Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/media/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/backend/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/media/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/backend/js/joomlamailer.preview.js |
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 freakedout (www.freakedout.de) * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ !function($) { $(document).ready(function() { joomlamailerJS.preview = { get: function() { var form = $('#adminForm'); var data = { 'campaignName': encodeURI($('#campaign_name').val()), 'subject': encodeURI($('#subject').val()), 'from_name': encodeURI($('#from_name').val()), 'from_email': encodeURI($('#from_email').val()), 'reply_email': encodeURI($('#reply_email').val()), 'confirmation_email': encodeURI($('#confirmation_email').val()) } data['text_only'] = ($('#text_only').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0); if (data['text_only']) { data['text_only_content'] = encodeURI($('#text_only_content').val()); } else { data['template'] = encodeURI($('#template').val()); data['intro'] = encodeURI(joomlamailerJS.create.getIntroContent()); var postDataEval = new Object(); $.each(postData, function(index, value) { postDataEval[index] = encodeURI(eval(value)); }); data['postData'] = postDataEval; data['sidebarElements'] = new Object(); $.each(sidebarElements, function(index, value) { data['sidebarElements'][value] = value; }); data['socialIcons'] = new Object(); $.each(socialIcons, function(index, value) { data['socialIcons'][value] = $('#' + value).val(); }); data['includeComponents'] = includeComponents; data['includeComponentsFields'] = includeComponentsFields; data['includeComponentsOptions'] = new Object(); data['componentsPostData'] = new Object(); $.each(includeComponents, function(index1, component) { if (includeComponentsOptions[component] !== undefined) { $.each(includeComponentsOptions[component], function(index2, cOption) { if (form.find('#' + cOption)) { if (form.find('#' + cOption).attr('type') == 'checkbox') { if (form.find('#' + cOption).is(':checked') == true) { data['includeComponentsOptions'][cOption] = 1; } else { data['includeComponentsOptions'][cOption] = 0; } } else { data['includeComponentsOptions'][cOption] = new Object(); if (form.find('#' + cOption).length == 1) { data['includeComponentsOptions'][cOption] = form.find('#' + cOption).val(); } else if (form.find('#' + cOption).length > 1) { $.each(form.find('#' + cOption + ' :selected'), function(index3) { data['includeComponentsOptions'][cOption][index3] = $(this).val(); }); } } } }); } data['componentsPostData'][component] = new Object(); if (form.find('[name=' + component + '\\[\\]]').length > 0) { $.each(form.find('[name=' + component + '\\[\\]]'), function(index, elem) { if ($(this).is(':checked') == true) { var thisId = $(this).val(); var objectIndex = Object.keys(data['componentsPostData'][component]).length; data['componentsPostData'][component][objectIndex] = new Object(); data['componentsPostData'][component][objectIndex]['itemId'] = thisId; if (includeComponentsFields[component] !== undefined && Object.keys(includeComponentsFields[component]).length > 0) { $.each(includeComponentsFields[component], function(index2, field) { if (form.find('[name=' + field + thisId + ']').length == 1) { if (form.find('[name=' + field + thisId + ']').is(':checked') == true) { data['componentsPostData'][component][objectIndex][field + thisId] = form.find('[name=' + field + thisId + ']').val(); } else { data['componentsPostData'][component][objectIndex][field + thisId] = 0; } } else if (form.find('[name=' + field + thisId + ']').length > 1) { $.each(form.find('[name=' + field + thisId + ']'), function(index3, elem3) { if ($(this).is(':checked') == true) { data['componentsPostData'][component][objectIndex][field + thisId] = $(this).val(); } }); } }); } } }); } }); // table of content data['includeTableofcontent'] = includeTableofcontent; if ($('#populararticles').is(':checked') == true) { data['popular'] = 1; data['populararticlesAmount'] = $('#populararticlesAmount').val(); //exclude selected = new Array(); $.each($('#popExclude option:selected'), function() { selected.push($(this).val()); }); data['popEx'] = selected; //include selected = new Array(); $.each($('#popInclude option:selected'), function() { selected.push($(this).val()); }); data['popIn'] = selected; } else { data['popular'] = 0; data['populararticlesAmount'] = 0; data['popEx'] = 'false'; data['popIn'] = 'false'; } data['k2_installed'] = ($('#k2_installed').val() == 1) ? 1 : 0; if (data['k2_installed'] == 1) { if ($('#populark2').is(':checked') == true) { data['populark2'] = 1; //exclude selected = new Array(); $.each($('#popk2Exclude option:selected'), function() { selected.push($(this).val()); }); data['popk2Ex'] = selected; //include selected = new Array(); $.each($('#popk2Include option:selected'), function() { selected.push($(this).val()); }); data['popk2In'] = selected; } else { data['populark2'] = 0; data['popk2Ex'] = 'false'; data['popk2In'] = 'false'; } data['populark2_only'] = ($('#populark2_only').is(':checked') == true) ? 1 : 0; } } if ($('#gaEnabled').is(':checked') == true) { data['gaEnabled'] = 1; data['gaSource'] = $('#gaSource').val(); data['gaMedium'] = $('#gaMedium').val(); data['gaName'] = $('#gaName').val(); data['gaExcluded'] = encodeURI($('#gaExcluded').val()); } else { data['gaEnabled'] = 0; } $.ajax({ url: joomlamailerJS.misc.adminUrl + 'index.php?option=com_joomailermailchimpintegration&controller=create&task=preview&format=raw', type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function(postback) { if (postback.msg) { $('#preview').html(postback.msg + postback.html); } else { $('#preview').html(postback.html); } if (postback.js) { eval(postback.js); } $('#ajax-spin').addClass('hidden'); $('#preview').css({'opacity': ''}); } }); } } }); }(jQuery);