Direktori : /home1/lightco1/www/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/t3/admin/tour/js/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/www/aldobernardi.com.au/plugins/system/t3/admin/tour/js/tour.js |
/** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ !function ($) { var Tour = function(option){ // JOOM: all tour elements var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.t3tour.defaults, option); if(!options.tours.length){ return false; } this.activeTour = null; this.activated = false; this.options = options; this.parse (); this.bind(); this.firstShow(); return this; }; Tour.prototype = { parse: function () { this.tours = {}; for (i = 0; i < this.options.tours.length; i++) { var tip = this.options.tours[i]; if(tip){ this.tours[tip.id] = tip; if (tip.monitor && 0) { // bind the context tip this.bindContextTip (tip); } } } }, /* we can restart or stop the tour, and also navigate through the steps **/ startTour: function(){ // add class activated to control // $('#t3-admin-tour-overlay').addClass ('t3-admin-tour-activated'); this.activated = true; $('.t3-admin-tour-intro').hide(); this.nextStep(); }, /* find active tour for current context */ activateTour: function (firstTour) { var i = 0, activeTour = null, activeIntro = ''; if (!firstTour) { for (i=0; i < this.options.plays.length; i++) { if (this.options.plays[i].when()) { activeTour = this.options.plays[i].tour; if (this.options.plays[i].intro !== undefined) activeIntro = this.options.plays[i].intro; break; } } } if (!activeTour || !activeTour.length) { activeTour = this.options.first.tour; activeIntro = this.options.first.intro; } this.activeTour = []; var j = 0; for (i=0; i < activeTour.length; i++) { if (this.tours[activeTour[i]] !== undefined) this.activeTour[j++] = this.tours[activeTour[i]]; } this.total_steps = this.activeTour.length; if (!this.total_steps) return false; this.step = 0; this.currentTip = null; this.activeIntro = activeIntro; $('#t3-admin-tour-controls .t3-admin-tour-idx').text (this.step); $('#t3-admin-tour-controls .t3-admin-tour-total').text (this.total_steps); return true; }, nextStep: function(){ this.hideTip (); if (!this.activeTour) return; if(this.step >= this.total_steps){ // endtour; this.endTour (); return false; } ++this.step; this.direction = 1; this.showTip(); }, prevStep: function(){ this.hideTip (); if(this.step <= 1){ this.endTour (); return false; } --this.step; this.direction = -1; this.showTip(); }, endTour: function(){ this.hideTip (); this.hideControls(); this.activeTour = null; this.activated = false; }, restartTour: function(){ this.step = 0; this.nextStep(); }, showTip: function(atip){ this.actionStatus (); this.currentTip = atip === undefined ? this.activeTour[this.step-1] : atip; if (this.currentTip.beforeShow !== undefined && $.isFunction(this.currentTip.beforeShow)){ this.currentTip.beforeShow.apply(this); } var tip = $(this.currentTip.element); if (!tip.length) { // show next tip if (this.direction == 1) this.nextStep (); else this.prevStep (); return ; } tip.popover ({ html: true, placement: this.currentTip.position, trigger: 'manual', template: '<div class="popover t3-admin-tour-popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner">' + '<h3 class="popover-title"></h3>' + '<div class="popover-content"><div></div></div>' + '<div class="popover-controls"></div>' + '</div></div>', title: this.currentTip.title, content: this.currentTip.text }); tip.popover ('show'); // add active/highlight class if (this.currentTip.highlighter) $(this.currentTip.highlighter).addClass ('t3-admin-tour-hilite'); tip.addClass ('t3-admin-tour-active t3-admin-tour-hilite') if ($.isFunction(this.currentTip.afterShow)){ this.currentTip.afterShow.apply(this); } // controls if ($('.popover-controls').length) $('.popover-controls').html('').append($('#t3-admin-tour-controls')); if (atip !== undefined) { $('.popover-controls').addClass ('t3-admin-tour-single-tip'); } this.focusTip(); }, focusTip: function(){ // scroll to target $('html, body').stop(true); setTimeout(function(){ var tipover = $('.t3-admin-tour-popover'); tipover.t3imgload(function(){ if(tipover.offset().top < $(window).scrollTop() || (tipover.offset().top + tipover.outerHeight(true)) > ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height())){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: Math.max(0, tipover.offset().top - ($(window).height() - tipover.outerHeight(true))/ 2) }); } }); }, 160); }, hideTip: function () { // hide current tips $('#t3-admin-tour-controls').appendTo ($('body')); if (this.currentTip) { var tip = $(this.currentTip.element) tip.popover('destroy'); if (this.currentTip.highlighter) $(this.currentTip.highlighter).removeClass ('t3-admin-tour-hilite'); tip.removeClass ('t3-admin-tour-active t3-admin-tour-hilite'); this.currentTip = null; } if ($(document.body).data ('t3-admin-tour-contextTip')) { var tip = $(document.body).data ('t3-admin-tour-contextTip'); $(document.body).data ('t3-admin-tour-contextTip', null); this.unbindContextTip (tip); } }, actionStatus: function () { if (this.step <= 1) $('.t3-admin-tour-prevtourstep').addClass ('disabled'); else $('.t3-admin-tour-prevtourstep').removeClass ('disabled'); if (this.step >= this.total_steps) $('.t3-admin-tour-nexttourstep').addClass ('disabled'); else $('.t3-admin-tour-nexttourstep').removeClass ('disabled'); $('#t3-admin-tour-controls .t3-admin-tour-idx').text (this.step); }, bind: function(){ if(Tour.isbind){ return false; } Tour.isbind = true; var self = this; $(document.body).on('click', '.t3-admin-tour-starttour, .t3-admin-tour-canceltour, .t3-admin-tour-endtour, .t3-admin-tour-restarttour, .t3-admin-tour-nexttourstep, .t3-admin-tour-prevtourstep', function(){ var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass ('disabled')) return; if ($this.hasClass ('t3-admin-tour-starttour')) { self.startTour(); } if ($this.hasClass ('t3-admin-tour-endtour')) { self.endTour(); } if ($this.hasClass ('t3-admin-tour-restarttour')) { self.restartTour(); } if ($this.hasClass ('t3-admin-tour-nexttourstep')) { self.nextStep(); } if ($this.hasClass ('t3-admin-tour-prevtourstep')) { self.prevStep(); } return false; }); $(document).keydown(function (e) { if (!self.activeTour) return true; if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.endTour(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { self.startTour(); return false; } if (!self.activated) return true; if (e.keyCode == 37) { self.prevStep(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 39) { self.nextStep(); return false; } }); // add help button to tab description $('.t3-admin-fieldset-desc').append ('<span class="t3-admin-tour-help"><i class="icon-question-sign"></i></span>'); $('.t3-admin-tour-help').click(function(){ self.showControls(); }) }, showControls: function(firstTour){ if(this.options.onShow && $.isFunction(this.options.onShow)){ this.options.onShow(this); } if (this.moveControls === undefined) { this.moveControls = true; $('#t3-admin-tour-overlay').appendTo ($('body')); // $('#t3-admin-tour-controls').appendTo ($('body')); } if (!this.activateTour(firstTour)) return; if (this.activeIntro) { $('.t3-admin-tour-intro').show().children('.t3-admin-tour-intro-msg').html (this.activeIntro); } else { this.startTour(); } // $('#t3-admin-tour-controls').show(); $('#t3-admin-tour-overlay').show(); }, hideControls: function(){ // $('#t3-admin-tour-controls').hide(); // $('#t3-admin-tour-controls').removeClass ('t3-admin-tour-activated'); $('#t3-admin-tour-overlay').hide(); }, bindContextTip: function (tip) { $(tip.element).on (tip.monitor, function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); if ($(document.body).data ('t3-admin-tour-contextTip')) return; $(document.body).data('t3tour').showTip (tip); $(document.body).data('t3-admin-tour-contextTip', tip); $(tip.element).off(tip.monitor); }); }, unbindContextTip: function (tip) { return; }, defaultTour: function () { this.showControls (true); }, firstShow: function () { if (!$.cookie('t3-admin-tour-firstshow')) { //this.defaultTour(); var placed = $('#t3-admin-tb-help'), tip = $('#t3-admin-tour-quickhelp'); tip .appendTo($('#t3-admin-toolbar')) .css({ display: 'inline-block', opacity: 0, }) .delay(2000).fadeTo(700, 1) .on('click', $.proxy(this.defaultTour, this)) .find('.close') .on('click', function(){ tip.fadeTo(500, 0, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); $.cookie('t3-admin-tour-firstshow', '1', { expires: 365, path: '/' }); return false; }); } } }; $.fn.t3tour = function(option){ return this.each(function () { var jelm = $(this), data = jelm.data('t3tour'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) { jelm.data('t3tour', (data = new Tour(options))); } else { if (typeof option == 'string' && data[option]){ data[option]() } } }) }; $.fn.t3tour.defaults = { // JOOM: all tour elements tours: [], //define if steps should change automatically autoplay: false, //timeout for the step showtime: null, //current step of the tour step: 0, //total number of steps // JOOM: enable/disable overlay tour_overlay: true }; }(jQuery);