Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/core/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/core/bot.php |
<?php /** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die(); /** * T3Bot class * Auto trigger * * @package T3 */ class T3Bot extends JObject { // call before checking & loading T3 public static function preload () { // NO NEED TO reupdate megamenu configuration return; // check if menu is alter, then turn a flag to reupdate megamenu configuration $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; if ($input->get('option') == 'com_menus' && preg_match('#save|apply|trash|remove|delete|publish|order#i', $input->get('task'))) { // get all template styles $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->select('*') ->from('#__template_styles') ->where('client_id=0'); $db->setQuery($query); $themes = $db->loadObjectList(); //update all global parameters foreach($themes as $theme){ $registry = new JRegistry; $registry->loadString($theme->params); $mm_config = $registry->get('mm_config'); if (!$mm_config) continue; // turn on flag $registry->set('mm_config_needupdate', 1); //overwrite with new value $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->update('#__template_styles') ->set('params =' . $db->quote($registry->toString())) ->where('id =' . (int)$theme->id); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } // force reload cache template $cache = JFactory::getCache('com_templates', ''); $cache->clean(); } } // call before call T3::init public static function beforeInit () { } // call after call T3::init public static function afterInit () { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $input = $app->input; $tplparams = $app->getTemplate(true)->params; if (!$app->isAdmin()) { // check if need update megamenu configuration if ($tplparams->get ('mm_config_needupdate')) { T3::import('menu/megamenu'); T3::import('admin/megamenu'); $currentconfig = @json_decode($tplparams->get ('mm_config', ''), true); if (!is_array($currentconfig)){ $currentconfig = array(); } else { $menuassoc = T3AdminMegamenu::menus(); $menulangs = array(); $menutypes = array(); foreach ($menuassoc as $key => $massoc) { $menutypes[] = $massoc->value; $menulangs[$massoc->value] = $massoc->language; } } foreach ($currentconfig as $menukey => $mmconfig) { if (!is_array($mmconfig)){ continue; } $menutype = $menukey; if(!in_array($menutype, $menutypes) && preg_match('@(-(\d))+$@', $menukey, $match)){ $menutype = preg_replace('@(-(\d))+$@', '', $menutype); $access = explode('-', $match[0]); $access[] = 1; $access = array_filter($access); $access = array_unique($access); $mmconfig['access'] = $access; } if(!in_array($menutype, $menutypes)){ continue; } $mmconfig['language'] = $menulangs[$menutype]; $menu = new T3MenuMegamenu ($menutype, $mmconfig); $children = $menu->get ('children'); //remove additional settings unset($mmconfig['language']); unset($mmconfig['access']); foreach ($mmconfig as $item => $setting) { if (is_array($setting) && isset($setting['sub'])) { $sub = &$setting['sub']; $id = (int) substr($item, 5); // remove item- $modify = false; if (!isset($children[$id]) || !count ($children[$id])){ //check and remove any empty row for ($j=0; $j < count($sub['rows']); $j++) { $remove = true; for ($k=0; $k < count($sub['rows'][$j]); $k++) { if (isset($sub['rows'][$j][$k]['position'])) { $remove = false; break; } } if($remove){ $modify = true; unset($sub['rows'][$j]); } } if($modify){ $sub['rows'] = array_values($sub['rows']); //re-index $mmconfig[$item]['sub'] = $sub; } continue; } $items = array(); foreach ($sub['rows'] as $row) { foreach ($row as $col) { if (!isset($col['position'])) { $items[] = $col['item']; } } } // update the order of items $_items = array(); $_itemsids = array(); $firstitem = 0; foreach ($children[$id] as $child) { $_itemsids[] = (int)$child->id; if (!$firstitem) $firstitem = (int)$child->id; if (in_array($child->id, $items)) { $_items [] = (int)$child->id; } } // $_items[0] = $firstitem; if (empty($_items) || $_items[0] != $firstitem) { if (count ($_items) == count($items)) { $_items[0] = $firstitem; } else { array_splice($_items, 0, 0, $firstitem); } } // no need update config for this item if ($items == $_items) continue; // update back to setting $i = 0; $c = count ($_items); for ($j=0; $j < count($sub['rows']); $j++) { for ($k=0; $k < count($sub['rows'][$j]); $k++) { if (!isset($sub['rows'][$j][$k]['position'])) { $sub['rows'][$j][$k]['item'] = $i < $c ? $_items[$i++] : ""; } } } //update - add new rows for new items - at the first rows if(!empty($_items) && count($items) == 0){ $modify = true; array_unshift($sub['rows'], array(array('item' => $_items[0], 'width' => 12))); } //check and remove any empty row for ($j=0; $j < count($sub['rows']); $j++) { $remove = true; for ($k=0; $k < count($sub['rows'][$j]); $k++) { if (isset($sub['rows'][$j][$k]['position']) || in_array($sub['rows'][$j][$k]['item'], $_itemsids)) { $remove = false; break; } } if($remove){ $modify = true; unset($sub['rows'][$j]); } } if($modify){ $sub['rows'] = array_values($sub['rows']); //re-index } $mmconfig[$item]['sub'] = $sub; } } $currentconfig[$menukey] = $mmconfig; } // update megamenu back to other template styles parameter $mm_config = json_encode($currentconfig, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // update megamenu back to current template style parameter $template = $app->getTemplate(true); $params = $template->params; $params->set ('mm_config', $mm_config); $template->params = $params; //update the cache T3::setTemplate(T3_TEMPLATE, $params); //get all other styles that have the same template $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->select('*') ->from('#__template_styles') ->where('template=' . $db->quote(T3_TEMPLATE)) ->where('client_id=0'); $db->setQuery($query); $themes = $db->loadObjectList(); //update all global parameters foreach($themes as $theme){ $registry = new JRegistry; $registry->loadString($theme->params); $registry->set('mm_config', $mm_config); //overwrite with new value $registry->set('mm_config_needupdate', ""); //overwrite with new value $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query ->update('#__template_styles') ->set('params =' . $db->quote($registry->toString())) ->where('id =' . (int)$theme->id); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } // force reload cache template $cache = JFactory::getCache('com_templates', ''); $cache->clean(); } } } // call when prepare form for template parameter // looking in less/extras folder to render parameters for extended template style public static function prepareForm (&$form) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // load add-ons setting $path = T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/less/extras'; if (!is_dir ($path)) return ; $files = JFolder::files($path, '.less'); if (!$files || !count($files)){ return ; } $extras = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $extras[] = JFile::stripExt($file); } if (count($extras)) { //load languages if(!defined('T3_TEMPLATE')){ JFactory::getLanguage()->load(T3_PLUGIN, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); } $_xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?> <form> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="addon_params" label="T3_ADDON_LABEL" description="T3_ADDON_DESC"> <field type="t3depend" name="t3_addon_theme_extra" function="@legend" label="T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_LABEL" description="T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_DESC" /> '; foreach ($extras as $extra) { $_xml .= ' <field name="theme_extras_'.$extra.'" global="1" type="menuitem" multiple="true" default="" label="'.$extra.'" description="'.$extra.'" published="1" class="t3-extra-setting"> <option value="-1">T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_ALL</option> <option value="0">T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_NONE</option> </field>'; } $_xml .= ' </fieldset> </fields> </form> '; $xml = simplexml_load_string($_xml); $form->load ($xml, false); } } public static function extraFields(&$form, $data, $tplpath){ if ($form->getName() == 'com_categories.categorycom_content' || $form->getName() == 'com_content.article') { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // check for extrafields overwrite $path = $tplpath . '/etc/extrafields'; if (!is_dir ($path)) return ; $files = JFolder::files($path, '.xml'); if (!$files || !count($files)){ return ; } $extras = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $extras[] = JFile::stripExt($file); } if (count($extras)) { if ($form->getName() == 'com_categories.categorycom_content'){ //load languages if(!defined('T3_TEMPLATE')){ JFactory::getLanguage()->load(T3_PLUGIN, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); } $_xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?> <form> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="t3_extrafields_params" label="T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_GROUP_LABEL" description="T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_GROUP_DESC"> <field name="t3_extrafields" type="list" default="" show_none="true" label="T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_LABEL" description="T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_DESC"> <option value="">JNONE</option>'; foreach ($extras as $extra) { $_xml .= '<option value="' . $extra . '">' . ucfirst($extra) . '</option>'; } $_xml .= ' </field> </fieldset> </fields> </form> '; $xml = simplexml_load_string($_xml); $form->load ($xml, false); } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $input = $app->input; $fdata = empty($data) ? $input->post->get('jform', array(), 'array') : (is_object($data) ? $data->getProperties() : $data); $catid = $input->getInt('catid', $app->getUserState('com_content.articles.filter.category_id')); if(!$catid && is_array($fdata) && !empty($fdata)){ $catid = $fdata['catid']; } if($catid){ if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')){ jimport('joomla.application.categories'); } $categories = JCategories::getInstance('Content', array('countItems' => 0 )); $category = $categories->get($catid); $params = $category->params; if(!$params instanceof JRegistry) { $params = new JRegistry; $params->loadString($category->params); } if($params instanceof JRegistry){ $extrafile = $path . '/' . $params->get('t3_extrafields') . '.xml'; if(is_file($extrafile)){ JForm::addFormPath($path); $form->loadFile($params->get('t3_extrafields'), false); } } } } } } } }