Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/media/sigplus/js/initialization.js
/**@license sigplus client-side initialization script
* @author Levente Hunyadi
* @version 1.5.0
* @remarks Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Levente Hunyadi
* @remarks Licensed under GNU/GPLv3, see
* @see
'use strict';
let sigplus = window['sigplus'] || {};
window['sigplus'] = sigplus;
sigplus['lightbox'] = sigplus['lightbox'] || {};
* Unwraps galleries protected by <noscript>, applies anchor and image attributes and removes helper elements.
* @param {string} id An HTML identifier.
function __sigplusInitialize(id) {
if (window.CSS && window.CSS.escape) {
id = window.CSS.escape(id);
let gallery = document.querySelector('#' + id + '.sigplus-gallery');
if (gallery) {
// unwrap galleries from <noscript> elements
[]'noscript'), function (item) {
let noscript = /** @type {!Element} */ (item);
let elem = document.createElement('div');
elem.innerHTML = /** @type {string} */ (noscript['innerText']); // <noscript> elements are not parsed when javascript is enabled
let replacement = elem.firstChild === elem.lastChild ? elem.firstChild : elem; // unwrap child from parent element with single child
noscript.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, noscript);
// apply anchor and image attributes
[]'a'), function (item) {
let anchor = /** @type {!HTMLAnchorElement} */ (item);
let image = /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (anchor.querySelector('img'));
if (image) {
anchor.setAttribute('title', image.getAttribute('alt'));
// assign summary text (with HTML support)
let parent = anchor.parentNode;
if (parent) { // skip anchors that are not sigplus gallery image anchors
let summary = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (parent.querySelector('.sigplus-summary'));
if (summary) {
anchor.setAttribute('title', summary['innerText']);
let html = summary.innerHTML;
if (html) {
anchor.setAttribute('data-summary', html);
let targetanchor = /** @type {!HTMLAnchorElement} */ (summary.querySelector('a'));
if (targetanchor) { // summary contains an anchor, which should be set as a preferred target for the image
anchor.setAttribute('data-href', targetanchor.href);
// assign download URL
let downloadanchor = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (parent.querySelector('.sigplus-download'));
if (downloadanchor) {
anchor.setAttribute('data-download', downloadanchor.href);
let title = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (parent.querySelector('.sigplus-title'));
if (title) {
let html = title.innerHTML;
if (html) {
anchor.setAttribute('data-title', html);
// apply click prevention to galleries without lightbox
[]'#' + id + '.sigplus-lightbox-none a.sigplus-image'), function (item) {
let anchor = /** @type {!HTMLAnchorElement} */ (item);
let link = anchor.getAttribute('data-href');
if (link) { // there is a preferred target for the image
anchor.href = link; = anchor.getAttribute('data-target');
} else {
anchor.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
window['__sigplusInitialize'] = __sigplusInitialize;
* Apply caption text templates.
* @param {string} id An HTML identifier.
* @param {string} titletemplate A template for titles to use for making substitutions.
* @param {string} summarytemplate A template for summary text to use for making substitutions.
function __sigplusCaption(id, titletemplate, summarytemplate) {
if (window.CSS && window.CSS.escape) {
id = window.CSS.escape(id);
* @param {number} bytes
* @return {string}
function bytesToSize(bytes) {
if (bytes == 0) {
return '0 B';
} else {
let sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
let i = (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1000)) | 0; // coerce to integer
return (bytes / Math.pow(1000, i)).toPrecision(3) + ' ' + sizes[i];
* Matches a string against a regular expression and returns the first matched group if any.
* @param {string} str A string to be matched.
* @param {!RegExp} regexp A regular expression to match.
* @return {string}
function match(str, regexp) {
let res = regexp.exec(str);
return res ? res[1] : '';
let anchors = document.querySelectorAll('#' + id + ' a.sigplus-image');
titletemplate = titletemplate || '{$text}';
summarytemplate = summarytemplate || '{$text}';
[], function (item, index) {
let anchor = /** @type {!HTMLAnchorElement} */ (item);
* @param {string} template
* @param {string} text
function _subs(template, text) {
let filename = decodeURIComponent(anchor.getAttribute('data-image-file-name') || anchor.pathname || '');
let replacement = { // template replacement rules
'text': text || '',
'name': match(filename, /([^\/]+?)(\.[^.\/]+)?$/), // keep only file name from path (excluding extension)
'filename': match(filename, /([^\/]+)$/), // keep only file name component from path (including extension)
'filesize': bytesToSize(parseInt(anchor.getAttribute('data-image-file-size'), 10)),
'current': index + 1, // index is zero-based but user interface needs one-based counter
'total': anchors.length
return template.replace(/\\?\{\$([^{}]+)\}/g, function (match, name) {
return replacement[name];
* @param {!HTMLElement} elem
* @param {string} attr
* @param {string} template
function _subsattr(elem, attr, template) {
elem.setAttribute(attr, _subs(template, elem.getAttribute(attr)));
// apply template to summary text
_subsattr(anchor, 'data-summary', summarytemplate);
// apply template to "title" attribute of anchor element
_subsattr(anchor, 'title', summarytemplate);
// apply template to "alt" attribute of image element wrapped in anchor
let image = /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (anchor.querySelector('img'));
if (image) {
_subsattr(image, 'alt', titletemplate);
window['__sigplusCaption'] = __sigplusCaption;