BACKUP_ID; } // Get the profile from the session, the AKEEBA_PROFILE constant or the model state – in this order if ($this->container->platform->isCli()) { $profile = defined('AKEEBA_PROFILE') ? AKEEBA_PROFILE : 1; } else { $profile = $this->container->platform->getSessionVar('profile', null); $profile = defined('AKEEBA_PROFILE') ? AKEEBA_PROFILE : $profile; $profile = $this->getState('profile', $profile, 'int'); } $profile = max(0, (int) $profile); if (empty($profile)) { $profile = $this->getLastBackupProfile($tag, $backupId); } // Set the active profile if (!$this->container->platform->isCli()) { $this->container->platform->setSessionVar('profile', $profile); } if (!defined('AKEEBA_PROFILE')) { define('AKEEBA_PROFILE', $profile); } // Run a backup step $ret_array = array( 'HasRun' => 0, 'Domain' => 'init', 'Step' => '', 'Substep' => '', 'Error' => '', 'Warnings' => array(), 'Progress' => 0, ); try { // Reload the configuration Platform::getInstance()->load_configuration($profile); // Load the engine from storage Factory::loadState($tag, $backupId, $requireBackupId); // Set the backup ID and run a backup step $kettenrad = Factory::getKettenrad(); $kettenrad->setBackupId($backupId); $kettenrad->tick(); $ret_array = $kettenrad->getStatusArray(); // Prevent duplicate reporting of warnings $kettenrad->resetWarnings(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ret_array['Error'] = $e->getMessage(); } try { if (empty($ret_array['Error']) && ($ret_array['HasRun'] != 1)) { Factory::saveState($tag, $backupId); } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $ret_array['Error'] = $e->getMessage(); } if (!empty($ret_array['Error']) || ($ret_array['HasRun'] == 1)) { /** * Do not nuke the Factory if we're trying to resume after an error. * * When the resume after error (retry) feature is enabled AND we are performing a backend backup we MUST * leave the factory storage intact so we can actually resume the backup. If we were to nuke the Factory * the resume would report that it cannot load the saved factory and lead to a failed backup. */ $config = Factory::getConfiguration(); if ($this->container->platform->isBackend() && $config->get('akeeba.advanced.autoresume', 1)) { // We are about to resume; abort. return $ret_array; } // Clean up Factory::nuke(); $tempVarsTag = $tag; $tempVarsTag .= empty($backupId) ? '' : ('.' . $backupId); Factory::getFactoryStorage()->reset($tempVarsTag); } return $ret_array; } /** * Send a push notification for a failed backup * * State variables expected (MUST be set): * errorMessage The error message * * @return void */ public function pushFail() { $errorMessage = $this->getState('errorMessage'); $platform = Platform::getInstance(); $key = 'COM_AKEEBA_PUSH_ENDBACKUP_FAIL_BODY_WITH_MESSAGE'; if (empty($errorMessage)) { $key = 'COM_AKEEBA_PUSH_ENDBACKUP_FAIL_BODY'; } $pushSubject = sprintf( $platform->translate('COM_AKEEBA_PUSH_ENDBACKUP_FAIL_SUBJECT'), $platform->get_site_name(), $platform->get_host() ); $pushDetails = sprintf( $platform->translate($key), $platform->get_site_name(), $platform->get_host(), $errorMessage ); $push = new PushMessages(); $push->message($pushSubject, $pushDetails); } /** * Get the profile used to take the last backup for the specified tag * * @param string $tag The backup tag a.k.a. backup origin (backend, frontend, json, ...) * @param string $backupId (optional) The Backup ID * * @return int The profile ID of the latest backup taken with the specified tag / backup ID */ protected function getLastBackupProfile($tag, $backupId = null) { $filters = array( array('field' => 'tag', 'value' => $tag) ); if (!empty($backupId)) { $filters[] = array('field' => 'backupid', 'value' => $backupId); } $statList = Platform::getInstance()->get_statistics_list(array( 'filters' => $filters, 'order' => array( 'by' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ); if (is_array($statList)) { $stat = array_pop($statList); return (int) $stat['profile_id']; } // Backup entry not found. If backupId was specified, try without a backup ID if (!empty($backupId)) { return $this->getLastBackupProfile($tag); } // Else, return the default backup profile return 1; } }