Direktori : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/jsnpagebuilder/defaultelements/list/ |
Current File : /home/lightco1/luminero.com.au/plugins/jsnpagebuilder/defaultelements/list/list.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id$ * @package JSN_PageBuilder * @author JoomlaShine Team <support@joomlashine.com> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com * Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html */ // No direct access to this file. defined('_JEXEC') || die('Restricted access'); /** * List shortcode element * * @package JSN_PageBuilder * @since 1.0.0 */ class JSNPBShortcodeList extends IG_Pb_Element { /** * Constructor * * @return type */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Include admin scripts * * @return type */ public function backend_element_assets() { JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-select2/select2.min.js', 'js'); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-select2/select2.css', 'css'); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/joomlashine/js/jsn-fontselector.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-colorpicker/js/colorpicker.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css', 'css' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/joomlashine/js/jsn-colorpicker.js', 'js' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/joomlashine/css/jsn-fonticomoon.css', 'css' ); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_PLG_SYSTEM_ASSETS_URL . '3rd-party/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'css'); JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag( JSNPB_ELEMENT_URL.'/list/assets/js/list-setting.js', 'js' ); } /** * DEFINE configuration information of shortcode * * @return type */ public function element_config() { $this->config['shortcode'] = 'pb_list'; $this->config['name'] = JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST' ); $this->config['cat'] = JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPOGRAPHY' ); $this->config['icon'] = 'icon-list'; $this->config['description'] = JText::_("JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_DES"); $this->config['has_subshortcode'] = __CLASS__ . 'Item'; $this->config['exception'] = array( 'data-modal-title' => JText::_('JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_MODAL_TITLE_PB_LIST'), ); } /** * DEFINE setting options of shortcode in backend */ public function backend_element_items() { $this->frontend_element_items(); } /** * DEFINE setting options of shortcode in frontend */ public function frontend_element_items() { $this->items = array( 'action' => array( array( 'id' => 'btn_convert', 'type' => 'button_group', 'bound' => 0, 'actions' => array( array( 'std' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ACTION_TAB' ), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_tab', ), array( 'std' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ACTION_ACCORDION' ), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_accordion', ), array( 'std' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ACTION_CAROUSEL' ), 'action_type' => 'convert', 'action' => 'list_to_carousel', ), ) ), ), 'content' => array( array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_TITLE' ), 'id' => 'el_title', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'jsn-input-xxlarge-fluid', 'std' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ELEMENT_TITLE_STD' ), 'role' => 'title', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_TITLE_DES' ) ), array( 'id' => 'list_items', 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ITEMS' ), 'type' => 'group', 'shortcode' => $this->config['shortcode'], 'sub_item_type' => $this->config['has_subshortcode'], 'sub_items' => array( array( 'std' => '' ), array( 'std' => '' ), ), 'label_item' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ITEMS_LABEL' ), ), ), 'styling' => array( array( 'type' => 'preview', ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SHOW_ICON' ), 'id' => 'show_icon', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array( 'yes' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), 'no' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_('JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SHOW_ICON_DES' ), 'has_depend' => '1', ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_POSITION' ), 'id' => 'icon_position', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-small', 'std' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getFirstOption( JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getIconPosition() ), 'options' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getIconPosition(), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_POSITION_DES' ), 'dependency' => array( 'show_icon', '=', 'yes' ) ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_BACKGROUND' ), 'type' => array( array( 'id' => 'icon_size_value', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '32', 'options' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getIconSizes(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item input-append', 'append_text' => 'px', ), array( 'id' => 'icon_background_type', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-small', 'std' => 'circle', 'options' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getIconBackground(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), array( 'id' => 'icon_background_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#0088CC', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_BACKGROUND_DES' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array( 'show_icon', '=', 'yes' ) ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_COLOR' ), 'type' => array( array( 'id' => 'icon_c_value', 'type' => 'text_field', 'class' => 'input-small', 'std' => '#FFFFFF', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), array( 'id' => 'icon_c_color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#ffffff', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_ICON_COLOR_DES' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', 'dependency' => array( 'show_icon', '=', 'yes' ) ), array( 'type' => 'hr', ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_SHOW_HEADING' ), 'id' => 'show_heading', 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'yes', 'options' => array( 'yes' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_YES' ), 'no' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NO' ) ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_SHOW_HEADING_DES' ), 'has_depend' => '1', ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_HEADING_FONT' ), 'id' => 'font', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'inherit', 'options' => array( 'inherit' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_INHERIT' ), 'custom' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_CUSTOM' ) ), 'has_depend' => '1', 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_ELEMENT_LIST_HEADING_FONT_DES' ), 'class' => 'input-medium', 'dependency' => array( 'show_heading', '=', 'yes' ) ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FONT_FACE' ), 'id' => 'font-family', 'type' => array( array( 'id' => 'font_face_type', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_type', 'class' => 'input-medium', 'std' => 'standard fonts', 'options' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getFonts(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), array( 'id' => 'font_face_value', 'type' => 'jsn_select_font_value', 'class' => 'input-medium', 'std' => 'Verdana', 'options' => '', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), ), 'dependency' => array( 'font', '=', 'custom' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FONT_FACE_DES' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', ), array( 'name' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FONT_ATTRIBUTES' ), 'id' => 'font-attributes', 'type' => array( array( 'id' => 'font_size_value', 'type' => 'text_append', 'type_input' => 'number', 'class' => 'input-mini', 'std' => '', 'append' => 'px', 'validate' => 'number', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), array( 'id' => 'font_style', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'input-medium', 'std' => 'bold', 'options' => JSNPagebuilderHelpersType::getFontStyles(), 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), array( 'id' => 'color', 'type' => 'color_picker', 'std' => '#000000', 'parent_class' => 'combo-item', ), ), 'dependency' => array( 'font', '=', 'custom' ), 'tooltip' => JText::_( 'JSN_PAGEBUILDER_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FONT_ATTRIBUTES_DES' ), 'container_class' => 'combo-group', ), ) ); } /** * DEFINE shortcode content * * @param type $atts * @param type $content * * @return string */ public function element_shortcode( $atts = null, $content = null ) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($app->isAdmin()) { $this->load_assets_frontend(); } $arr_params = ( JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeAtts( $this->config['params'], $atts ) ); $link = ''; $exclude_params = array( 'tag', 'text', 'preview' ); $arr_styles = array(); if ( strtolower( $arr_params['font_face_type'] ) == 'google fonts' AND $arr_params['font'] != 'inherit' ) { $document->addStyleSheet( "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={$arr_params['font_face_value']}", 'text/css' ); } if ( $arr_params['font'] != 'inherit' ) { if ($arr_params['font_face_value']) $arr_styles[] = 'font-family: ' . $arr_params['font_face_value']; if ($arr_params['font_size_value']) $arr_styles[] = 'font-size: ' . $arr_params['font_size_value'] . 'px'; if ($arr_params['color']) $arr_styles[] = 'color: ' . $arr_params['color']; if ($arr_params['font_style'] == 'bold') $arr_styles[] = 'font-weight: 700 !important'; else if ($arr_params['font_style'] == 'normal') $arr_styles[] = 'font-weight: normal !important'; else $arr_styles[] = 'font-style: ' . $arr_params['font_style']; } $arr_icon_styles = array(); $arr_icon_class = array(); $arr_icon_class[] = ''; if ( $arr_params['icon_position'] ) { $icon_position = strtolower( $arr_params['icon_position'] ); $arr_icon_class[] = ( $icon_position != 'inherit' ) ? "pb-position-{$icon_position}" : ''; } if (strtolower( $arr_params['icon_background_type'] ) != '' ) $arr_icon_class[] = "pb-shape-{$arr_params['icon_background_type']}"; if ( $arr_params['icon_size_value'] ) { $arr_icon_class[] = "pb-icon-{$arr_params['icon_size_value']}"; } if ($arr_params['icon_background_color']) $arr_icon_styles[] = 'background-color: ' . $arr_params['icon_background_color']; if ( $arr_params['icon_c_color'] ) { $arr_icon_styles[] = 'color: ' . $arr_params['icon_c_color']; } $html_elements = ''; $sub_shortcode = empty($content) ? JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::removeAutop($content) : JSNPagebuilderHelpersBuilder::generateShortCode($content, false, 'frontend', true); $items = explode( '<!--seperate-->', $sub_shortcode ); // remove empty element $items = array_filter( $items ); $initial_open = ( ! isset( $initial_open ) || $initial_open > count( $items ) ) ? 1 : $initial_open; foreach ( $items as $idx => $item ) { $open = ( $idx + 1 == $initial_open ) ? 'in' : ''; $items[$idx] = $item; } if ( ! empty( $sub_shortcode ) ) { $parent_class = implode( ' ', $arr_icon_class ); $html_elements = "<ul class='pb-list-icons {$parent_class}'>"; $sub_htmls = $sub_shortcode; $sub_htmls = str_replace( 'pb-sub-icons', 'pb-icon-base', $sub_htmls ); $sub_htmls = str_replace( 'pb-styles', implode( ';', $arr_icon_styles ), $sub_htmls ); $sub_htmls = str_replace( 'pb-list-title', implode( ';', $arr_styles ), $sub_htmls ); if ( $arr_params['show_icon'] == 'no' ) { $pattern = '\\[(\\[?)(icon)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)'; $sub_htmls = preg_replace( "/$pattern/s", '', $sub_htmls ); } else { $sub_htmls = str_replace( '[icon]', '', $sub_htmls ); $sub_htmls = str_replace( '[/icon]', '', $sub_htmls ); } if ( $arr_params['show_heading'] == 'no' ) { $pattern = '\\[(\\[?)(heading)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)'; $sub_htmls = preg_replace( "/$pattern/s", '', $sub_htmls ); } else { $sub_htmls = str_replace( '[heading]', '', $sub_htmls ); $sub_htmls = str_replace( '[/heading]', '', $sub_htmls ); } $html_elements .= $sub_htmls; $html_elements .= '</ul>'; $html_elements .= '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; } return $this->element_wrapper( $link . $html_elements, $arr_params ); } public function load_assets_frontend() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet( JSNPB_ELEMENT_URL."/list/assets/css/list.css", 'text/css' ); } }