Direktori : /home/lightco1/public_html/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/jsnframework/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/public_html/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/jsnframework/jsnframework.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id$ * @package JSN_Framework * @author JoomlaShine Team <support@joomlashine.com> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com * Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // Import necessary Joomla libraries jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); /** * System plugin for initializing JSN Framework. * * @package JSN_Framework * @since 1.0.0 */ class PlgSystemJSNFramework extends JPlugin { /** * @var JApplication */ private static $_app = null; /** * Register JSN Framework initialization. * * @return void */ public function onAfterInitialise() { // Initialize JSN Framework require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/libraries/loader.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/jsnframework.defines.php'; // Get application object self::$_app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Get requested component, view and task $this->option = self::$_app->input->getCmd('option'); $this->view = self::$_app->input->getCmd('view'); $this->task = self::$_app->input->getCmd('task'); // Redirect to update page if necessary if ($this->option == 'com_installer' AND $this->view == 'update' AND $this->task == 'update.update' AND count($cid = (array) self::$_app->input->getVar('cid', array()))) { // Check if extension to updated is JoomlaShine product $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('element'); $q->from('#__updates'); $q->where('update_id = ' . (int) $cid[0]); $db->setQuery($q); $ext = $db->loadResult(); if (in_array($ext, JSNVersion::$products)) { return self::$_app->redirect('index.php?option=' . $ext . '&view=update'); } } // Get active language $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); // Check if language file exists for active language if ( ! file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/language/' . $lang->get('tag') . '/' . $lang->get('tag') . '.plg_system_jsnframework.ini')) { // If requested component has the language file, install then load it if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $this->option . '/language/admin/' . $lang->get('tag') . '/' . $lang->get('tag') . '.plg_system_jsnframework.ini')) { JSNLanguageHelper::install((array) $lang->get('tag'), false, true); $lang->load('plg_system_jsnframework', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true); } // Otherwise, try to load language file from plugin directory else { $lang->load('plg_system_jsnframework', JSN_PATH_FRAMEWORK, null, true); } } else { $lang->load('plg_system_jsnframework', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true); } // Disable notice and warning by default for our products. // The reason for doing this is if any notice or warning appeared then handling JSON string will fail in our code. if (function_exists('error_reporting') AND in_array($this->option, JSNVersion::$products)) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT); } // Set event handlers to detect and update dependency installation / removal self::$_app->registerEvent('onExtensionAfterInstall', 'jsnExtFrameworkUpdateDependencyAfterInstallExtension'); self::$_app->registerEvent('onExtensionBeforeUninstall', 'jsnExtFrameworkUpdateDependencyBeforeUninstallExtension'); } /** * Event handler to re-parse request URI. * * @return void */ public function onAfterRoute() { // Get installed Joomla version $JVersion = new JVersion; $JVersion = $JVersion->getShortVersion(); $option = trim((string) $this->option); if (self::$_app->isAdmin() && version_compare($JVersion, '3.0', '>=') && in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products)) { $manifestFile = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $option . '/' . str_replace('com_', '', $option) . '.xml'; if (file_exists($manifestFile)) { $xml = JSNUtilsXml::load($manifestFile); $attr = $xml->attributes(); if (count($attr)) { if (isset($attr['version']) && (string) $attr['version'] != '') { $version = (string) $attr['version']; if ($option == 'com_imageshow') { $version = str_replace('.x', '.0', $version); } if (version_compare($version, '3.0', '<')) { // Check if all JSN Extensions are compatible with Joomla 3.x, if not, redirect to index.php and show a warning message self::$_app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('You are running a Joomla 2.5 version of %1$s on Joomla 3.x. Please download %1$s for Joomla 3.x and reinstall via Joomla! Installer to fix the problem.', 'JSN ' . ucfirst(str_replace('com_', '', $option))), 'warning'); self::$_app->redirect('index.php'); return false; } } } } } // Make sure our onAfterRender event handler is the last one executed self::$_app->registerEvent('onAfterRender', 'jsnExtFrameworkFinalize'); } /** * Before render needs using this function to make format of HTML of modules * * @return Changed HTML format */ public function onBeforeRender() { if ( ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible(JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER)) { return; } if (self::$_app->isAdmin()) { // Ask user to review JoomlaShine product on JED $this->askForReview(); } elseif (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0') AND self::$_app->input->getCmd('poweradmin', 0) == 1) { $jsnHelper = JSNPositionsModel::_getInstance(); $jsnHelper->renderEmptyModule(); } } /** * Do some output manipulation. * * Auto-inject <b>jsn-master tmpl-nameOfDefaultTemplate</b> into the class * attribute of <b><body></b> tag if not already exists. This * automation only affects backend page. * * @return void */ public static function onAfterRender() { // Make sure the remaining process is executed in last order if ( ! defined('JSN_EXTFW_LAST_EXECUTION')) { return; } // Get active component $option = self::$_app->input->getCmd('option'); // Get the rendered HTML code $html = JResponse::getBody(); if (self::$_app->input->getVar('poweradmin')) { if (preg_match_all('#<a[^\>]*href\s*=\s*[\'"]([^"]*[^"]+)[\'"]#i', $html, $ms, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($ms as $m) { $html = str_replace($m[0], str_replace($m[1], 'javascript:void(0)', $m[0]), $html); } } } // Do some fixes if this is admin page if (self::$_app->isAdmin()) { // Fix asset links for Joomla 2.5 if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('2.5') AND ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0') AND strpos($html, JSN_URL_ASSETS) !== false) { // Get asset link if (preg_match_all('#<(link|script)([^\>]*)(href|src)="([^"]*' . JSN_URL_ASSETS . '[^"]+)"#i', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches AS $match) { // Do replace $html = str_replace( $match[0], '<' . $match[1] . $match[2] . $match[3] . '="' . dirname(dirname($match[4])) . '/' . str_replace('.', '-', basename(dirname($match[4]))) . '/' . basename($match[4]) . '"', $html ); } } } // Remove our extensions from the Joomla 3.0's global config page if ($option == 'com_config' AND JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0')) { $html = preg_replace( '#<li>[\r\n]+\t+<a href="index.php\?option=com_config&view=component&component=(' . implode('|', JSNVersion::$products) . ')">[^<]+</a>[\r\n]+\t+</li>#', '', $html ); } // Alter body tag if (preg_match('/<body[^>]*>/i', $html, $match) AND strpos($match[0], 'jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate()) === false) { if (strpos($match[0], 'class=') === false) { $match[1] = substr($match[0], 0, -1) . ' class=" jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate() . ' ">'; } else { $match[1] = str_replace('class="', 'class=" jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate() . ' ', $match[0]); } $html = str_replace($match[0], $match[1], $html); } if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.2')) { // Clean-up HTML5 fall-back script if running on Joomla 3.2 if (in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products) AND preg_match('#[\r\n][\s\t]+<script src="[^"]*/media/system/js/html5fallback(-uncompressed)?\.js"[^>]+></script>#', $html, $match)) { $html = str_replace($match[0], '', $html); } // Temporary fix jQuery version conflict on Joomla 3.2 $pos = strpos($html, JSN_URL_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery/jquery.min.js'); if ($pos !== false AND preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="' . JSN_URL_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery/jquery.min.js"[^>]*></script>#', $html, $match)) { $html = explode($match[0], $html); // Do some tricks on multiple jQuery instances $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup = jQuery));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0]; // Update document header $html[0] .= $script; // Truncate content $html[2] = substr($html[1], strpos($html[1], '</head>')); $html[1] = substr($html[1], 0, strpos($html[1], '</head>')); if (preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/media/jui/js/jquery(\.min)?\.js"[^>]*></script>#', $html[1], $match)) { $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0]; // Update document header $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]); } elseif (preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/js/template\.js[^"]*"[^>]*></script>#', $html[1], $match)) { $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t\t" . '(!JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup || (jQuery = JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0]; // Update document header $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]); } elseif (preg_match('#<script type="text/javascript">#', $html[1], $match)) { $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t\t" . '(!JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup || (jQuery = JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup));'; // Update document header $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]); } $html = implode($html); // Fix for (function($) { ... })(jQuery); $tmp = preg_split('/\}[\s\t\r\n]*\)*\([^\r\n]*jQuery[^\r\n]*\)\s*;?/', $html); $html = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($tmp AS $part) { $i++; if ($i == count($tmp)) { $html .= $part; } else { $parts = preg_split('/\(\s*function\s*\(\s*\$\s*\)\s*\{/', $part, 2); if (count($parts) < 2) { $html .= $part; } elseif (stripos($parts[1], 'jsn') !== false) { $html .= "{$parts[0]}(function($) {{$parts[1]}})((window.JoomlaShine && JoomlaShine.jQuery) ? JoomlaShine.jQuery : jQuery);"; } else { $html .= "{$parts[0]}(function($) {{$parts[1]}})(jQuery);"; } } } // Remove JSN ImageShow's buggy fix for jQuery conflict if (strpos($html, 'administrator/components/com_imageshow/assets/js/joomlashine/jquery.safe.element.js') !== false) { $html = preg_replace('#[\r\n][\s\t]*<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/joomlashine/jquery.safe.element.js[^"]*"[^>]*></script>#', '', $html); } } } } // Attach JS declaration $html = str_replace('</head>', JSNHtmlAsset::buildHeader() . '</head>', $html); // Optimize script tags position self::moveScriptTags($html); // Fix compatibility problem between require.js and RokPad editor if (strpos($html, '/plugins/editors/rokpad/')) { if (preg_match_all('#[\r\n][\s\t]*<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/plugins/editors/rokpad/[^"]+"[^>]*></script>#', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches AS $match) { // Clean the script tag from its original position $html = str_replace($match[0], '', $html); // Inject the removed script tag into the end of head section $html = str_replace('</head>', $match[0] . '</head>', $html); } } } // Set new response body JResponse::setBody($html); // Execute update checker if ( ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.1')) { if ( isset($this) ) { $this->checkUpdate(); } } } /** * Proceed positions rendering * * Remove default tp=1 layout, replace by jsn style to * show page positions * * @return void */ public function onAfterDispatch() { if ( ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible(JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER)) { return; } // Keep this for joomla 2.5. Will be deprecated. if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('2.5') AND ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0')) { if (self::$_app->isAdmin() AND self::$_app->input->getVar('format', '') != 'raw' AND self::$_app->input->getVar('option', '') == 'com_poweradmin' AND self::$_app->input->getVar('view') != 'update' AND self::$_app->input->getVar('view') != 'changeposition') { $version = PoweradminHelper::getVersion(); if (version_compare($version, '1.1.3', '>=')) { $JSNMedia = JSNFactory::getMedia(); $JSNMedia->addMedia(); } } } if (self::$_app->input->getCmd('poweradmin', 0) == 1) { $jsnHelper = JSNPositionsModel::_getInstance(); $jsnHelper->renderEmptyComponent(); $jsnHelper->renderEmptyModule(); } } /** * Method to move all script tags from head section to the end of body section. * * @param string &$html Generated response body. * * @return void */ private static function moveScriptTags(&$html) { // Get active component $option = self::$_app->input->getCmd('option'); // First, check if current page is rendered by our products if ( ! in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products)) { return; } // Second, check if script movement is already done by our template framework if (defined('JSN_TPLFW_SCRIPTS_MOVEMENT_COMPLETED')) { return; } // Now, get configuration for our product $cfg = JSNConfigHelper::get($option); // Do not continue if script movement is disabled if ( ! $cfg->get('script_movement')) { return; } // Move all script tags to the end of body section if ((self::$_app->isSite() OR in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products)) AND $n = count($parts = preg_split('/>[\s\t\r\n]*<script/', $html))) { // Re-generated script tags $tags = array(); // Inline script code block combination status $combine = array(); $last = 'inline'; // Re-generate HTML document $temp = $parts[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) { // Get script tag $script = substr($parts[$i], 0, strpos($parts[$i], '</script') + 8); // Remove script tag from its original position $parts[$i] = str_replace($script, '', $parts[$i]); // Leave script tag as is if it is placed inside conditional comments if ((preg_match('/([\r\n][\s\t]*)<\!--\[if[^\]]*IE[^\]]*\]/', $temp, $match) AND strpos($temp, '<![endif]--') === false) OR (isset($notClosed) AND $notClosed)) { $temp .= '>' . (isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : '') . '<script' . $script . $parts[$i]; // Look for the end of conditional comments $notClosed = strpos($parts[$i], '<![endif]--') !== false ? false : true; // Continue the loop continue; } // Leave script code block as is if document.write function is used inside if (strpos($script, 'document.write') !== false) { $temp .= ">\n<script" . $script . $parts[$i]; // Continue the loop continue; } // Re-generate HTML document $temp .= $parts[$i]; // Complete script tag $script = '<script' . $script . '>'; if (strpos(preg_replace(array('/[\s\t\r\n]+/', '/[\s\t\r\n]+=[\s\t\r\n]+/'), array(' ', '='), $script), ' src=') === false) { // Clean-up inline script block $script = substr($script, strpos($script, '>') + 1, -9); if ($last == 'inline') { // Combine continuous script code block $combine[] = $script; } else { $combine = array($script); $last = 'inline'; } } else { // Copy combined script code block ! count($combine) OR $tags[] = '<script type="text/javascript">' . implode(";\n", $combine) . '</script>'; // Copy script tag $tags[] = $script; // Reset variables $combine = array(); $last = ''; } } // Copy remaining combined script code block ! count($combine) OR $tags[] = '<script type="text/javascript">' . implode(";\n", $combine) . '</script>'; // Inject all re-generated script tags to the end of body section if (count($tags)) { $html = str_replace('</body>', implode("\n", $tags) . '</body>', $temp); // Define a constant to state that scripts movement is completed define('JSN_EXTFW_SCRIPTS_MOVEMENT_COMPLETED', 1); } } } /** * Ask user to review JoomlaShine product on JED. * * @return void */ private function askForReview() { // Continue only if this is admin page of JoomlaShine product if (self::$_app->isAdmin() AND in_array($this->option, JSNVersion::$products)) { // Get product options $config = JSNConfigHelper::get($this->option); if ($config->get('review_popup', 1)) { // Get time difference $time = time(); $last = $config->get('last_ask_for_review', 0); if ($last == 0) { $last = filemtime(JPATH_ROOT . "/administrator/components/{$this->option}/" . substr($this->option, 4) . '.xml'); } // Check if it's time to ask for review if ($time - $last >= REVIEW_POPUP_PERIOD) { // Load script to popup a modal ask user for review JSNHtmlAsset::loadScript( 'jsn/askforreview', array( 'url' => JUri::root() . "plugins/system/jsnframework/libraries/joomlashine/choosers/review/index.php?component={$this->option}", 'language' => JSNUtilsLanguage::getTranslated(array('JSN_EXTFW_CHOOSERS_REVIEW_ON_JED')) ) ); // Get config model $model = new JSNConfigModel; // Store time of last popup $form = $model->getForm(array(), true, JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $this->option . '/config.xml'); $data = array('last_ask_for_review' => $time); try { // Save new configuration $model->save($form, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { // Do nothing as this is a background process } } } } } /** * Check if there is new update for installed JoomlaShine product. * * @return mixed */ private function checkUpdate() { // Initialize extensions to check for update $exts = array($this->option); // Get Joomla version $joomlaVersion = new JVersion; // Get list of JoomlaShine product need to be checked for new update $checks = $products = array(); foreach ($exts AS $product) { // Instantiate JSN Config model self::$_app->input->set('option', $product); $model = new JSNConfigModel; // Only continue if product is installed if (is_readable(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $product . '/config.xml')) { // Get product configuration $cfg = JSNConfigHelper::get($product); if ( ! $cfg->get('config-table-not-exists') AND ! $cfg->get('live_update_checking', 0)) { if (time() - $cfg->get('live_update_last_check', 0) >= ((int) $cfg->get('live_update_check_interval', 6) * 60 * 60)) { // Store necessary data to config table $form = $model->getForm(array(), true, JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $product . '/config.xml'); $data = array('live_update_checking' => 1); try { $model->save($form, $data); // Store product for checking new update later file_exists($define = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $product . '/' . substr($product, 4) . '.defines.php') OR file_exists($define = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $product . '/defines.' . substr($product, 4) . '.php') OR file_exists($define = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $product . '/defines.php') OR $define = null; if ( ! empty($define)) { if ($product == 'com_imageshow' AND ! class_exists('JSNISFactory')) { // JSN ImageShow specific fix if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_imageshow/classes/jsn_is_factory.php')) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_imageshow/classes/jsn_is_factory.php'; } else { // Do nothing as this is a background process continue; } } require_once $define; $products[JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')] = $product; $checks[JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')] = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('VERSION', $product); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Do nothing as this is a background process continue; } } } } } // Check update for installed JoomlaShine product if (count($products)) { if ($checks = JSNUpdateHelper::check($checks, $joomlaVersion->RELEASE)) { // Get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); foreach ($checks AS $id => & $result) { // Instantiate JSN Config model self::$_app->input->set('option', $products[$id]); $model = new JSNConfigModel; // Get product configuration $cfg = JSNConfigHelper::get($products[$id]); // Decode last update info $last = is_string($last = $cfg->get('live_update_last_notified', '{"version":"0.0.0"}')) ? json_decode($last) : $last; if ($result AND version_compare($result->version, $last->version, '>')) { // Get product details if ($info = JSNUtilsXml::loadManifestCache($products[$id])) { $name = 'JSN ' . preg_replace('/^JSN\s*/i', '', $info->name) . (($edition = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('EDITION', $products[$id])) ? ' ' . $edition : ''); /*if ( ! JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.1')) { // Get extension ID $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('extension_id'); $q->from('#__extensions'); $q->where("element = '" . $products[$id] . "'"); $q->where("type = 'component'", 'AND'); $db->setQuery($q); $eid = $db->loadResult(); // Check if update is stored before $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('version'); $q->from('#__updates'); $q->where("extension_id = '{$eid}'"); $db->setQuery($q); // Store update info to Joomla updates table if ($current = $db->loadResult()) { $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->update('#__updates'); $q->set("version = '{$result->version}'"); $q->where("extension_id = '{$eid}'"); $q->where("version = '{$current}'", 'AND'); } else { $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->insert('#__updates'); $q->columns('extension_id, name, element, type, version'); $q->values("{$eid}, '{$name}', '{$products[$id]}', 'component', '{$result->version}'"); } $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); } else {*/ // Generate XML content for latest update $xml[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; $xml[] = '<extensionset name="JoomlaShine Extensions" description="JoomlaShine Extensions Updates">'; $xml[] = ' <extension name="' . $name . '" element="' . $products[$id] . '" type="component" client="administrator" version="' . $result->version . '" detailsurl="" />'; $xml[] = '</extensionset>'; // Write XML content to a local cache file JFile::write(JFactory::getConfig()->get('tmp_path') . '/' . str_replace('com_', 'jsn_', $products[$id]) . '_update.xml', implode("\n", $xml)); //} if ($cfg->get('live_update_notification', 0)) { // Get super administrator account to notify about update available if ( ! isset($admins)) { // Get Joomla config $joomlaConfig = JFactory::getConfig(); // Build query to get super administrator account $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('u.id, u.email'); $q->from('#__user_usergroup_map AS g'); $q->join('INNER', '#__users AS u ON g.user_id = u.id'); $q->where('g.group_id = 8'); $q->where('u.sendEmail = 1'); $q->where('u.block = 0'); $db->setQuery($q); try { if ( ! ($admins = $db->loadObjectList())) { return; } } catch (Exception $e) { return; } } // Generate replacement $substitutions = array( '__SITE_NAME__' => $joomlaConfig->get('sitename'), '__SITE_URL__' => JUri::root(), '__PRODUCT__' => $name, '__CURRENT__' => JSNUtilsText::getConstant('VERSION', $products[$id]), '__NEW__' => $result->version, '__LINK__' => JUri::root() . 'administrator/index.php?option=' . $products[$id] . '&view=update' ); // Initialize email subject and message $subject = JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT'); $message = JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE'); foreach ($substitutions AS $k => $v) { $subject = str_replace($k, $v, $subject); $message = str_replace($k, $v, $message); } foreach ($admins AS $admin) { // Initialize mailer then send update notification email try { $mailer = JFactory::getMailer(); $mailer->setSender(array($joomlaConfig->get('mailfrom'), $joomlaConfig->get('fromname'))); $mailer->addRecipient($admin->email); $mailer->setSubject($subject); $mailer->setBody($message); $mailer->Send(); } catch (Exception $e) { return; } } } } } // Store last check update time $form = $model->getForm(array(), true, JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/' . $products[$id] . '/config.xml'); $data = array('live_update_checking' => '0', 'live_update_last_check' => time()); if ($result) { // Store last version notified $data['live_update_last_notified'] = json_encode($result); } try { $model->save($form, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { // Do nothing as this is a background process continue; } } } } // Restore current option self::$_app->input->set('option', $this->option); // In Joomla! 3.1, return generated XML content about latest update //if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.1')) //{ if (isset($xml)) { return implode("\n", $xml); } elseif (is_readable($cache = JFactory::getConfig()->get('tmp_path') . '/' . str_replace('com_', 'jsn_', $this->option) . '_update.xml')) { return JFile::read($cache); } else { return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><extensionset />'; } //} } } /** * Finalize response body. * * @return void */ function jsnExtFrameworkFinalize() { define('JSN_EXTFW_LAST_EXECUTION', 1); PlgSystemJSNFramework::onAfterRender(); } /** * Update dependency after an extension is installed. * * @param object $installer Joomla installer object. * @param mixed $identifier Extension ID on installation success, boolean FALSE otherwise. * * @return void */ function jsnExtFrameworkUpdateDependencyAfterInstallExtension($installer, $identifier) { if (is_integer($identifier)) { // Get installed extension $ext = basename($installer->getPath('extension_administrator')); // Check if our product is installed if (in_array($ext, JSNVersion::$products)) { // Build query to get dependency installation status $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('manifest_cache, custom_data'); $q->from('#__extensions'); $q->where("element = 'jsnframework'"); $q->where("type = 'plugin'", 'AND'); $q->where("folder = 'system'", 'AND'); $db->setQuery($q); // Load dependency installation status $status = $db->loadObject(); $ext = substr($ext, 4); $dep = ! empty($status->custom_data) ? (array) json_decode($status->custom_data) : array(); // Update dependency list in_array($ext, $dep) OR $dep[] = $ext; $status->custom_data = array_unique($dep); // Build query to update dependency data $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->update('#__extensions'); $q->set("custom_data = '" . json_encode($status->custom_data) . "'"); // Backward compatible: keep data in this column for older product to recognize $manifestCache = json_decode($status->manifest_cache); $manifestCache->dependency = $status->custom_data; $q->set("manifest_cache = '" . json_encode($manifestCache) . "'"); // Backward compatible: keep data in this column also for another old product to recognize $q->set("params = '" . json_encode((object) array_combine($status->custom_data, $status->custom_data)) . "'"); $q->where("element = 'jsnframework'"); $q->where("type = 'plugin'", 'AND'); $q->where("folder = 'system'", 'AND'); $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); } } } /** * Update dependency before an extension is being removed. * * @param integer $identifier Extension ID. * * @return boolean */ function jsnExtFrameworkUpdateDependencyBeforeUninstallExtension($identifier) { // Get extension being removed $ext = JTable::getInstance('Extension'); $ext->load($identifier); $ext = $ext->element; // Check if our product is being removed if (in_array($ext, JSNVersion::$products)) { // Build query to get dependency installation status $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('manifest_cache, custom_data'); $q->from('#__extensions'); $q->where("element = 'jsnframework'"); $q->where("type = 'plugin'", 'AND'); $q->where("folder = 'system'", 'AND'); $db->setQuery($q); // Load dependency installation status $status = $db->loadObject(); $ext = substr($ext, 4); $deps = ! empty($status->custom_data) ? (array) json_decode($status->custom_data) : array(); // Update dependency tracking $status->custom_data = array(); foreach ($deps AS $dep) { // Backward compatible: ensure that product is not removed // if ($dep != $ext) if ($dep != $ext AND is_dir(JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_' . $dep)) { $status->custom_data[] = $dep; } } // Build query to update dependency data $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->update('#__extensions'); $q->set("custom_data = '" . json_encode($status->custom_data) . "'"); // Backward compatible: keep data in this column for older product to recognize $manifestCache = json_decode($status->manifest_cache); $manifestCache->dependency = $status->custom_data; $q->set("manifest_cache = '" . json_encode($manifestCache) . "'"); // Backward compatible: keep data in this column also for another old product to recognize $q->set("params = '" . (count($status->custom_data) ? json_encode((object) array_combine($status->custom_data, $status->custom_data)) : '') . "'"); $q->where("element = 'jsnframework'"); $q->where("type = 'plugin'", 'AND'); $q->where("folder = 'system'", 'AND'); $db->setQuery($q); $db->execute(); } // Always return TRUE so the extension can be removed return true; }