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 * @package     FrameworkOnFramework
 * @subpackage  platform
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Protect from unauthorized access
defined('FOF_INCLUDED') or die;

 * Part of the FOF Platform Abstraction Layer. It implements everything that
 * depends on the platform FOF is running under, e.g. the Joomla! CMS front-end,
 * the Joomla! CMS back-end, a CLI Joomla! Platform app, a bespoke Joomla!
 * Platform / Framework web application and so on.
 * This is the abstract class implementing some basic housekeeping functionality
 * and provides the static interface to get the appropriate Platform object for
 * use in the rest of the framework.
 * @package  FrameworkOnFramework
 * @since    2.1
interface FOFPlatformInterface
     * Checks if the current script is run inside a valid CMS execution
     * @return bool
    public function checkExecution();

	 * Set the error Handling, if possible
	 * @param   integer  $level      PHP error level (E_ALL)
	 * @param   string   $log_level  What to do with the error (ignore, callback)
	 * @param   array    $options    Options for the error handler
	 * @return  void
	public function setErrorHandling($level, $log_level, $options = array());

     * Raises an error, using the logic requested by the CMS (PHP Exception or dedicated class)
     * @param   integer  $code
     * @param   string   $message
     * @return mixed
    public function raiseError($code, $message);

	 * Returns the ordering of the platform class. Files with a lower ordering
	 * number will be loaded first.
	 * @return  integer
	public function getOrdering();

	 * Returns a platform integration object
	 * @param   string  $key  The key name of the platform integration object, e.g. 'filesystem'
	 * @return  object
	 * @since  2.1.2
	public function getIntegrationObject($key);

	 * Forces a platform integration object instance
	 * @param   string  $key     The key name of the platform integration object, e.g. 'filesystem'
	 * @param   object  $object  The object to force for this key
	 * @return  object
	 * @since  2.1.2
	public function setIntegrationObject($key, $object);

	 * Is this platform enabled? This is used for automatic platform detection.
	 * If the environment we're currently running in doesn't seem to be your
	 * platform return false. If many classes return true, the one with the
	 * lowest order will be picked by FOFPlatform.
	 * @return  boolean
	public function isEnabled();

	 * Returns the (internal) name of the platform implementation, e.g.
	 * "joomla", "foobar123" etc. This MUST be the last part of the platform
	 * class name. For example, if you have a plaform implementation class
	 * FOFPlatformFoobar you MUST return "foobar" (all lowercase).
	 * @return  string
	 * @since  2.1.2
	public function getPlatformName();

	 * Returns the version number string of the platform, e.g. "4.5.6". If
	 * implementation integrates with a CMS or a versioned foundation (e.g.
	 * a framework) it is advisable to return that version.
	 * @return  string
	 * @since  2.1.2
	public function getPlatformVersion();

	 * Returns the human readable platform name, e.g. "Joomla!", "Joomla!
	 * Framework", "Something Something Something Framework" etc.
	 * @return  string
	 * @since  2.1.2
	public function getPlatformHumanName();

     * Returns absolute path to directories used by the CMS.
     * The return is a table with the following key:
     * * root    Path to the site root
     * * public  Path to the public area of the site
     * * admin   Path to the administrative area of the site
     * * tmp     Path to the temp directory
     * * log     Path to the log directory
     * @return  array  A hash array with keys root, public, admin, tmp and log.
    public function getPlatformBaseDirs();

	 * Returns the base (root) directories for a given component. The
	 * "component" is used in the sense of what we call "component" in Joomla!,
	 * "plugin" in WordPress and "module" in Drupal, i.e. an application which
	 * is running inside our main application (CMS).
	 * The return is a table with the following keys:
	 * * main	The normal location of component files. For a back-end Joomla!
	 *          component this is the administrator/components/com_example
	 *          directory.
	 * * alt	The alternate location of component files. For a back-end
	 *          Joomla! component this is the front-end directory, e.g.
	 *          components/com_example
	 * * site	The location of the component files serving the public part of
	 *          the application.
	 * * admin	The location of the component files serving the administrative
	 *          part of the application.
	 * All paths MUST be absolute. All four paths MAY be the same if the
	 * platform doesn't make a distinction between public and private parts,
	 * or when the component does not provide both a public and private part.
	 * All of the directories MUST be defined and non-empty.
	 * @param   string  $component  The name of the component. For Joomla! this
	 *                              is something like "com_example"
	 * @return  array  A hash array with keys main, alt, site and admin.
	public function getComponentBaseDirs($component);

	 * Return a list of the view template paths for this component. The paths
	 * are in the format site:/component_name/view_name/layout_name or
	 * admin:/component_name/view_name/layout_name
	 * The list of paths returned is a prioritised list. If a file is
	 * found in the first path the other paths will not be scanned.
	 * @param   string   $component  The name of the component. For Joomla! this
	 *                               is something like "com_example"
	 * @param   string   $view       The name of the view you're looking a
	 *                               template for
	 * @param   string   $layout     The layout name to load, e.g. 'default'
	 * @param   string   $tpl        The sub-template name to load (null by default)
	 * @param   boolean  $strict     If true, only the specified layout will be
	 *                               searched for. Otherwise we'll fall back to
	 *                               the 'default' layout if the specified layout
	 *                               is not found.
	 * @return  array
	public function getViewTemplatePaths($component, $view, $layout = 'default', $tpl = null, $strict = false);

	 * Get application-specific suffixes to use with template paths. This allows
	 * you to look for view template overrides based on the application version.
	 * @return  array  A plain array of suffixes to try in template names
	public function getTemplateSuffixes();

	 * Return the absolute path to the application's template overrides
	 * directory for a specific component. We will use it to look for template
	 * files instead of the regular component directorues. If the application
	 * does not have such a thing as template overrides return an empty string.
	 * @param   string   $component  The name of the component for which to fetch the overrides
	 * @param   boolean  $absolute   Should I return an absolute or relative path?
	 * @return  string  The path to the template overrides directory
	public function getTemplateOverridePath($component, $absolute = true);

	 * Load the translation files for a given component. The
	 * "component" is used in the sense of what we call "component" in Joomla!,
	 * "plugin" in WordPress and "module" in Drupal, i.e. an application which
	 * is running inside our main application (CMS).
	 * @param   string  $component  The name of the component. For Joomla! this
	 *                              is something like "com_example"
	 * @return  void
	public function loadTranslations($component);

	 * By default FOF will only use the Controller's onBefore* methods to
	 * perform user authorisation. In some cases, like the Joomla! back-end,
	 * you alos need to perform component-wide user authorisation in the
	 * Dispatcher. This method MUST implement this authorisation check. If you
	 * do not need this in your platform, please always return true.
	 * @param   string  $component  The name of the component.
	 * @return  boolean  True to allow loading the component, false to halt loading
	public function authorizeAdmin($component);

	 * This method will try retrieving a variable from the request (input) data.
	 * If it doesn't exist it will be loaded from the user state, typically
	 * stored in the session. If it doesn't exist there either, the $default
	 * value will be used. If $setUserState is set to true, the retrieved
	 * variable will be stored in the user session.
	 * @param   string    $key           The user state key for the variable
	 * @param   string    $request       The request variable name for the variable
	 * @param   FOFInput  $input         The FOFInput object with the request (input) data
	 * @param   mixed     $default       The default value. Default: null
	 * @param   string    $type          The filter type for the variable data. Default: none (no filtering)
	 * @param   boolean   $setUserState  Should I set the user state with the fetched value?
	 * @return  mixed  The value of the variable
	public function getUserStateFromRequest($key, $request, $input, $default = null, $type = 'none', $setUserState = true);

	 * Load plugins of a specific type. Obviously this seems to only be required
	 * in the Joomla! CMS.
	 * @param   string  $type  The type of the plugins to be loaded
	 * @return void
	public function importPlugin($type);

	 * Execute plugins (system-level triggers) and fetch back an array with
	 * their return values.
	 * @param   string  $event  The event (trigger) name, e.g. onBeforeScratchMyEar
	 * @param   array   $data   A hash array of data sent to the plugins as part of the trigger
	 * @return  array  A simple array containing the resutls of the plugins triggered
	public function runPlugins($event, $data);

	 * Perform an ACL check. Please note that FOF uses by default the Joomla!
	 * CMS convention for ACL privileges, e.g core.edit for the edit privilege.
	 * If your platform uses different conventions you'll have to override the
	 * FOF defaults using fof.xml or by specialising the controller.
	 * @param   string  $action     The ACL privilege to check, e.g. core.edit
	 * @param   string  $assetname  The asset name to check, typically the component's name
	 * @return  boolean  True if the user is allowed this action
	public function authorise($action, $assetname);

	 * Returns a user object.
	 * @param   integer  $id  The user ID to load. Skip or use null to retrieve
	 *                        the object for the currently logged in user.
	 * @return  JUser  The JUser object for the specified user
	public function getUser($id = null);

	 * Returns the JDocument object which handles this component's response. You
	 * may also return null and FOF will a. try to figure out the output type by
	 * examining the "format" input parameter (or fall back to "html") and b.
	 * FOF will not attempt to load CSS and Javascript files (as it doesn't make
	 * sense if there's no JDocument to handle them).
	 * @return  JDocument
	public function getDocument();

     * Returns an object to handle dates
     * @param   mixed   $time       The initial time
     * @param   null    $tzOffest   The timezone offset
     * @param   bool    $locale     Should I try to load a specific class for current language?
     * @return  JDate object
    public function getDate($time = 'now', $tzOffest = null, $locale = true);

    public function getLanguage();

	 * @return FOFDatabaseDriver
    public function getDbo();

	 * Is this the administrative section of the component?
	 * @return  boolean
	public function isBackend();

	 * Is this the public section of the component?
	 * @return  boolean
	public function isFrontend();

	 * Is this a component running in a CLI application?
	 * @return  boolean
	public function isCli();

	 * Is AJAX re-ordering supported? This is 100% Joomla!-CMS specific. All
	 * other platforms should return false and never ask why.
	 * @return  boolean
	public function supportsAjaxOrdering();

	 * Performs a check between two versions. Use this function instead of PHP version_compare
	 * so we can mock it while testing
	 * @param   string  $version1  First version number
	 * @param   string  $version2  Second version number
	 * @param   string  $operator  Operator (see version_compare for valid operators)
     * @deprecated Use PHP's version_compare against JVERSION in your code. This method is scheduled for removal in FOF 3.0
	 * @return  boolean
	public function checkVersion($version1, $version2, $operator);

	 * Saves something to the cache. This is supposed to be used for system-wide
	 * FOF data, not application data.
	 * @param   string  $key      The key of the data to save
	 * @param   string  $content  The actual data to save
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function setCache($key, $content);

	 * Retrieves data from the cache. This is supposed to be used for system-side
	 * FOF data, not application data.
	 * @param   string  $key      The key of the data to retrieve
	 * @param   string  $default  The default value to return if the key is not found or the cache is not populated
	 * @return  string  The cached value
	public function getCache($key, $default = null);

	 * Clears the cache of system-wide FOF data. You are supposed to call this in
	 * your components' installation script post-installation and post-upgrade
	 * methods or whenever you are modifying the structure of database tables
	 * accessed by FOF. Please note that FOF's cache never expires and is not
	 * purged by Joomla!. You MUST use this method to manually purge the cache.
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function clearCache();

     * Returns an object that holds the configuration of the current site.
     * @return  mixed
    public function getConfig();

	 * Is the global FOF cache enabled?
	 * @return  boolean
	public function isGlobalFOFCacheEnabled();

	 * logs in a user
	 * @param   array  $authInfo  authentification information
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function loginUser($authInfo);

	 * logs out a user
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function logoutUser();

    public function logAddLogger($file);

	 * Logs a deprecated practice. In Joomla! this results in the $message being output in the
	 * deprecated log file, found in your site's log directory.
	 * @param   string  $message  The deprecated practice log message
	 * @return  void
	public function logDeprecated($message);

    public function logDebug($message);

     * Returns the root URI for the request.
     * @param   boolean  $pathonly  If false, prepend the scheme, host and port information. Default is false.
     * @param   string   $path      The path
     * @return  string  The root URI string.
    public function URIroot($pathonly = false, $path = null);

     * Returns the base URI for the request.
     * @param   boolean  $pathonly  If false, prepend the scheme, host and port information. Default is false.
     * |
     * @return  string  The base URI string
    public function URIbase($pathonly = false);

     * Method to set a response header.  If the replace flag is set then all headers
     * with the given name will be replaced by the new one (only if the current platform supports header caching)
     * @param   string   $name     The name of the header to set.
     * @param   string   $value    The value of the header to set.
     * @param   boolean  $replace  True to replace any headers with the same name.
     * @return  void
    public function setHeader($name, $value, $replace = false);

     * In platforms that perform header caching, send all headers.
     * @return  void
    public function sendHeaders();

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