Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/media/jui/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/media/jui/js/cms-uncompressed.js |
/** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // Only define the Joomla namespace if not defined. if (typeof(Joomla) === 'undefined') { var Joomla = {}; } !(function(document, Joomla) { "use strict"; /** * Sets the HTML of the container-collapse element */ Joomla.setcollapse = function(url, name, height) { if (!document.getElementById('collapse-' + name)) { document.getElementById('container-collapse').innerHTML = '<div class="collapse fade" id="collapse-' + name + '"><iframe class="iframe" src="' + url + '" height="' + height + '" width="100%"></iframe></div>'; } }; /** * IE8 polyfill for indexOf() */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) { from += len; } for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) { return from; } } return -1; }; } /** * JField 'showon' feature. */ window.jQuery && (function($) { /** * Method to check condition and change the target visibility * @param {jQuery} target * @param {Boolean} animate */ function linkedoptions(target, animate) { var showfield = true, jsondata = target.data('showon') || [], itemval, condition, fieldName, $fields; // Check if target conditions are satisfied for (var j = 0, lj = jsondata.length; j < lj; j++) { condition = jsondata[j] || {}; fieldName = condition.field; $fields = $('[name="' + fieldName + '"], [name="' + fieldName + '[]"]'); condition['valid'] = 0; // Test in each of the elements in the field array if condition is valid $fields.each(function() { var $field = $(this); // If checkbox or radio box the value is read from properties if (['checkbox', 'radio'].indexOf($field.attr('type')) !== -1) { if (!$field.prop('checked')) { // unchecked fields will return a blank and so always match a != condition so we skip them return; } itemval = $field.val(); } else { // select lists, textarea etc. Note that multiple-select list returns an Array here // se we can always tream 'itemval' as an array itemval = $field.val(); // a multi-select <select> $field will return null when no elements are selected so we need to define itemval accordingly if (itemval == null && $field.prop("tagName").toLowerCase() == "select") { itemval = []; } } // Convert to array to allow multiple values in the field (e.g. type=list multiple) // and normalize as string if (!(typeof itemval === 'object')) { itemval = JSON.parse('["' + itemval + '"]'); } // for (var i in itemval) loops over non-enumerable properties and prototypes which means that != will ALWAYS match // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...in // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/getOwnPropertyNames // use native javascript Array forEach - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/forEach // We can't use forEach because its not supported in MSIE 8 - once that is dropped this code could use forEach instead and not have to use propertyIsEnumerable // // Test if any of the values of the field exists in showon conditions for (var i in itemval) { // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/propertyIsEnumerable // Needed otherwise we pick up unenumerable properties like length etc. and !: will always match one of these !! if (!itemval.propertyIsEnumerable(i)) { continue; } // ":" Equal to one or more of the values condition if (jsondata[j]['sign'] == '=' && jsondata[j]['values'].indexOf(itemval[i]) !== -1) { jsondata[j]['valid'] = 1; } // "!:" Not equal to one or more of the values condition if (jsondata[j]['sign'] == '!=' && jsondata[j]['values'].indexOf(itemval[i]) === -1) { jsondata[j]['valid'] = 1; } } }); // Verify conditions // First condition (no operator): current condition must be valid if (condition['op'] === '') { if (condition['valid'] === 0) { showfield = false; } } // Other conditions (if exists) else { // AND operator: both the previous and current conditions must be valid if (condition['op'] === 'AND' && condition['valid'] + jsondata[j - 1]['valid'] < 2) { showfield = false; } // OR operator: one of the previous and current conditions must be valid if (condition['op'] === 'OR' && condition['valid'] + jsondata[j - 1]['valid'] > 0) { showfield = true; } } } // If conditions are satisfied show the target field(s), else hide if (animate) { (showfield) ? target.slideDown() : target.slideUp(); } else { target.toggle(showfield); } } /** * Method for setup the 'showon' feature, for the fields in given container * @param {HTMLElement} container */ function setUpShowon(container) { container = container || document; var $showonFields = $(container).find('[data-showon]'); // Setup each 'showon' field for (var is = 0, ls = $showonFields.length; is < ls; is++) { // Use anonymous function to capture arguments (function() { var $target = $($showonFields[is]), jsondata = $target.data('showon') || [], field, $fields = $(); // Collect an all referenced elements for (var ij = 0, lj = jsondata.length; ij < lj; ij++) { field = jsondata[ij]['field']; $fields = $fields.add($('[name="' + field + '"], [name="' + field + '[]"]')); } // Check current condition for element linkedoptions($target); // Attach events to referenced element, to check condition on change $fields.on('change', function() { linkedoptions($target, true); }); })(); } } /** * Initialize 'showon' feature */ $(document).ready(function() { setUpShowon(); // Setup showon feature in the subform field $(document).on('subform-row-add', function(event, row) { var $row = $(row), $elements = $row.find('[data-showon]'), baseName = $row.data('baseName'), group = $row.data('group'), search = new RegExp('\\[' + baseName + '\\]\\[' + baseName + 'X\\]', 'g'), replace = '[' + baseName + '][' + group + ']', $elm, showon; // Fix showon field names in a current group for (var i = 0, l = $elements.length; i < l; i++) { $elm = $($elements[i]); showon = $elm.attr('data-showon').replace(search, replace); $elm.attr('data-showon', showon); } setUpShowon(row); }); }); })(jQuery); })(document, Joomla);