Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/layouts/plugins/editors/tinymce/field/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/layouts/plugins/editors/tinymce/field/tinymcebuilder.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Plugin * @subpackage Editors.tinymce * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; extract($displayData); /** * Layout variables * ----------------- * @var string $autocomplete Autocomplete attribute for the field. * @var boolean $autofocus Is autofocus enabled? * @var string $class Classes for the input. * @var string $description Description of the field. * @var boolean $disabled Is this field disabled? * @var string $group Group the field belongs to. <fields> section in form XML. * @var boolean $hidden Is this field hidden in the form? * @var string $hint Placeholder for the field. * @var string $id DOM id of the field. * @var string $label Label of the field. * @var string $labelclass Classes to apply to the label. * @var boolean $multiple Does this field support multiple values? * @var string $name Name of the input field. * @var string $onchange Onchange attribute for the field. * @var string $onclick Onclick attribute for the field. * @var string $pattern Pattern (Reg Ex) of value of the form field. * @var boolean $readonly Is this field read only? * @var boolean $repeat Allows extensions to duplicate elements. * @var boolean $required Is this field required? * @var integer $size Size attribute of the input. * @var boolean $spellcheck Spellcheck state for the form field. * @var string $validate Validation rules to apply. * @var array $value Value of the field. * * @var array $menus List of the menu items * @var array $menubarSource Menu items for builder * @var array $buttons List of the buttons * @var array $buttonsSource Buttons by group, for the builder * @var array $toolbarPreset Toolbar presset (default values) * @var int $setsAmount Amount of sets * @var array $setsNames List of Sets names * @var JForm[] $setsForms Form with extra options for an each set * @var string $languageFile TinyMCE language file to translate the buttons * * @var JLayoutFile $this Context */ JHtml::_('behavior.core'); JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'media/editors/tinymce/skins/lightgray/skin.min.css', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => false)); JHtml::_('jquery.ui', array('core', 'sortable')); JHtml::_('script', 'editors/tinymce/tinymce-builder.js', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true)); if ($languageFile) { JHtml::_('script', $languageFile, array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => false)); } $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addScriptOptions('plg_editors_tinymce_builder', array( 'menus' => $menus, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'toolbarPreset' => $toolbarPreset, 'formControl' => $name . '[toolbars]', ) ); $doc->addStyleDeclaration(' #joomla-tinymce-builder{ margin-left: -180px; } .mce-menubar, .mce-panel { min-height: 18px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(217,217,217,0.52); white-space: normal; } .mce-tinymce { margin-bottom: 20px; } .mce-panel .drop-area-highlight{ background-color: #d0d0d0; } .mce-panel .mce-btn.ui-state-highlight{ height: 28px; width: 40px; background-color: #409740; border: 1px solid #f0f0f0; } .timymce-builder-toolbar .mce-btn.ui-state-highlight{ height: 22px; width: 28px; } '); ?> <div id="joomla-tinymce-builder"> <p><?php echo JText::_('PLG_TINY_SET_SOURCE_PANEL_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p> <div class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"> <div class="mce-container-body mce-stack-layout"> <div class="mce-container mce-menubar mce-toolbar mce-stack-layout-item"> <div class="mce-container-body mce-flow-layout timymce-builder-menu source" data-group="menu" data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($menubarSource)); ?>"> </div> </div> <div class="mce-toolbar-grp mce-container mce-panel mce-stack-layout-item"> <div class="mce-container-body mce-flow-layout timymce-builder-toolbar source" data-group="toolbar" data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($buttonsSource)); ?>"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr /> <p><?php echo JText::_('PLG_TINY_SET_TARGET_PANEL_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p> <!-- Render tabs for each set --> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="set-tabs"> <?php foreach ( $setsNames as $num => $title ) : ?> <li class="<?php echo $num === $setsAmount - 1 ? 'active' : ''; ?>"> <a href="#set-<?php echo $num; ?>"><?php echo $title; ?></a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <!-- Render tab content for each set --> <div class="tab-content"> <?php $presetButtonClases = array( 'simple' => 'btn-success', 'medium' => 'btn-info', 'advanced' => 'btn-warning', ); foreach ( $setsNames as $num => $title ) : // Check whether the values exists, and if empty then use from preset if (empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['menu']) && empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1']) && empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2'])) { // Take the preset for default value switch ($num) { case 0: $preset = $toolbarPreset['advanced']; break; case 1: $preset = $toolbarPreset['medium']; break; default: $preset = $toolbarPreset['simple']; } $value['toolbars'][$num] = $preset; } // Take existing values $valMenu = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['menu']) ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['menu']; $valBar1 = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1']) ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1']; $valBar2 = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2']) ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2']; ?> <div class="tab-pane <?php echo $num === $setsAmount - 1 ? 'active' : ''; ?>" id="set-<?php echo $num; ?>"> <div class="btn-toolbar clearfix"> <div class="btn-group pull-right"> <?php foreach(array_keys($toolbarPreset) as $presetName) : $btnClass = empty($presetButtonClases[$presetName]) ? 'btn-primary' : $presetButtonClases[$presetName]; ?> <button type="button" class="btn btn-mini <?php echo $btnClass; ?> button-action" data-action="setPreset" data-preset="<?php echo $presetName; ?>" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>"> <?php echo JText::_('PLG_TINY_SET_PRESET_BUTTON_' . $presetName); ?> </button> <?php endforeach; ?> <button type="button" class="btn btn-mini btn-danger button-action" data-action="clearPane" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>"> <?php echo JText::_('JCLEAR'); ?></button> </div> </div> <div class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"> <div class="mce-container-body mce-stack-layout"> <div class="mce-container mce-menubar mce-toolbar timymce-builder-menu target" data-group="menu" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>" data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valMenu)); ?>"> </div> <div class="mce-toolbar-grp mce-container mce-panel timymce-builder-toolbar target" data-group="toolbar1" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>" data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valBar1)); ?>"> </div> <div class="mce-toolbar-grp mce-container mce-panel timymce-builder-toolbar target" data-group="toolbar2" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>" data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valBar2)); ?>"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Render the form for extra options --> <?php echo $this->sublayout('setoptions', array('form' => $setsForms[$num])); ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> </div>