Direktori : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_akeeba/Master/Cli/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/upgrade.lightco.com.au/administrator/components/com_akeeba/Master/Cli/Base.php |
<?php /** * @package AkeebaBackup * @copyright Copyright (c)2006-2017 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd * @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * You need to set the following variables: * * $minphp = '5.4.0'; // Minimum PHP version required for your script * $curdir = __DIR__; // Path to your script file */ // Work around some misconfigured servers which print out notices if (function_exists('error_reporting')) { $oldLevel = error_reporting(0); } // Minimum PHP version check if (!isset($minphp)) { $minphp = '5.4.0'; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $minphp, 'lt')) { $curversion = PHP_VERSION; $bindir = PHP_BINDIR; echo <<< ENDWARNING ================================================================================ WARNING! Incompatible PHP version $curversion (required: $minphp or later) ================================================================================ This script must be run using PHP version $minphp or later. Your server is currently using a much older version which would cause this script to crash. As a result we have aborted execution of the script. Please contact your host and ask them for the correct path to the PHP CLI binary for PHP $minphp or later, then edit your CRON job and replace your current path to PHP with the one your host gave you. For your information, the current PHP version information is as follows. PATH: $bindir VERSION: $curversion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMPORTANT! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHP version numbers are NOT decimals! Trailing zeros do matter. For example, PHP 5.3.28 is twenty four versions newer (greater than) than PHP 5.3.4. Please consult https://www.akeebabackup.com/how-do-version-numbers-work.html Further clarifications: 1. There is no possible way that you are receiving this message in error. We are using the PHP_VERSION constant to detect the PHP version you are currently using. This is what PHP itself reports as its own version. It simply cannot lie. 2. Even though your *site* may be running in a higher PHP version that the one reported above, your CRON scripts will most likely not be running under it. This has to do with the fact that your site DOES NOT run under the command line and there are different executable files (binaries) for the web and command line versions of PHP. 3. Please note that we cannot provide support about this error as the solution depends only on your server setup. The only people who know how your server is set up are your host's technicians. Therefore we can only advise you to contact your host and request them the correct path to the PHP CLI binary. Let us stress out that only your host knows and can give this information to you. 4. The latest published versions of PHP can be found at http://www.php.net/ Any older version is considered insecure and must not be used on a production site. If your server uses a much older version of PHP than those published in the URL above please notify your host that their servers are insecure and in need of an update. This script will now terminate. Goodbye. ENDWARNING; die(); } // Required by the CMS define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // Mark this as a CLI script. Used by the Platform class. define('AKEEBACLI', 1); /** * Timezone fix * * This piece of code was originally put here because some PHP 5.3 servers forgot to declare a default timezone. * Unfortunately it's still required because some hosts STILL do that crap, or use invalid timezones... */ if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { if (function_exists('error_reporting')) { $oldLevel = error_reporting(0); } $serverTimezone = @date_default_timezone_get(); // Do I have no timezone set? if (empty($serverTimezone) || !is_string($serverTimezone)) { $serverTimezone = 'UTC'; } // Do I have an invalid timezone? try { $testTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($serverTimezone); } catch (\Exception $e) { $serverTimezone = 'UTC'; } // Set the default timezone to a correct thing @date_default_timezone_set($serverTimezone); if (function_exists('error_reporting')) { error_reporting($oldLevel); } } // Load system defines if (!isset($curdir)) { // I assume I'm located in administrator/components/com_akeeba/Master/Cli $curdir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../cli'; $realPath = @realpath($curdir); if ($realPath !== false) { $curdir = $realPath; } } // Restore the error reporting before importing Joomla core code if (function_exists('error_reporting')) { error_reporting($oldLevel); } if (file_exists($curdir . '/defines.php')) { include_once $curdir . '/defines.php'; } if (!defined('_JDEFINES')) { if (!isset($altBasePath)) { $altBasePath = rtrim($curdir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $lastSlashPos = strrpos($altBasePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $altBasePath = substr($altBasePath, 0, $lastSlashPos); } define('JPATH_BASE', $altBasePath); require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php'; } // Load the framework include files require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/import.legacy.php'; // Load the CMS import file (newer Joomla! 3 versions) $cmsImportPath = JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/cms.php'; if (file_exists($cmsImportPath)) { @include_once $cmsImportPath; } // Load requirements for various versions of Joomla! JLoader::import('joomla.base.object'); JLoader::import('joomla.application.application'); JLoader::import('joomla.application.applicationexception'); JLoader::import('joomla.log.log'); JLoader::import('joomla.registry.registry'); JLoader::import('joomla.filter.input'); JLoader::import('joomla.filter.filterinput'); JLoader::import('joomla.factory'); // Load the configuration file to grab database information JFactory::getConfig(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php'); if (!defined('FOF30_INCLUDED') && !@include_once(JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/fof30/include.php')) { throw new RuntimeException('FOF 3.0 is not installed', 500); } /** * Base class for a Joomla! command line application. Adapted from JCli / JApplicationCli */ class AkeebaCliBase { /** * The application input object. * * @var JInput */ public $input; /** * The application configuration object. * * @var \Joomla\Registry\Registry */ protected $config; /** * The application instance. * * @var AkeebaCliBase */ protected static $instance; /** * POSIX-style CLI options. Access them with through the getOption method. * * @var array */ protected static $cliOptions = array(); /** * Filter object to use. * * @var JFilterInput */ protected $filter = null; /** * Class constructor. * * @return void */ protected function __construct() { // Close the application if we are not executed from the command line, Akeeba style (allow for PHP CGI) if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { die('You are not supposed to access this script from the web. You have to run it from the command line. If you don\'t understand what this means, you must not try to use this file before reading the documentation. Thank you.'); } $cgiMode = false; if (!defined('STDOUT') || !defined('STDIN') || !isset($_SERVER['argv'])) { $cgiMode = true; } // Create a JInput object if ($cgiMode) { $query = ""; if (!empty($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { $query .= " $k"; if ($v != "") { $query .= "=$v"; } } } $query = ltrim($query); $argv = explode(' ', $query); $argc = count($argv); $_SERVER['argv'] = $argv; } $this->input = new JInputCLI(); // Create the registry with a default namespace of config $this->config = new JRegistry; // Load the configuration object. $this->loadConfiguration($this->fetchConfigurationData()); // Set the execution datetime and timestamp; $this->config->set('execution.datetime', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->config->set('execution.timestamp', time()); // Set the current directory. $this->config->set('cwd', getcwd()); // Create a new JFilterInput if (class_exists('JFilterInput')) { $this->filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(); } // Parse the POSIX options $this->parseOptions(); } /** * Returns a reference to the global AkeebaCliBase object, only creating it if it * doesn't already exist. * * This method must be invoked as: $cli = AkeebaCliBase::getInstance(); * * @param string $name The name of the AkeebaCliBase class to instantiate. * * @return AkeebaCliBase A AkeebaCliBase object */ public static function &getInstance($name = null) { // Only create the object if it doesn't exist. if (empty(self::$instance)) { if (class_exists($name) && (is_subclass_of($name, 'AkeebaCliBase'))) { self::$instance = new $name; } else { self::$instance = new AkeebaCliBase; } } return self::$instance; } /** * Execute the application. * * @return void */ public function execute() { $this->close(); } /** * Exit the application. * * @param integer $code Exit code. * * @return void */ public function close($code = 0) { exit($code); } /** * Load an object or array into the application configuration object. * * @param mixed $data Either an array or object to be loaded into the configuration object. * * @return void */ public function loadConfiguration($data) { // Load the data into the configuration object. if (is_array($data)) { $this->config->loadArray($data); } elseif (is_object($data)) { $this->config->loadObject($data); } } /** * Write a string to standard output. * * @param string $text The text to display. * @param boolean $nl True to append a new line at the end of the output string. * * @return void */ public function out($text = '', $nl = true) { fwrite(STDOUT, $text . ($nl ? "\n" : null)); } /** * Get a value from standard input. * * @return string The input string from standard input. */ public function in() { return rtrim(fread(STDIN, 8192), "\n"); } /** * Method to load a PHP configuration class file based on convention and return the instantiated data object. You * will extend this method in child classes to provide configuration data from whatever data source is relevant * for your specific application. * * @return mixed Either an array or object to be loaded into the configuration object. */ protected function fetchConfigurationData() { // Set the configuration file name. $file = JPATH_BASE . '/configuration.php'; // Import the configuration file. if (!is_file($file)) { return false; } include_once $file; // Instantiate the configuration object. if (!class_exists('JConfig')) { return false; } $config = new JConfig; return $config; } /** * Returns a fancy formatted time lapse code * * @param int $referencedate Timestamp of the reference date/time * @param int $timepointer Timestamp of the current date/time * @param string $measureby Time unit. One of s, m, h, d, or y. * @param bool $autotext Add "ago" / "from now" suffix? * * @return string */ protected function timeago($referencedate = 0, $timepointer = '', $measureby = '', $autotext = true) { if ($timepointer == '') { $timepointer = time(); } // Raw time difference $Raw = $timepointer - $referencedate; $Clean = abs($Raw); $calcNum = array( array('s', 60), array('m', 60 * 60), array('h', 60 * 60 * 60), array('d', 60 * 60 * 60 * 24), array('y', 60 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) ); $calc = array( 's' => array(1, 'second'), 'm' => array(60, 'minute'), 'h' => array(60 * 60, 'hour'), 'd' => array(60 * 60 * 24, 'day'), 'y' => array(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, 'year') ); if ($measureby == '') { $usemeasure = 's'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($calcNum); $i++) { if ($Clean <= $calcNum[$i][1]) { $usemeasure = $calcNum[$i][0]; $i = count($calcNum); } } } else { $usemeasure = $measureby; } $datedifference = floor($Clean / $calc[$usemeasure][0]); if ($autotext == true && ($timepointer == time())) { if ($Raw < 0) { $prospect = ' from now'; } else { $prospect = ' ago'; } } else { $prospect = ''; } if ($referencedate != 0) { if ($datedifference == 1) { return $datedifference . ' ' . $calc[$usemeasure][1] . ' ' . $prospect; } else { return $datedifference . ' ' . $calc[$usemeasure][1] . 's ' . $prospect; } } else { return 'No input time referenced.'; } } /** * Formats a number of bytes in human readable format * * @param int $size The size in bytes to format, e.g. 8254862 * * @return string The human-readable representation of the byte size, e.g. "7.87 Mb" */ protected function formatByteSize($size) { $unit = array('b', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'); return @round($size / pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i]; } /** * Returns the current memory usage, formatted * * @return string */ protected function memUsage() { if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $size = memory_get_usage(); return $this->formatByteSize($size); } else { return "(unknown)"; } } /** * Returns the peak memory usage, formatted * * @return string */ protected function peakMemUsage() { if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $size = memory_get_peak_usage(); return $this->formatByteSize($size); } else { return "(unknown)"; } } /** * Parses POSIX command line options and sets the self::$cliOptions associative array. Each array item contains * a single dimensional array of values. Arguments without a dash are silently ignored. * * This works much better than JInputCli since it allows you to use all POSIX-valid ways of defining CLI parameters. * * @return void */ protected function parseOptions() { global $argc, $argv; // Workaround for PHP-CGI if (!isset($argc) && !isset($argv)) { $query = ""; if (!empty($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { $query .= " $k"; if ($v != "") { $query .= "=$v"; } } } $query = ltrim($query); $argv = explode(' ', $query); $argc = count($argv); } $currentName = ""; $options = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) { $argument = $argv[ $i ]; $value = $argument; if (strpos($argument, "-") === 0) { $argument = ltrim($argument, '-'); $name = $argument; $value = null; if (strstr($argument, '=')) { list($name, $value) = explode('=', $argument, 2); } $currentName = $name; if (!isset($options[ $currentName ]) || ($options[ $currentName ] == null)) { $options[ $currentName ] = array(); } } if ((!is_null($value)) && (!is_null($currentName))) { $key = null; if (strstr($value, '=')) { $parts = explode('=', $value, 2); $key = $parts[0]; $value = $parts[1]; } $values = $options[ $currentName ]; if (is_null($values)) { $values = array(); } if (is_null($key)) { array_push($values, $value); } else { $values[ $key ] = $value; } $options[ $currentName ] = $values; } } self::$cliOptions = $options; } /** * Returns the value of a command line option * * @param string $key The full name of the option, e.g. "foobar" * @param mixed $default The default value to return * @param string $type Joomla! filter type, e.g. cmd, int, bool and so on. * * @return mixed The value of the option */ protected function getOption($key, $default = null, $type = 'raw') { // If the key doesn't exist set it to the default value if (!array_key_exists($key, self::$cliOptions)) { self::$cliOptions[$key] = is_array($default) ? $default : array($default); } $type = strtolower($type); if ($type == 'array') { return self::$cliOptions[$key]; } $value = null; if (!empty(self::$cliOptions[$key])) { $value = self::$cliOptions[$key][0]; } return $this->filterVariable($value, $type); } protected function filterVariable($var, $type = 'cmd') { // If JFilterInput exists we shall use it if (is_object($this->filter)) { return $this->filter->clean($var, $type); } // Otherwise we'll have to do it THE REALLY HARD WAY, using reflection to call JRequest::_cleanVar. $reflector = new ReflectionClass('JRequest'); $refMethod = $reflector->getMethod('_cleanVar'); $refMethod->setAccessible(true); return $refMethod->invoke(null, $var, 0, $type); } } /** * @param Throwable $ex The Exception / Error being handled */ function akeeba_exception_handler($ex) { echo "\n\n"; echo "********** ERROR! **********\n\n"; echo $ex->getMessage(); echo "\n\nTechnical information:\n\n"; echo "Code: " . $ex->getCode() . "\n"; echo "File: " . $ex->getFile() . "\n"; echo "Line: " . $ex->getLine() . "\n"; echo "\nStack Trace:\n\n" . $ex->getTraceAsString(); die("\n\n"); } /** * Timeout handler * * This function is registered as a shutdown script. If a catchable timeout occurs it will detect it and print a helpful * error message instead of just dying cold. * * @return void */ function akeeba_timeout_handler() { $connection_status = connection_status(); if ($connection_status == 0) { // Normal script termination, do not report an error. return; } echo "\n\n"; echo "********** ERROR! **********\n\n"; if ($connection_status == 1) { echo <<< END The process was aborted on user's request. This usually means that you pressed CTRL-C to terminate the script (if you're running it from a terminal / SSH session), or that your host's CRON daemon aborted the execution of this script. If you are running this script through a CRON job and saw this message, please contact your host and request an increase in the timeout limit for CRON jobs. Moreover you need to ask them to increase the max_execution_time in the php.ini file or, even better, set it to 0. END; } else { echo <<< END This script has timed out. As a result, the process has FAILED to complete. Your host applies a maximum execution time for CRON jobs which is too low for this script to work properly. Please contact your host and request an increase in the timeout limit for CRON jobs. Moreover you need to ask them to increase the max_execution_time in the php.ini file or, even better, set it to 0. END; if (!function_exists('php_ini_loaded_file')) { echo "\n\n"; return; } $ini_location = php_ini_loaded_file(); echo <<<END The php.ini file your host will need to modify is located at: $ini_location Info for the host: the location above is reported by PHP's php_ini_loaded_file() method. END; die("\n\n");} } /** * Error handler. It tries to catch fatal errors and report them in a meaningful way. Obviously it only works for * cachable fatal errors... * * @param int $errno Error number * @param string $errstr Error string, tells us what went wrong * @param string $errfile Full path to file where the error occurred * @param int $errline Line number where the error occurred * * @return void */ function akeeba_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: echo "\n\n"; echo "********** ERROR! **********\n\n"; echo "PHP Fatal Error: $errstr"; echo "\n\nTechnical information:\n\n"; echo "File: " . $errfile . "\n"; echo "Line: " . $errline . "\n"; echo "\nStack Trace:\n\n" . debug_backtrace(); die("\n\n"); break; default: break; } } set_exception_handler('akeeba_exception_handler'); set_error_handler('akeeba_error_handler', E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR); register_shutdown_function('akeeba_timeout_handler');