Direktori : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/jsnpagebuilder/defaultelements/video/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/jsnpagebuilder/defaultelements/video/video.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id$ * @package JSN_PageBuilder * @author JoomlaShine Team <support@joomlashine.com> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com * Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html */ // No direct access to this file. defined('_JEXEC') || die('Restricted access'); include_once 'helpers/helper.php'; /** * Video shortcode element * * @package JSN_PageBuilder * @since 1.0.0 */ class JSNPBShortcodeVideo extends IG_Pb_Element { /** * Constructor * * @return type */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Include admin scripts * * @return type */ public function backend_element_assets() { JSNHtmlAsset::addInlineScript(" var token = '".JSession::getFormToken()."'; "); //fix conflict with com_flexicontent $flexicontent = JSNPagebuilderHelpersPagebuilder::checkComponentEnabled('com_flexicontent'); if($flexicontent) { JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_ELEMENT_URL . '/video/assets/css/video.css', 'css'); } else { JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-select2/select2.min.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-select2/select2.css', 'css' ); } JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-colorpicker/js/colorpicker.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css', 'css' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/joomlashine/js/jsn-colorpicker.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_ELEMENT_URL.'/video/assets/js/video-setting.js', 'js' ); } /** * DEFINE configuration information of shortcode * * @return type */ public function element_config() { $this->config['shortcode'] = 'pb_video'; $this->config['name'] = JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO' ); $this->config['cat'] = JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_MEDIA' ); $this->config['icon'] = 'icon-video'; $this->config['description'] = JText::_("JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_DES"); $this->config['exception'] = array( 'data-modal-title' => JText::_('JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_MODAL_TITLE_PB_VIDEO') ); } /** * DEFINE setting options of shortcode in backend */ public function backend_element_items() { $this->frontend_element_items(); } /** * DEFINE setting options of shortcode in frontend */ public function frontend_element_items() { $this->items = array( // video source dropdown list on top. 'generalaction' => array( 'settings' => array( 'id' => 'general_action', 'class' => 'general-action no-label pull-left', ), array( 'id' => 'video_sources', 'type' => 'select', 'has_depend' => '1', 'std' => 'local', 'class' => '', 'options' => array( 'local' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOCAL_FILE' ), 'youtube' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_YOUTUBE' ), 'vimeo' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VIMEO' ) ) ) ), // Content Tab 'content' => array( array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_TITLE' ), 'id' => 'el_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'std' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_ELEMENT_TITLE_STD' ), 'role' => 'title', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_TITLE_DES' ) ), array( 'id' => 'video_source_local', 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_FILE_URL' ), 'type' => 'select_media', 'filter_type' => 'video', 'media_type' => 'video', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_FILE_URL_DES' ), ), array( 'id' => 'video_thumbnail_source_local', 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_THUMBNAIL_FILE_URL' ), 'type' => 'select_media', 'class' => 'jsn-input-large-fluid', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), ), // Youtube. array( 'id' => 'video_source_link_youtube', 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VIDEO_LINK' ), 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'text', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'class' => 'span6 jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VIDEO_LINK_DES' ), ), // Vimeo. array( 'id' => 'video_source_link_vimeo', 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VIDEO_LINK' ), 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'text', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'vimeo' ), 'class' => 'span6 jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VIDEO_LINK_DES' ), ), ), // Styling tab . 'styling' => array( array( 'type' => 'preview', ), /** * Parameters for local video */ array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), 'id' => 'video_local_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array( 'video_local_dimension_width', 'video_local_dimension_height' ), 'video_local_dimension_width' => array( 'std' => '500' ), 'video_local_dimension_height' => array( 'std' => '330' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENTS' ), 'id' => 'video_local_elements', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'jsn-column-item checkbox', 'container_class' => 'jsn-columns-container jsn-columns-count-two', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), 'std' => 'play_button__#__overlay_play_button__#__current_time__#__time_rail__#__track_duration__#__volume_button__#__volume_slider__#__fullscreen_button', 'options' => array( 'play_button' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON' ), 'overlay_play_button' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_OVERLAY_PLAY_BUTTON' ), 'current_time' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CURRENT_TIME' ), 'time_rail' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_TIME_RAIL' ), 'track_duration' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_TRACK_DURATION' ), 'volume_button' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VOLUME_BUTTON' ), 'volume_slider' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_VOLUME_SLIDER' ), 'fullscreen_button' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_BUTTON' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENTS_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_START_VOLUME' ), 'id' => 'video_local_start_volume', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'jsn-input-number input-mini', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', 'std' => '80', 'append' => '%', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), 'validate' => 'number', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_START_VOLUME_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP' ), 'id' => 'video_local_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'local' ), 'options' => array( 'true' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), 'false' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP_DES' ), ), // Youtube video parameters array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array( 'video_youtube_dimension_width', 'video_youtube_dimension_height' ), 'video_youtube_dimension_width' => array( 'std' => '500' ), 'video_youtube_dimension_height' => array( 'std' => '270' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_SHOW_LIST' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_show_list', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'options' => array( '1' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ) ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_AUTO_PLAY' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_autoplay', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'options' => array( '1' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_AUTO_PLAY_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'options' => array( '1' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_AUTO_HIDE' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_autohide', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '2', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'options' => array( '2' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_AUTO_HIDE_AUTO_MINIMIZE_PROGRESS_BAR' ), '1' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_AUTO_HIDE_BOTH_AFTER_PLAYING_A_COUPLE_SECONDS' ), '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_AUTO_HIDE_NEVER_HIDE' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_AUTO_HIDE_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_SHOW_CAPTION_CC' ), 'id' => 'video_youtube_cc', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'youtube' ), 'options' => array( '1' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NEVER' ), '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_SHOW_CAPTION_CC_DES' ), ), // Vimeo video parameters array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'vimeo' ), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_dimension', 'type' => 'dimension', 'extended_ids' => array( 'video_vimeo_dimension_width', 'video_vimeo_dimension_height' ), 'video_vimeo_dimension_width' => array( 'std' => '500' ), 'video_vimeo_dimension_height' => array( 'std' => '270' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DIMENSION_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_AUTO_PLAY' ), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_autoplay', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'vimeo' ), 'options' => array( 'true' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), 'false' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_AUTO_PLAY_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP' ), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_loop', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'false', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'vimeo' ), 'options' => array( 'true' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), 'false' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_LOOP_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_COLOR' ), 'id' => 'video_vimeo_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#54BBFC', 'dependency' => array( 'video_sources', '=', 'vimeo' ), 'hide_value' => true, 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_CONTROLS_COLOR_DES' ), ), array( 'type' => 'hr', ), // Basic styling parameters array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT' ), 'id' => 'video_alignment', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'center', 'options' => array( '0' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO_ALIGNMENT' ), 'left' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT' ), 'right' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT' ), 'center' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER' ), ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT_DES' ), ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_MARGIN' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'id' => 'video_margin', 'type' => 'margin', 'extended_ids' => array( 'video_margin_top', 'video_margin_right', 'video_margin_bottom', 'video_margin_left' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_MARGIN_DES' ), ), ) ); } /** * DEFINE shortcode content * * @param type $atts * @param type $content * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode( $atts = null, $content = null ) { $html_element = ''; if ( $atts['video_sources'] == 'local' ) { $atts['video_local_dimension_width'] = $atts['video_local_dimension_width'] ? $atts['video_local_dimension_width'] : '100%'; $arr_params = ( JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeAtts( $this->config['params'], $atts ) ); if ( empty( $arr_params['video_source_local'] ) ){ $html_element = "<p class='jsn-bglabel'>" . JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_NO_VIDEO_FILE_SELECTED' ) . '</p>'; } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($app->isAdmin()) { $this->load_local_video_assets(); } $html_element = $this->generate_local_file( $arr_params ); } } else if ( $atts['video_sources'] == 'youtube' ) { $atts['video_youtube_dimension_width'] = $atts['video_youtube_dimension_width'] ? $atts['video_youtube_dimension_width'] : '100%'; $arr_params = ( JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeAtts( $this->config['params'], $atts ) ); if ( empty( $arr_params['video_source_link_youtube'] ) ){ $html_element = "<p class='jsn-bglabel'>" . JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_NO_VIDEO_FILE_SELECTED' ) . '</p>'; } else { $html_element = $this->generate_youtube( $arr_params ); } } else if ( $atts['video_sources'] == 'vimeo' ) { $atts['video_vimeo_dimension_width'] = $atts['video_vimeo_dimension_width'] ? $atts['video_vimeo_dimension_width'] : '100%'; $arr_params = ( JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeAtts( $this->config['params'], $atts ) ); if ( empty( $arr_params['video_source_link_vimeo'] ) ){ $html_element = "<p class='jsn-bglabel'>" . JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_VIDEO_NO_VIDEO_FILE_SELECTED' ) . '</p>'; } else { $html_element = $this->generate_vimeo( $arr_params ); } } return $this->element_wrapper( $html_element, $arr_params ); } /** * Generate HTML for local video player * * @return string */ function generate_local_file( $params ) { $random_id = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::generateRandomString(); $video_size = array(); $video_size['width'] = ' width="' . $params['video_local_dimension_width'] . '" '; $video_size['height'] = ( $params['video_local_dimension_height'] != '' ) ? ' height="' . $params['video_local_dimension_height'] . '" ' : ''; $player_options = '{'; $player_options .= $params['video_local_start_volume'] ? 'startVolume: ' . ( int ) $params['video_local_start_volume'] / 100 . ',' : ''; $player_options .= $params['video_local_loop'] ? 'loop: ' . $params['video_local_loop'] . ',' : ''; $_progress_bar_color = isset($params['video_local_progress_color']) ? '$(".mejs-time-loaded, .mejs-horizontal-volume-current", video_container).css("background", "none repeat scroll 0 0 ' . $params['video_local_progress_color'] . '");' : ''; $params['video_local_elements'] = explode( '__#__', $params['video_local_elements'] ); $player_elements = ''; $player_elements .= in_array( 'play_button', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-playpause-button", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'overlay_play_button', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-overlay-button", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'current_time', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-currenttime-container", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'time_rail', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-time-rail", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'track_duration', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-duration-container", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'volume_button', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-volume-button", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'volume_slider', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-horizontal-volume-slider", video_container).hide();'; $player_elements .= in_array( 'fullscreen_button', $params['video_local_elements'] ) ? '' : '$(".mejs-fullscreen-button", video_container).hide();'; // Alignment $container_class = 'local_file '; $container_style = ''; if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'right' ) { $container_style .= 'float: right;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'center' ) { $container_style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'left' ) { $container_style .= 'float: left;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } // Genarate Container class $container_class = $container_class ? ' class="' . $container_class . '" ' : ''; $player_options .= 'defaultVideoHeight:' . ( intval( $params['video_local_dimension_height'] ) - 10 ) . ','; $player_options .= 'success: function(mediaElement, domObject){ var video_container= $(domObject).parents(".mejs-container"); ' . $player_elements . ' },'; $player_options .= 'keyActions:[], pluginPath:"' . JSNPB_PLG_SYSTEM_ASSETS_URL . '3rd-party/mediaelement/' . '"}'; if ( isset( $params['video_source_local'] ) && $params['video_source_local'] != '' ) { $script = ' JoomlaShine.jQuery(document).ready(function ($){ new MediaElementPlayer("#' . $random_id . '", ' . $player_options . ' ); });'; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration( $script, 'text/javascript' ); } $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_left']) && $params['video_margin_left'] != '') ? 'margin-left:' . $params['video_margin_left'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_top']) && $params['video_margin_top'] != '') ? 'margin-top:' . $params['video_margin_top'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_right']) && $params['video_margin_right'] != '') ? 'margin-right:' . $params['video_margin_right'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_bottom']) && $params['video_margin_bottom'] != '') ? 'margin-bottom:' . $params['video_margin_bottom'] . 'px;' : ''; // This under is the fix for Chrome video dimension issue $container_style .= 'width: ' . $params['video_local_dimension_width'] . 'px;'; $container_style .= 'height: ' . ($params['video_local_dimension_height'] + 5) . 'px;'; $container_style = $container_style ? ' style=" ' . $container_style . ' " ' : ''; // Define the media type $src = JURI::root() . str_replace( ' ', '+', urldecode( $params['video_source_local'] ) ); $source = '<source type="%s" src="%s" />'; $type = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::checkFiletype( $src ); $source = sprintf( $source, $type['type'], $src ); $poster = ' '; if (trim((string) $params['video_thumbnail_source_local']) != '') { $poster = ' poster="' . JURI::root() . $params['video_thumbnail_source_local'] . '" '; } $video = '<video' . $poster . 'id="' . $random_id . '" ' . $video_size['width'] . $video_size['height'] . ' controls="controls" preload="none" src="' . $src . '"> ' . $source . ' </video>'; return '<div ' . $container_class . $container_style . '>' . $video . ' </div><div class="clear:both"></div>'; } /** * Generate HTML for Youtube * * @return string */ function generate_youtube( $params ) { $random_id = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::generateRandomString(); $_w = ' width="' . $params['video_youtube_dimension_width'] . '" '; $_h = $params['video_youtube_dimension_height'] ? ' height="' . $params['video_youtube_dimension_height'] . '" ' : ''; // Alignment $container_class = ''; $object_style = ''; if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'right' ) { $object_style .= 'float:right;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'center' ) { $object_style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'left' ) { $object_style .= 'float:left;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } // Genarate Container class $container_class = $container_class ? 'class="' . $container_class . '" ' : ''; // Margin. $container_style = ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_left']) && $params['video_margin_left'] != '') ? 'margin-left:' . $params['video_margin_left'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_top']) && $params['video_margin_top'] != '') ? 'margin-top:' . $params['video_margin_top'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_right']) && $params['video_margin_right'] != '') ? 'margin-right:' . $params['video_margin_right'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_bottom']) && $params['video_margin_bottom'] != '') ? 'margin-bottom:' . $params['video_margin_bottom'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style = $container_style ? ' style=" ' . $container_style . ' " ' : ''; $params['video_source_link_youtube'] = urldecode( $params['video_source_link_youtube'] ); // Get video ID. $video_info = JSNPbVideoHelper::getYoutubeVideoInfo( $params['video_source_link_youtube'] ); $video_info = json_decode( $video_info ); if ( ! $video_info ) return; $video_info = $video_info->html; $_arr = array(); $video_src = ''; preg_match( '/src\s*\n*=\s*\n*"([^"]*)"/i', $video_info, $_arr ); if ( count( $_arr ) ) { // Check if video url included playlist id. $pattern = '#list=([A-Za-z0-9^/]*)#i'; $matches = array(); preg_match_all( $pattern, $params['video_source_link_youtube'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); if ( count( $matches ) ) { if ( isset( $params['video_youtube_show_list'] ) && $params['video_youtube_show_list'] == '1' ) { $video_src = 'http://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list='; $_list_id = $matches[0][1]; $video_src .= $_list_id; $video_src .= '&innerframe=true'; } else { $video_src = $_arr[1]; $video_src .= '&innerframe=true'; } } else { $video_src = $_arr[1]; $video_src .= '&innerframe=true'; } $video_src .= isset($params['video_youtube_autoplay']) ? '&autoplay=' . (int) $params['video_youtube_autoplay'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_youtube_autohide']) ? '&autohide=' . (int) $params['video_youtube_autohide'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_youtube_controls']) ? '&controls=' . (int) $params['video_youtube_controls'] : ''; // Specific playlist id for feature loop youtube video. $videoYoutubeLoop = isset($params['video_youtube_loop']) ? ($params['video_youtube_loop'] == '1' ? true : false) : false; if ($videoYoutubeLoop) { $video_src .= '&loop=1'; $youtube_id = isset( $params['video_source_link_youtube'] ) ? $this->getYoutubeID( $params['video_source_link_youtube'] ) : ''; $video_src .= $youtube_id ? '&playlist=' . $youtube_id : ''; } $video_src .= (isset($params['video_youtube_cc']) && (int) $params['video_youtube_cc'] == 1) ? '&cc_load_policy =1' : ''; } $video_src .= '&showinfo=0'; $embed = '<div ' . $container_class . $container_style . '>'; $embed .= '<iframe style="display:block;' . $object_style . '" ' . $_w . $_h . 'src="' . $video_src . '" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>'; $embed .= '</div>'; $embed .= '<div class="clear:both"></div>'; return $embed; } /** * Get youtube video id from URL. * * @param string $url * * @return string */ function getYoutubeID( $url = '' ) { if ( ! $url ) return ''; $pattern = '#^(?:https?://)?'; # Optional URL scheme. Either http or https. $pattern .= '(?:www\.)?'; # Optional www subdomain. $pattern .= '(?:'; # Group host alternatives: $pattern .= 'youtu\.be/'; # Either youtu.be, $pattern .= '|youtube\.com'; # or youtube.com $pattern .= '(?:'; # Group path alternatives: $pattern .= '/embed/'; # Either /embed/, $pattern .= '|/v/'; # or /v/, $pattern .= '|/watch\?v='; # or /watch?v=, $pattern .= '|/watch\?.+&v='; # or /watch?other_param&v= $pattern .= ')'; # End path alternatives. $pattern .= ')'; # End host alternatives. $pattern .= '([\w-]{11})'; # 11 characters (Length of Youtube video ids). $pattern .= '(?:.+)?$#x'; # Optional other ending URL parameters. preg_match( $pattern, $url, $matches ); return ( isset( $matches[1] ) ) ? $matches[1] : false; } /** * Generate HTML for Vimeo * * @return string */ function generate_vimeo( $params ) { $random_id = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::generateRandomString(); $_w = ' width="' . $params['video_vimeo_dimension_width'] . '" '; $_h = $params['video_vimeo_dimension_height'] ? ' height="' . $params['video_vimeo_dimension_height'] . '" ' : ''; // Alignment $container_class = ''; $object_style = ''; if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'right' ) { $object_style .= 'float:right;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'center' ) { $object_style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; } else if ( $params['video_alignment'] === 'left' ) { $object_style .= 'float:left;'; $container_class .= 'clearafter '; } // Genarate Container class $container_class = $container_class ? 'class="' . $container_class . '" ' : ''; // Margin. $container_style = ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_left']) && $params['video_margin_left'] != '') ? 'margin-left:' . $params['video_margin_left'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_top']) && $params['video_margin_top'] != '') ? 'margin-top:' . $params['video_margin_top'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_right']) && $params['video_margin_right'] != '') ? 'margin-right:' . $params['video_margin_right'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style .= (isset($params['video_margin_bottom']) && $params['video_margin_bottom'] != '') ? 'margin-bottom:' . $params['video_margin_bottom'] . 'px;' : ''; $container_style = $container_style ? ' style=" ' . $container_style . ' " ' : ''; // Get video ID. $params['video_source_link_vimeo'] = urldecode( $params['video_source_link_vimeo'] ); $video_info = JSNPbVideoHelper::getVimeoVideoInfo( $params['video_source_link_vimeo'] ); $video_info = json_decode( $video_info ); if ( ! $video_info ) return; $video_info = $video_info->html; $_arr = array(); $video_src = ''; preg_match( '/src\s*\n*=\s*\n*"([^"]*)"/i', $video_info, $_arr ); if ( count( $_arr ) ) { $video_src = $_arr[1]; $video_src .= '?innerframe=true'; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_autoplay']) ? '&autoplay=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_autoplay'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_loop']) ? '&loop=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_loop'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_title']) ? '&title=' . (string) $params['video_vimeo_title'] : ''; $video_src .= isset($params['video_vimeo_color']) ? '&color=' . str_replace( '#', '', (string) $params['video_vimeo_color'] ) : ''; } $embed = '<div ' . $container_class . $container_style . '>'; $embed .= '<iframe webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="display:block;' . $object_style . '" ' . $_w . $_h . '" src="' . $video_src . '" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; $embed .= '</div>'; $embed .= '<div class="clear:both"></div>'; return $embed; } /** * Method to load needed assets * to render local video player. * * @return type */ function load_local_video_assets() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript( JSNPB_PLG_SYSTEM_ASSETS_URL . '3rd-party/mediaelement/mediaelement.min.js', 'text/javascript' ); $document->addScript( JSNPB_PLG_SYSTEM_ASSETS_URL . '3rd-party/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer.min.js', 'text/javascript' ); $document->addStyleSheet( JSNPB_PLG_SYSTEM_ASSETS_URL . '3rd-party/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer.min.css', 'text/css' ); } public function load_assets_frontend() { $this->load_local_video_assets(); } }