Direktori : /home1/lightco1/public_html/hinkley.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/admin/ |
Current File : //home1/lightco1/public_html/hinkley.com.au/plugins/system/t3/includes/admin/theme.php |
<?php /** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // add new Less format class to work with joomla 3.3 if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.3.0') >= 0) { T3::import('format/less3.3'); } /** * * Admin helper module class * @author JoomlArt * */ class T3AdminTheme { /** * * save Profile */ public static function response($data){ die(json_encode($data)); } public static function error($msg){ return self::response(array('error' => $msg)); } public static function save($path) { $result = array(); if(empty($path)){ return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_UNKNOWN_THEME')); } $theme = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('theme'); $from = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('from'); if (!$theme) { return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_INVALID_DATA_TO_SAVE')); } //incase empty from if(!$from){ $from = 'base'; } // $file = $path . '/less/themes/' . $theme . '/variables-custom.less'; $file =T3Path::getLocalPath('less/themes/' . $theme . '/variables-custom.less'); if(!class_exists('JRegistryFormatLESS')){ T3::import('format/less'); } $variables = new JRegistry(); $variables->loadObject($_POST); $data = $variables->toString('LESS'); $type = 'new'; if (JFile::exists($file)) { $type = 'overwrite'; } else { if($theme != $from && JFolder::exists($path . '/less/themes/' . $from)){ $source = $path . '/less/themes/' . $from; if (!JFolder::exists($source)) { // try to find the source in local $source = T3Path::getPath('less/themes/' . $from); if (!$source) { return self::error(JText::sprintf('T3_TM_NOT_FOUND', $from)); } } $desc = T3Path::getLocalPath('less/themes/' . $theme); if(@JFolder::copy($source, $desc) != true){ return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_NOT_FOUND')); } // detect & copy rtl $rtlsource = $path . '/less/rtl/' . $from; if (!JFolder::exists($rtlsource)) { // try to find the source in local $rtlsource = T3Path::getPath('less/rtl/' . $from); } if ($rtlsource) { $rtldest = T3Path::getLocalPath('less/rtl/' . $theme); // copy $from to $theme @JFolder::copy($rtlsource, $rtldest); } } } $return = @JFile::write($file, $data); if (!$return) { return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_OPERATION_FAILED')); } else { $result['success'] = JText::sprintf('T3_TM_SAVE_SUCCESSFULLY', $theme); $result['theme'] = $theme; $result['type'] = $type; } //LessHelper::compileForTemplate(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH, $theme); T3::import ('core/less'); T3Less::compileAll($theme); return self::response($result); } /** * * Clone Profile */ public static function duplicate($path) { $theme = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('theme'); $from = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('from'); $result = array(); if (empty($theme) || empty($from)) { return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_INVALID_DATA_TO_SAVE')); } $source = $path . '/less/themes/' . $from; if (!JFolder::exists($source)) { // try to find the source in local $source = T3Path::getPath('less/themes/' . $from); if (!$source) { return self::error(JText::sprintf('T3_TM_NOT_FOUND', $from)); } } // $dest = $path . '/less/themes/' . $theme; // clone to local $dest = T3Path::getLocalPath('less/themes/' . $theme); if (JFolder::exists($dest)) { return self::error(JText::sprintf('T3_TM_EXISTED', $theme)); } // copy $from to $theme $status = @JFolder::copy($source, $dest); $rtlsource = $path . '/less/rtl/' . $from; if (!JFolder::exists($rtlsource)) { // try to find the source in local $rtlsource = T3Path::getPath('less/rtl/' . $from); } if ($rtlsource) { $rtldest = T3Path::getLocalPath('less/rtl/' . $theme); // copy $from to $theme @JFolder::copy($rtlsource, $rtldest); } $result = array(); if ($status) { $result['success'] = JText::_('T3_TM_CLONE_SUCCESSFULLY'); $result['theme'] = $theme; $result['reset'] = true; $result['type'] = 'duplicate'; } else { return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_OPERATION_FAILED')); } //LessHelper::compileForTemplate(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH , $theme); T3::import ('core/less'); T3Less::compileAll($theme); return self::response($result); } /** * * Delete a profile */ public static function delete($path) { // Initialize some variables $theme = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('theme'); $result = array(); if (!$theme) { return self::error(JText::_('T3_TM_UNKNOWN_THEME')); } // delete custom theme $paths = array(); $paths = array_merge($paths, T3Path::getAllPath('less/themes/' . $theme)); $paths = array_merge($paths, T3Path::getAllPath('css/themes/' . $theme)); $paths = array_merge($paths, T3Path::getAllPath('less/rtl/' . $theme)); $paths = array_merge($paths, T3Path::getAllPath('css/rtl/' . $theme)); $errors = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_dir ($path) && !@JFolder::delete($path)) { $errors[] = $path; } } if (count($errors)) { return self::error(JText::sprintf('T3_TM_DELETE_FAIL', implode(' - ', $errors))); } else { $result['template'] = '0'; $result['success'] = JText::sprintf('T3_TM_DELETE_SUCCESSFULLY', $theme); $result['theme'] = $theme; $result['type'] = 'delete'; } return self::response($result); } /** * * Show thememagic form */ public static function thememagic($path) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $input = $app->input; $isadmin = $app->isAdmin(); if($isadmin){ $tplparams = T3::getTplParams(); } else { $tplparams = $app->getTemplate(true)->params; } $url = $isadmin ? JUri::root(true).'/index.php' : JUri::current(); $url .= (preg_match('/\?/', $url) ? '&' : '?') . 'themer=1'; $url .= ($tplparams->get('theme', -1) != -1 ? ('&t3style=' . $tplparams->get('theme')) : ''); if($isadmin){ $url .= '&t3tmid=' . $input->getCmd('id'); } $assetspath = T3_TEMPLATE_PATH; $themepath = $assetspath . '/less/themes'; if(!class_exists('JRegistryFormatLESS')){ include_once T3_ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/format/less.php'; } $themes = array(); $jsondata = array(); //push a default theme $tobj = new stdClass(); $tobj->id = 'base'; $tobj->title = JText::_('JDEFAULT'); $themes['base'] = $tobj; $varfile = $assetspath . '/less/variables.less'; if(file_exists($varfile)){ $params = new JRegistry; $params->loadString(JFile::read($varfile), 'LESS'); $jsondata['base'] = $params->toArray(); } // if (JFolder::exists($themepath)) { foreach (T3Path::getAllPath('/less/themes') as $themepath) { $listthemes = JFolder::folders($themepath); if (count($listthemes)) { foreach ($listthemes as $theme) { //$varsfile = $themepath . '/' . $theme . '/variables-custom.less'; //if(file_exists($varsfile)){ $tobj = new stdClass(); $tobj->id = $theme; $tobj->title = $theme; //check for all less file in theme folder $params = false; $others = JFolder::files($themepath . '/' . $theme, '.less', false, true); foreach($others as $other){ $otherrel = T3Path::relativePath('less/', str_replace (T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/', '', $other)); //get those developer custom values if($other == 'variables.less'){ $params = new JRegistry; $params->loadString(JFile::read($themepath . '/' . $theme . '/variables.less'), 'LESS'); } if($other != 'variables-custom.less'){ $tobj->$other = $otherrel; } } $cparams = new JRegistry; $varsfile = $themepath . '/' . $theme . '/variables.less'; if(file_exists($varsfile)) $cparams->loadString(JFile::read($varsfile), 'LESS'); $varsfile = $themepath . '/' . $theme . '/variables-custom.less'; if(file_exists($varsfile)) $cparams->loadString(JFile::read($varsfile), 'LESS'); if($params){ foreach ($cparams->toArray() as $key => $value) { $params->set($key, $value); } } else { $params = $cparams; } $themes[$theme] = $tobj; $jsondata[$theme] = $params->toArray(); //} } } } // get active theme $active_theme = $tplparams->get('theme', 'base'); if (!isset($themes[$active_theme])) $active_theme = 'base'; $langs = array ( 'addTheme' => JText::_('T3_TM_ASK_ADD_THEME'), 'delTheme' => JText::_('T3_TM_ASK_DEL_THEME'), 'overwriteTheme' => JText::_('T3_TM_ASK_OVERWRITE_THEME'), 'correctName' => JText::_('T3_TM_ASK_CORRECT_NAME'), 'themeExist' => JText::_('T3_TM_EXISTED'), 'saveChange' => JText::_('T3_TM_ASK_SAVE_CHANGED'), 'previewError' => JText::_('T3_TM_PREVIEW_ERROR'), 'unknownError' => JText::_('T3_MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR'), 'lblCancel' => JText::_('JCANCEL'), 'lblOk' => JText::_('T3_TM_LABEL_OK'), 'lblNo' => JText::_('JNO'), 'lblYes' => JText::_('JYES'), 'lblDefault' => JText::_('JDEFAULT') ); //Keepalive $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $lifetime = ($config->get('lifetime') * 60000); $refreshTime = ($lifetime <= 60000) ? 30000 : $lifetime - 60000; // Refresh time is 1 minute less than the liftime assined in the configuration.php file. // The longest refresh period is one hour to prevent integer overflow. if ($refreshTime > 3600000 || $refreshTime <= 0){ $refreshTime = 3600000; } $backurl = JFactory::getURI(); $backurl->delVar('t3action'); $backurl->delVar('t3task'); if(!$isadmin){ $backurl->delVar('tm'); $backurl->delVar('themer'); } T3::import('depend/t3form'); $form = new T3Form('thememagic.themer', array('control' => 't3form')); $form->load(JFile::read(JFile::exists(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/thememagic.xml') ? T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/thememagic.xml' : T3_PATH . '/params/thememagic.xml')); $form->loadFile(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/templateDetails.xml', true, '//config'); $tplform = new T3Form('thememagic.overwrite', array('control' => 't3form')); $tplform->loadFile(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/templateDetails.xml', true, '//config'); $fieldSets = $form->getFieldsets('thememagic'); $tplFieldSets = $tplform->getFieldsets('thememagic'); $disabledFieldSets = array(); foreach ($tplFieldSets as $name => $fieldSet){ if(isset($fieldSet->disabled)){ $disabledFieldSets[] = $name; } } include T3_ADMIN_PATH.'/admin/thememagic/thememagic.tpl.php'; exit(); } public static function addAssets(){ $japp = JFactory::getApplication(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); //do nothing when site is offline and user has not login (the offline page is only show login form) if ($japp->getCfg('offline') && !$user->authorise('core.login.offline')) { return; } $jdoc = JFactory::getDocument(); $params = $japp->getTemplate(true)->params; $devmode = $params->get('devmode', 0); if(defined('T3_THEMER') && $params->get('themermode', 1)){ $jdoc->addStyleSheet(T3_URL.'/css/thememagic.css'); $jdoc->addScript(T3_URL.'/js/thememagic.js'); $theme = $params->get('theme'); $params = new JRegistry; $themeinfo = new stdClass; if($theme){ foreach (T3Path::getAllPath('less/themes/' . $theme) as $themepath) { //$themepath = T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/less/themes/' . $theme; if(file_exists($themepath . '/variables-custom.less')){ if(!class_exists('JRegistryFormatLESS')){ include_once T3_ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/format/less.php'; } //default variables $varfile = T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/less/variables.less'; if(file_exists($varfile)){ $params->loadString(JFile::read($varfile), 'LESS'); //get all less files in "theme" folder $others = JFolder::files($themepath, '.less'); foreach($others as $other){ //get those developer custom values if($other == 'variables.less'){ $devparams = new JRegistry; $devparams->loadString(JFile::read($themepath . '/variables.less'), 'LESS'); //overwrite the default variables foreach ($devparams->toArray() as $key => $value) { $params->set($key, $value); } } //ok, we will import it later if($other != 'variables-custom.less' && $other != 'variables.less'){ $themeinfo->$other = true; } } //load custom variables if (file_exists($themepath . '/variables-custom.less')) { $cparams = new JRegistry; $cparams->loadString(JFile::read($themepath . '/variables-custom.less'), 'LESS'); //and overwrite those defaults variables foreach ($cparams->toArray() as $key => $value) { $params->set($key, $value); } } } } } } $cache = array(); // a little security if($user->authorise('core.manage', 'com_templates') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], JUri::base() . 'administrator') !== false)){ T3::import('core/path'); $baseurl = JUri::base(); //should we provide a list of less path foreach (array(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/less', T3_PATH . '/bootstrap/less', T3_PATH . '/less') as $lesspath) { if(is_dir($lesspath)){ $lessfiles = JFolder::files($lesspath, '.less', true, true); if(is_array($lessfiles)){ foreach ($lessfiles as $less) { $path = ltrim(str_replace(array(JPATH_ROOT, '\\'), array('', '/'), $less), '/'); $path = T3Path::cleanPath($path); $fullurl = $baseurl . preg_replace('@(\\+)|(/+)@', '/', $path); $cache[$fullurl] = JFile::read($less); } } } } } //workaround for bootstrap icon path $sparams = new JRegistry; if(defined('T3_BASE_RSP_IN_CLASS') && T3_BASE_RSP_IN_CLASS){ $sparams->set('icon-font-path', '"' . JUri::base() . 'plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/bootstrap/fonts/"'); } // enable development mode for less.js if ($devmode) { $jdoc->addScriptDeclaration(' var less = window.less || {}; less.env = \'development\'; '); } $jdoc->addScriptDeclaration(' var T3Theme = window.T3Theme || {}; T3Theme.vars = ' . json_encode($params->toArray()) . '; T3Theme.svars = ' . json_encode($sparams->toArray()) . '; T3Theme.others = ' . json_encode($themeinfo) . '; T3Theme.theme = \'' . $theme . '\'; T3Theme.template = \'' . T3_TEMPLATE . '\'; T3Theme.base = \'' . JURI::base() . '\'; T3Theme.cache = ' . json_encode($cache) . '; if(typeof less != \'undefined\'){ //we need to build one - cause the js will have unexpected behavior try{ if(window.parent != window && window.parent.T3Theme && window.parent.T3Theme.applyLess){ window.parent.T3Theme.applyLess(true); } else { less.refresh(); } } catch(e){ } }' ); } } }