Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/media/system/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/media/system/js/repeatable-uncompressed.js |
/** * @package Joomla.JavaScript * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Options: * see defaults $.JRepeatable.defaults, * Options can be set through "data" atribute of the JRepeatable container (see example markup) * * Events: * $('input.form-field-repeatable') * .on('weready', function(e){ * // fires when JRepeatable initialized * }) * .on('prepare-template', function(e, template){ * // fires when row template initialized * }) * .on('prepare-modal', function(e, modal){ * // fires when modal container initialized * }) * .on('row-add', function(e, row){ * // fires when new row added * }) * .on('row-remove', function(e, row){ * // fires before row removing * }) * .on('value-update', function(e, value){ * // fires before when value in hidden input was updated * }); * * Dependancies: jQuery, Bootsrap.modal * * Example fields initial markup: * * <div id="jform_somename_container"> * <div id="jform_somename_modal" class="modal hide"> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <th>Field label 1</th> * <th>Field label 2</th> * <th><a href="#" class="add">Add new</a></th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <td><input type="text" name="field1" /></td> * <td><input type="text" name="field2" /></td> * <td> * <a href="#" class="add">Add new after</a> * <a href="#" class="remove">Remove</a> * </td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <a href="#" class="close-modal">Close</a> * </div> * </div> * <button id="jform_somename_button" >Open modal</button> * <input type="hidden" name="jform[somename]" id="jform_somename" value="" * class="form-field-repeatable" * data-container="#jform_somename_container" * data-modal-element="#jform_somename_modal" * data-repeatable-element="table tbody tr" * data-bt-add="a.add" data-bt-remove="a.remove" * data-bt-modal-open="#jform_somename_button" * data-bt-modal-close="a.close-modal" * data-maximum="3" data-input="#jform_somename" * /> * * data-repeatable-element="table tbody tr" - means that <tr> inside <tbody> will be repeatable */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; $.JRepeatable = function(input, options){ // To avoid scope issues, var self = this; //direct call if(!self || self === window){ return new $.JRepeatable(input, options); } self.$input = $(input); // check if alredy exist if(self.$input.data("JRepeatable")){ return self; } // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object self.$input.data("JRepeatable", self); // method initialize self.init = function(){ // merge options self.options = $.extend({}, $.JRepeatable.defaults, options); self.$container = $(self.options.container); // Move out form the Form container // for prevent sending to server $('body').append(self.$container); // container where the rows is live self.$rowsContainer = self.$container.find(self.options.repeatableElement).parent(); // prepare modal window self.prepareModal(); // container for storing info about inputs self.inputs = []; self.values = {}; // prepare a row template, and find available field names self.prepareTemplate(); // check the values and keep it as object var val = self.$input.val(); if(val){ // value can be not valid JSON try { self.values = JSON.parse(val); } catch (e) { if(e instanceof SyntaxError){ // guess there a single quote problem try { val = val.replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/\\"/g, "\'");// ho ho ho self.values = JSON.parse(val); } catch (e) { // nop if(window.console){ console.log(e); } } } else if(window.console){ console.log(e); } } } // so init the form depend from values that we have self.buildRows(); // bind open the modal $(document).on('click', self.options.btModalOpen, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$modalWindow.modal('show'); }); // bind close the modal self.$modalWindow.on('click', self.options.btModalClose, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$modalWindow.modal('hide'); // rollback self.buildRows(); }); // bind save the modaldata self.$modalWindow.on('click', self.options.btModalSaveData, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$modalWindow.modal('hide'); self.refreshValue(); }); // bind add button self.$container.on('click', self.options.btAdd, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var after = $(this).parents(self.options.repeatableElement); if(!after.length){ after = null; } self.addRow(after); }); // bind remove button self.$container.on('click', self.options.btRemove, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var row = $(this).parents(self.options.repeatableElement); self.removeRow(row); }); // tell all that we a ready self.$input.trigger('weready'); }; // prepare a template that we will use for repeating self.prepareTemplate = function(){ //find available var $rows = self.$container.find(self.options.repeatableElement); var $row = $($rows.get(0)); // clear scripts that can be attached to the fields try { self.clearScripts($row); } catch (e) { if(window.console){ console.log(e); } } var inputs = $row.find('*[name]'); //keep the name and type for each for(var i = 0, l = inputs.length; i < l; i++){ var name = $(inputs[i]).attr('name'); // check if alredy exist, for radio case if(self.values[name]){ continue; } self.inputs.push({ name: name, type: $(inputs[i]).attr('type') || inputs[i].tagName.toLowerCase() }); // initialize values self.values[name] = []; } // keep template self.template = $row.prop('outerHTML'); // remove $rows.remove(); // tell all that the template ready self.$input.trigger('prepare-template', self.template); }; // prepare modal window self.prepareModal = function(){ var modalEl = $(self.options.modalElement); // fix modal style modalEl.css({ position: 'absolute', width: 'auto', 'max-width': '100%' }); modalEl.on('shown', function () { self.resizeModal(); }); $(window).resize(function() { self.resizeModal(); }); // init bootstrap modal self.$modalWindow = modalEl.modal({show: false, backdrop: 'static'}); // tell all that the modal are ready self.$input.trigger('prepare-modal', self.$modalWindow); }; //resize and count position for the modal popup self.resizeModal = function (){ if(!self.$modalWindow.is(':visible')){ // do nothing with hidden return; } var docHalfWidth = $(document).width() / 2, modalHalfWidth = self.$modalWindow.width() / 2, rowsHalfWidth = self.$rowsContainer.width() / 2, marginLeft = modalHalfWidth >= docHalfWidth ? 0 : -modalHalfWidth, left = marginLeft ? '50%' : 0, top = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() * 0.2;//20% from top of visible win self.$modalWindow.css({ top: top, left: left, 'margin-left': marginLeft, overflow: rowsHalfWidth > modalHalfWidth ? 'auto' : 'visible' }); }; // build rows self.buildRows = function(){ // clean up any old var $oldRows = self.$rowsContainer.children(); if($oldRows.length){ self.removeRow($oldRows); } // go through values and add a new copy // but make sure that at least one will be added var count = self.values[Object.keys(self.values)[0]].length || 1, row = null; for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){ row = self.addRow(row, i); } }; // add new row self.addRow = function(after, valueKey){ // count how much we already have var count = self.$container.find(self.options.repeatableElement).length; if(count >= self.options.maximum){ return null; } // make new from template var row = $.parseHTML(self.template); //add to container if(after){ $(after).after(row); } else { self.$rowsContainer.append(row); } var $row = $(row); // fix names and id`s self.fixUniqueAttributes($row, count + 1); // set values if(valueKey !== null && valueKey !== undefined){ for(var i = 0, l = self.inputs.length; i < l; i++){ var name = self.inputs[i].name, type = self.inputs[i].type, value = null; if(self.values[name]){ value = self.values[name][valueKey]; } // skip undefined if(value === null || value === undefined){ continue; } if(type === 'radio'){ $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"][value="' + value + '"]').attr('checked', 'checked'); }else if(type === 'checkbox'){ // check if there a multiple if(value.length){ for(var v = 0, vl = value.length; v < vl; v++){ $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"][value="' + value[v] + '"]').attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"][value="' + value + '"]').attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"]').val(value); } } } // try find out with related scripts, // tricky thing, so be careful try { self.fixScripts($row); } catch (e) { if(window.console){ console.log(e); } } // tell all about new row self.$input.trigger('row-add', $row); return $row; }; // remove row from container self.removeRow = function(row){ // tell all about row removing self.$input.trigger('row-remove', row); $(row).remove(); }; //fix names ind id`s for field that in $row self.fixUniqueAttributes = function($row, count){ //all elements that have a "id" attribute var haveIds = $row.find('*[id]'); self.increaseAttrName(haveIds, 'id', count); // all labels that have a "for" attribute var haveFor = $row.find('label[for]'); self.increaseAttrName(haveFor, 'for', count); // all inputs that have a "name" attribute var haveName = $row.find('*[name]'); self.increaseAttrName(haveName, 'name', count); }; // increase attribute name like: attribute_value + '-' + count self.increaseAttrName = function (elements, attr, count){ for(var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++){ var $el = $(elements[i]); var oldValue = $el.attr(attr); // set new $el.attr(attr, count + '-' + oldValue); } }; // refresh value in the main input self.refreshValue = function(){ var $rows = self.$container.find(self.options.repeatableElement); // reset existing self.values = {}; // go through available input names for(var i = 0, l = self.inputs.length; i < l; i++){ var name = self.inputs[i].name, type = self.inputs[i].type; // init new self.values[name] = []; // find all inputs and take their values for(var r = 0, rl = $rows.length; r < rl; r++){ var $row = $($rows[r]), val = null; if(type === 'radio'){ val = $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"]:checked').val(); }else if(type === 'checkbox'){ var checked = $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"]:checked'); // test for multiple if(checked.length > 1){ val = []; for(var c = 0, cl = checked.length; c < cl; c++){ val.push($(checked[c]).val()); } } else { // single checkbox val = checked.val(); } }else{ val = $row.find('*[name*="'+name+'"]').val(); } val = val === null ? '' : val; self.values[name].push(val) } } // put in to the main input self.$input.val(JSON.stringify(self.values)); // tell all about value changed self.$input.trigger('value-update', self.values); }; // remove scripts attached to fields self.clearScripts = function($row){ // destroy chosen if any if($.fn.chosen){ $row.find('select').each(function(){ if ($(this).data('chosen')) { $(this).chosen('destroy'); } }); } // colorpicker if($.fn.minicolors){ $row.find('.minicolors input').each(function(){ $(this).minicolors('destroy', $(this)); }); } }; // method for hack the scripts that can be related // to the one of field that in given $row self.fixScripts = function($row){ //color picker $row.find('.minicolors').each(function() { var $el = $(this); $el.minicolors({ control: $el.attr('data-control') || 'hue', position: $el.attr('data-position') || 'right', theme: 'bootstrap' }); }); // fix media field $row.find('a[onclick*="jInsertFieldValue"]').each(function(){ var $el = $(this), inputId = $el.siblings('input[type="text"]').attr('id'), $select = $el.prev(), oldHref = $select.attr('href'); // update the clear button $el.attr('onclick', "jInsertFieldValue('', '" + inputId + "');return false;"); // update select button $select.attr('href', oldHref.replace(/&fieldid=(.+)&/, '&fieldid=' + inputId + '&')); jMediaRefreshPreview(inputId); }); // another modals if(window.SqueezeBox && window.SqueezeBox.assign){ SqueezeBox.assign($row.find('a.modal').get(), {parse: 'rel'}); } }; // Run initializer self.init(); }; // defaults $.JRepeatable.defaults = { modalElement: "#modal-container", // id of the modal container btModalOpen: "#open-modal", // id of the button for initiate the modal window btModalClose: ".close-modal", // button for close the modal window, and rollback all changes btModalSaveData: ".save-modal-data", // button for close the modal window, and keep the all changes btAdd: "a.add", // button selector for "add" action btRemove: "a.remove",// button selector for "remove" action maximum: 10, // maximum repeating repeatableElement: "table tbody tr" }; $.fn.JRepeatable = function(options){ return this.each(function(){ var options = options || {}, data = $(this).data(); for (var p in data) { // check options in the element if (data.hasOwnProperty(p)) { options[p] = data[p]; } } new $.JRepeatable(this, options); }); }; // initialise all available // wait when all will be loaded, important for scripts fix $(window).on('load', function(){ $('input.form-field-repeatable').JRepeatable(); }) })(jQuery);